It was already 11 p.m. when the live broadcast of the 6th season of Morning Star ended, but many fans who followed this show were still immersed in the excitement of forming a group, unable to extricate themselves, and many people were still fighting on the topic of Chaobo , circles, and the frontlines of forums were so excited that it was hard to fall asleep.

Wang Lingli didn't sleep either, but instead of being excited, she was sighing.

In previous years, Wang Lingli was as excited as other fans on the group nights of various talent shows, but this year, because the idol she picked is an idol who does not follow the usual path, it is obvious that she must have good looks and popularity. The popularity requires strength and strength, but she just doesn't want to make her debut!

The fans had no choice but to steam and cook their fans, each of them transformed from a fighting madman into a Buddhist girl. The excitement and excitement belonged to other fans, and had nothing to do with the rice cooker.

Inexplicably, Wang Lingli felt a little empty. She spent most of the night scrolling through hot searches, posts, various pictures, texts, and drafts of a group of 9 people on the Internet. I don't know what to brush.

Until a notification popped up on her super blog.

[Chaobo: @林豪, whom you pay special attention to, released a new update! 】

The sixth season of Morning Star came to a successful conclusion, and the prefix on Lin Fanchao's blog was taken back, and it became Lin Fan's name.

But that's not the point, the point is that Lin Fan, who was so lazy, suddenly posted a new update when it was almost midnight!

This must be seen!

Wang Lingli clicked on Chaobo in seconds, and then saw the new news just sent by Lin Fan.

【Lin Fan: Promise your second new song. small video. 】

new song! The second new song that Lin Fan promised to fans! Wang Lingli was so excited! She thought that Lin Fan would post the second song on the music platform after leaving the island! Unexpectedly, it was sent to the Chaobo account before midnight!

Lin Fan didn't break his promise!

Wang Lingli immediately took a screenshot of Lin Fan's super blog and sent it to the cooking group.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: @Everyone. sisters! Fanpan came to pay off the debt! new song! Just in Chaobo! Everyone go and listen! screenshot! 】

After sending the message, Wang Lingli didn't care if anyone responded to the message, and went directly to Chaobo, and then satisfactorily started to click on the small video under Lin Fan's text feed.

In the short video, the screen is a bit shaken, and the environment can be seen as the training room of Morning Star. Standing in the empty training room, Lin Fan asked in the direction of the camera: Are you ready? I'm starting?

The voice of a person outside the screen returned: OK! Let's get started!

Wang Lingli could tell that it was Chen Xianwu's voice, and it seemed that Lin Fan had asked him to help record a short video.

Following Chen Xianwu's start, a piece of beautiful music entered Wang Lingli's ears.

Seventy miles

the mood is free

I hope the end point is the Aegean Sea

Run with all your strength, dream on the other side


The song Running is a song that Lin Fan likes very much. When this song was the most popular, I heard that Guang Cai Ling had a pre-tax income of more than 100 million a year! Especially when Lin Fan was still in high school, every time between classes, the tape recorder in the class would play this song! The radio station in the school even directly played this song as background music!

Compared with the previous Glory, this song is a little less inspirational, but the rhythm is also very good, especially the relaxed, romantic, cozy and sunny feeling at the beginning, just like the sun on the beach with waves, A group of young people are running forward against the wind.

On the way of chasing dreams, full of vigor, energy, and hard work, it is because success shines brightly at the end of the road, which makes people constantly motivate themselves to move forward and meet challenges.

A lot of people listen to the beginning,

Can't help but love this song!

Listening, Wang Lingli couldn't help but scroll down the page, wanting to spread rumors to Lin Fan, but when she scrolled down, she realized that many people had already left messages on Lin Fan's super blog.

[Riding the Wind and the Waves: Another inspirational song! ? This is Fan Ge's third inspirational song! But why is it still so nice! 】

[The wind blows the crotch and the hair is flying: I really like this feeling! It has a completely different style from the previous Walk in the Rain and Glory! 】

[African Boyfriend: I feel like Brother Fan has already written about the theme of inspiration! It's so beautiful! 】

[Wife next door: Who cares what the subject is! Still the same sentence, if it sounds good, it's over! Brother Fan is so talented! Every song that has been written so far is very good! 】

[He Fang evildoer: I suddenly regret that I didn't put him in and out of Dao, what should I do? 】

[Don't force me to be a hooligan: Hahaha! Sister you are not alone! 】

[Princess Mortuary: A person who least wants to make a debut, but sang three inspirational songs in a row, why do I have an indescribable feeling! 】

[Beauty mole on one face: Oh, Brother Fan doesn't want to debut, but Brother Fan also has dreams! 】

[If you think about it, it will be more funny: Opening a homestay only accepts single ladies, you call it a dream? 】

Wang Lingli disagrees, why can't this be called a dream? Does it have to be that kind of lofty to be called a dream, and the ordinary is not worthy of being called a dream? Lin Fan didn't break the legal and moral bottom line, so his dream can certainly be called a dream!

It's just that Lin Fan was too salty to cook the noodles, which made Wang Lingli's fans too lazy to fight with others. As long as it wasn't the kind of intentional framing and malicious slander, Wang Lingli didn't bother to care about it.

It's better to listen to the song! Of course, comments, comments, likes and forwarding are also indispensable!

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: The general new song is also good to listen to! 】

In the video, Lin Fan sings intently in the empty training room.


we want to roam the world

See the miracle is right in front of you

Waiting for the sunset to dye the sky red

Shoulder to shoulder, make a wish——


Wang Lingli has been chasing stars for many years. At the beginning, she was no different from these idol fans now. She felt that her brother was good at everything, good-looking, strong, and good-natured. All very good! Others say it's not good because they haven't seen how hard my brother is working!

It's because others have prejudices and prejudices against my brother, and they don't want to get to know my brother well. If others come to pick my brother, they will know how hard he works and how powerful he is, and he will like him just like me!

However, after a few years, Wang Lingli looked back at her back then, wishing she could slap her into the wall and smother her to death with reinforced concrete!

Excellence is never exaggerated. Even excellent people will suffer various unfair treatment at a certain stage, face slander and misunderstanding from all sides, but time will pay you back everything. Excellent works by excellent people, fair and unbiased evaluation, a free environment that is not deliberately suppressed by opponents... Although it will be late, it will really come.

Only those who have passed the test of time and experienced great waves washing the sand, what is left is the real excellence, not the excellence that is boasted.

And Lin Fan is walking on such a road.

PS: Run, Yu Quan, Huang Zheng

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