Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 131 The popularity value is a bit short, waiting online, it's very urgent!

Just one popularity point short of reaching 1 million popularity points, do you think it's irritating or not?

You can get 1 million Ruanmei coins by only 1 popularity point. Do you think you are in a hurry?

Lin Fan was about to be blown out of anger, but the system was always so arrogant and didn't respond at all. Lin Fan had nothing to do with the system!

The system is the real father!

Black-hearted maggot!

Lin Fan originally thought that this task was something that could not be completed, but he never took it to heart. How could he know that this task could still be completed!

But it might as well not be done! When the progress of the task is stuck at 99.99%, when I get close to the most critical line of defense with the young lady, the young lady said that the aunt is here, and she can really revive her popularity!

It's only one popularity point short, but the sixth season of Morning Star is completely over, Lin Fan is really not reconciled! Before, he tried everything possible to escape, but now, Lin Fan really wanted to continue the live broadcast for a few more minutes.

no! Can't let it go! This popularity value must be obtained! This is 1 million!

Lin Fan was in a daze when he realized that someone was hugging his neck, and then he heard Li Xiaodong's loud voice singing in his ear, which was the theme song of the sixth season of Morning Star.

And he wasn't singing alone, but the whole stage was singing! Lin Fan also saw many eliminated students walking towards the main stage from the student seats, singing along the way.

But isn't this live broadcast over? Why do you still have to perform?

This is what Lin Fan doesn't understand.

The live broadcast of the sixth season of Morning Star is indeed all over, but there are so many guardian stars in the audience, who have bought tickets from thousands of miles to watch the scene, how can they do without some special treatment?

The chorus of this theme song after the live broadcast is to give back to the guardian stars on the scene.

Similarly, after the live broadcast ended, they didn't just go their separate ways. They went back to their homes to find their own mothers. The program team also arranged a dinner for the students, with representatives of various companies, people in the circle, and the staff of the program team. Eat one meal, that is, celebration banquet + finale banquet + exchange banquet!

If there is no urgent matter, all 100 students must participate!

However, the celebration banquet has nothing to do with me. If I want popularity now, I need 1 popularity!

Lin Fan actively used his little brain and found the director: Director! Is this the end of our show?

The director was also very surprised why Lin Fan came to him, and asked such a question, didn't he want to leave immediately with his luggage as soon as the live broadcast was over? Why did you take the initiative to find it instead? Listening to the meaning of the words, there is still something to say? Or the brain circuit is relatively long, and it is only now that I realize the benefits of debuting?

Seeing this, the director asked Lin Fan back, Why, now that I've come to think of it, I'm reluctant to part with this stage? You didn't cherish it before, but now you regret it? Regrets are over!

No, no, director, you misunderstood. It is impossible to regret it. Lin Fan leaned forward with a shy face, Director, I just think that if it ends like this, is there something missing?

What's the shortcoming?

Director, look, I have a new song here, I promised to the fans, why don't you make an Easter egg for the show? What do you think?

Why did you go so early? Before the audience asked you to do another one, you were worried that the fans would regret it and wait until they got off the island to sing again. Let's talk about it now... wait, what are you talking about? What easter eggs?

End the easter egg!

The director thought about it. Lin Fan's songs are of good quality. If he is willing to sing another song as an Easter egg, as long as the quality is similar to that of Glory, it's really hard to say who will take the heat from whom! But now that the live broadcast is over, you can't open the live broadcast again, right?

one more,

Today is the group night, and Lin Fan has already stole too much of the limelight. If Lin Fan is given another chance to perform, the director is really afraid that X-STAR will be confused as soon as they form a group.

How about tomorrow, the live broadcast has been closed today, and it would not be good to start the live broadcast again. We can discuss it tomorrow and promote it in advance, which will also help your new song. And the celebration banquet will start soon, let everyone wait It's not appropriate for too long!

After thinking about it, the director politely rejected Lin Fan's idea of ​​re-hosting the live broadcast tonight.

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and found that he was speechless. In the end, he could only express his thanks, turned and left the stage.

Looking at Lin Fan's back, the director couldn't understand what Lin Fan was thinking. The children of Generation Z are so clear-headed! I don't understand!


At the celebration banquet, many people were drunk. Needless to say, the 9 students in the group had to take turns to toast the big shots and the director. At the same time, they had to accept congratulations and encouragement from others. The ass can't even touch the stool.

The other students, who were active in their thoughts, also ran around the field, dealing with each other, almost wanting to get acquainted, and give themselves a chance to start again.

Of course, there are also those who eat and drink alone, such as Lin Fan.

Chen Xianwu came to Lin Fan's side: What's wrong, Brother Fan? Why are you always depressed?

Do you regret it?

Are you unhappy seeing those people in the group?

Think you gave up too early?

Lin Fan looked at Chen Xianwu's eyes full of concern, and held back for a long time: Brother, I want to ask you something!

Brother Fan, tell me!

Looking at Lin Fan's appearance, Chen Xianwu murmured in his heart, did he really regret it? This is really a bit difficult! After all, the show is over, those who should be in a group have also formed a group, and those who should make their debut have also made their debut. Lin Fan just regrets it, and it's not easy to operate.

Lin Fan asked, Are you my fan?

Lin Fan looked at Chen Xianwu expectantly, 1 popularity! As long as you find another fan, you can increase your popularity!

The show is over, and it's impossible to get new popularity points from the audience, so I can only find a way from the students!

Brother Fan, I have always been your fan! I have downloaded all your songs! And I have recommended all your songs to my friends and family! They also like you very much, Brother Fan! Chen Xianwu Although he didn't know what Lin Fan was struggling with, it didn't prevent him from comforting Lin Fan.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The reason for laughing is that I have diehard fans of Chen Xianwu's family, young and old, as well as relatives and friends.

The reason for crying is that Chen Xianwu's family, young and old, as well as relatives and friends have all become his die-hard fans.

This is an opportunity to exploit the empty space, and I don't even leave it to myself!

Chen Xianwu's line is broken!

The popularity value is 1 point lower, what should I do?

Waiting online, very urgent!

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