Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 130 System, you are going too far!

No one expected that a performance accident would be reversed under the words of the poisonous Ding Erxun.

Well, although some are not very pleasant! But it is very comfortable to listen to!

[Small boobs follow my dad: Teacher Ding has changed his gender, and he actually said such positive words! 】

[The wind blows the skirt and cools the butt: You can pull it down! Teacher Ding is still so vicious, scolding Li Yingqi for nothing! But it's very rare, to praise Lin Fan so much! 】

[You annoying little goblin: Hehe, probably only Teacher Ding can change the embarrassing situation in front of him by saying these words. Who made him have a poisonous tongue? 】


Look, Brother Fan is sitting back! It's so scary, I thought Brother Fan would explode just now!

That's right, Brother Fan has always been kind to people. When everyone fights with him, he always smiles at each other. In the entire Dachang, except for the royal family, including the program group, no one hates Brother Fan. I was really afraid that Brother Fan would get angry just now!

If it were you, you would be angry too! Four thirty in the morning is synonymous with Brother Fan, three songs are original by Brother Fan, and even Zhang Xinlan's mentor wants to cover his songs. If anyone says that the source of my songs is unknown, I will fight him hard!

Brother Fan is Brother Fan, the simple action of standing up and sitting down has touched everyone's emotions! Fortunately, Teacher Ding came forward, otherwise I really don't know what the result will be.


The director team breathed a sigh of relief, and the instructors also gave Ding Erxun a thumbs up, Lao Ding, yes!

In the situation just now, it is most appropriate for Ding Erxun to come forward to scold people. A poisonous tongue is synonymous with cursing.

Ding Erxun saw several people's thumbs up, and the director and Mr. Wang's thanks coming from the earphones, smiled slightly, and sat back in his seat.

Hidden merit and fame.


As the top host in the country, Tang He saw that there was a step to step down, and he almost didn't wait for any reaction from others, and directly took over Ding Erxun's words: Yes, there is still a long way to go in life. It’s just an important turning point in our life, and there are still many ups and downs we have to face in our lives, so let’s bless the 9 students together! Next, let’s enjoy the X-STAR group performance of the sixth season of “Morning Star” show.

The music started immediately, and there was almost no time for the 9 students to react. Fortunately, everyone had practiced early and quickly set up the POSS.

It's time to be cool!

Let us forget about the right and wrong of those troubles.

Li Yingqi, who was standing in position C, breathed a sigh of relief, her face was a little stiff, but she was also a little thankful that Teacher Ding's rescue saved her from having to apologize to Lin Fan face to face, and she escaped the catastrophe perfectly.

Although I was scolded a lot, I felt an inexplicable sense of comfort!

Well, it must be an illusion!

The eight people standing behind Li Yingqi were all smiling, but if you took a closer look, you would find that everyone wanted to burn the idiot standing in front with their eyes!


The group show had nothing to do with Lin Fan, he sat aside, feeling a little bored, just now he was ready to go on stage, but now that Teacher Ding disturbed him, his mood suddenly disappeared.

Forget it, a little scumbag, there is no need to be as knowledgeable as him.

However, the mood went down, and the drowsiness came up.

The past few days were really exhausting, and after finally getting through to the last moment, when he suddenly relaxed, he really felt a little sleepy.

Lin Fan was in a daze here, but the audience in the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room were crazy with joy.

[Don't force me to play hooligans: Why am I not looking forward to a big show all of a sudden. 】

【Mom, the pig kissed me! : Yes, seeing it as a group show, why do I feel like listening to Brother Fan sing? 】

[I wish you loneliness: tsk tsk tsk, the top nine,

There is no one who can fight! I used to think that Zhuo Yuanquan was pretty good, but now compared with Brother Fan, I can't play! 】

[I forgot to take my medicine today: Look, look! Brother Fan almost fell asleep sitting there! 】

【Brother Pig, you raised your price again: That’s right, my God, it’s a group night, can Brother Fan sit and fall asleep? 】

[Dominate the kindergarten: It's impossible, anyway, is there any part of Brother Fan in the group, and Brother Fan has never thought of debuting, so there is no need to do expression management! Besides, this is not the first time Brother Fan has been lazy and slept on stage! 】


But all of this has nothing to do with Lin Fan, and he doesn't care about it. Lin Fan only cares that all his performances in Morning Star have ended so far, and when the live broadcast is over, he will be able to leave here and realize his dream!

Secondly, the popularity journey of this show is basically over here, and Lin Fan really wants to know if he can complete the task of breaking the million-dollar popularity released by the system that specializes in pit hosts!

Lin Fan sank his mind into the system: Check the popularity value!

[Current Popularity: 440677, Task Progress: 999999/1000000]

Seeing the popularity value displayed by the system, Lin Fan was overjoyed!

It turns out that there are already so many popularity points! It seems that singing new songs in a group at night really attracts popularity, even if I didn't manage it on purpose, but it also made my popularity value soar to 999999! Doesn't that mean that brother can really save 1 million popularity points before leaving, and then exchange them for 1 million soft sister coins? !

Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a little guilty. It turns out that the system is not so deceptive, and this task can still be completed! Hehehe, as long as the number goes up a little bit before the live broadcast ends! Just a little! Hey hey hey! The start-up capital for my homestay is ready!

Lin Fan stared at the popularity value, and conveyed with his thoughts: up! rise! rise!


A minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

The popularity value in the system remains motionless!

1 point of popularity, just short of this 1 point of popularity, but it has been unable to complete. There is a feeling that when downloading the mysterious code in the previous life, when the progress reached 99.99%, the download speed changed to 1B or 2B. Lin Fan was so anxious sweat!

Damn the system, it's too much! With just this 1 point of popularity, there is no way to play like this!


Seeing that there was no response from the system, Lin Fan had no choice but to keep telling himself, calm down! calm! When encountering major events, you must be calm!

Recite the Bingxin Jue silently, don't worry! Not urgent! I'm in no rush!

It doesn't matter! There is still time! After the group show, there will be some interactive sessions. Lin Fan didn't believe it anymore, until the live broadcast was completely over, this 1 point of popularity would not rise!

Then, Lin Fan remained motionless, staring at Kazilan's big eyes, staring at the system interface.

A minute passed.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Until the host Tang He announced that the live broadcast of the sixth season of Morning Star group night was over, and the popularity value in Lin Fan's system still stayed above that value.

tattoo! Silk! Do not! move!

Lin Fan, collapsed!

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