Brother Fan, are you worried that after you leave this stage, your song will not have any downloads? Let me tell you, Brother Fan, your song is just like...

Chen Xianwu glanced in the direction of those who just formed the group, and lowered his voice, It's different from the songs of idol groups, the people who like your songs are not only fans! There are also many passers-by, this is the most important thing !

If you are worried that if you leave this stage, your song will not be listened to, this will never happen!

If it was an original work by a rookie singer, there might still be concerns in this regard, but Lin Fan has actually already established his reputation!

Leaving aside the song with only one lyrics, the quality of the two songs Walk in the Rain and Glory is enough to support Lin Fan to occupy a place in the songwriter industry!

Lin Fan didn't know how to explain it to Chen Xianwu, what he needed was 1 popularity point, not anything else, but what Chen Xianwu said also hit the point.

After leaving the stage of Morning Star, Lin Fan no longer has exposure, and the growth of popularity can only depend on his songs. As for the songs that have already been released, the popularity points that can be brought have basically been collected by him, and they will not provide him with popularity points in a short period of time. It will accumulate more fans and popularity for him, but it will not quench his thirst!

The exception is Glory, because this song has just come out and has not been officially uploaded to the music platform. After the official upload, it will definitely bring him a lot of popularity!

but! That is later, not now!

Lin Fan had reason to suspect that the popularity points gained after leaving the stage of Morning Star might not be included in the main task of the million popularity points by the system!

Do not ask! Asking is...

【Ding! The host's first main mission, the countdown to the task of obtaining 1 million people's energy has entered! 】

【Ding! Before the countdown ends, if the host fails to complete the main task, the task will be judged as failed! If the task fails, the host's income from the Morning Star program includes but is not limited to personal live broadcast rewards, income from various welfare lists, income from oral broadcasts, income from small commercial shooting, income from hiring the host as a stylist by the program group, and employment of trainees. The host's income as a stylist...all the income will be used by the system for public welfare and will not be distributed to the host. good luck! 】

【Countdown 14:59:59】

【Countdown 14:59:58】

【Countdown 14:59:57】


Fuck! system! You are too much!

There was no such countdown just now! I didn't say before that this main task must be completed during the recording period of Morning Star! Why did the countdown come out as soon as I suspected that the system would cheat people? This is not intentional, what is the host?

System you come out! I promise not to kill you!

But no matter how furious Lin Fan was, the system just kept silent, just so stubborn!

Lin Fan, who was caught by the system, once again felt the deep malice from the system!

15 minutes! You must increase your popularity by 1 point within 15 minutes! Otherwise, Lin Fan felt that he might really have to leave Dachang really!

The system will take away even the money I earn from my skills!

This bastard system! My heart is completely dark!

Do not! The system has no heart! Every part and every line of it is black!

Lin Fan immediately felt that the big meal on this big table was not delicious!

We must find a way!

Only one popularity point is missing to get 1 million! Only a fool would give up! And this is not just as simple as system tasks and 1 million!

The system even cheated Lin Fan of his own money! Lin Fan still owes Xia Yan's production fee and meal money! He also expects to be able to pay back the money with the styling fees settled with him by the program team and the students!

I'm really going to be cheated by the system.

He is ashamed to see Xia Yan!

It's hard to say, I really have to sell myself to Lian Xiaoyu to pay off the debt!

Brother Fan, what's the matter with you? Is there any difficulty? Chen Xianwu was extremely worried. Brother Fan couldn't have regretted his brain, right?

Lin Fan grabbed Chen Xianwu as if he had grasped a life-saving straw: Brother, let me ask you! How can you increase your followers in the shortest possible time?

Ah, increasing fans... the fastest to buy...

Lin Fan interrupted him impatiently: I want real fans! Not sailors! I only want one!

1 follower?

Chen Xianwu was taken aback by Lin Fan, what kind of weird request is this? Only 1 follower? Brother Fan's brain circuit is really different! Brother Fan can write so many good songs, it's really amazing!

Tucao back to Tucao, Chen Xianwu still quickly said a few ways that he felt would increase his followers quickly: Performance, live broadcast, lottery draw, interaction...

Lin Fan's eyes lit up, yes! There is also a live broadcast!

But, does the original body have a live broadcast account? It seems not? All the students' personal live broadcast rooms opened by the program group have been closed and can no longer be used. If Lin Fan re-registers an account to broadcast live, it is very likely that the countdown will not attract a single fan!

time! The most important thing is that time is running out!

Lin Fan raised his head and looked at Chen Xianwu with burning eyes: Brother! Do me a favor!


In the training room of Morning Star, Liu Jia is no longer Lin Fan's accompanying PD, but because of Lin Fan, Liu Jia's work in the sixth season has been affirmed and praised by the leadership. In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, Liu Jia should be able to earn a supervisor.

So when Lin Fan approached her and asked to borrow the training room, Liu Jia agreed without thinking too much. Anyway, the recording was over and everyone was drinking and socializing, so no one would use the training room.

Liu Jia randomly opened a training room and handed the key to Lin Fan: Remember to lock the door when you're done using it, and just return the key. Don't destroy it!

Don't worry, there will be absolutely no sabotage!

Okay then, I'm leaving.

Liu Jia didn't stay. She explained a few words and left directly. The celebration banquet was also a very important stage for her.

Brother Fan, what are we going to do? Chen Xianwu followed Lin Fan all the time, but he couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

Lin Fan fiddled with the stereo in the training room for a while, plugged in his own USB flash drive, and replied, You can record a short video for me, and I'll post it to my super blog later.

This is a little effort, Chen Xianwu naturally agreed: Okay! Brother Fan, what kind of video do you want to record? A farewell speech?

After Chen Xianwu was eliminated and left, he also recorded a similar farewell speech on Chaobo. He thought that Lin Fan was going to record the same.

But Lin Fan said: No, I want to sing!

Chen Xianwu took out his mobile phone and paused: Singing?

Yes, my new song! Lin Fan connected the accompaniment to the stereo, raised his head and showed his big white teeth to Chen Xianwu, You are the first person to hear me sing live, how are you, are you happy?

Chen Xianwu: Should I be happy or unhappy?


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