Mr. Wang, the artist director of Star Entertainment, was in a cold sweat. Facing the director's questioning, how could he know what to do?

Although everyone belongs to the same program group and belongs to an entertainment company, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager, and the director is the current manager. He only needs to order to kill Li Yingqi, and only needs to change one data, and he can let the host Tang He announce just now in a grand manner. There is a problem with the statistics of the C position, and this is definitely in line with the expectations of fans and audiences.

More importantly, if the director did this, the management would definitely not have any objections, instead they would raise their feet and clap their hands in applause! Why? Because forming a group is only the first step, the real harvesting of leeks begins at the night of forming a group! If this C position is not pleasing, the management will replace it mercilessly!

What is the use of a student who cannot create value?

Mr. Wang can't wait to go on stage and kick this damn bastard off.

What did I think at the beginning, bewitched by ghosts?

The situation was urgent, and there was no way to argue any longer, so the director had to order through the earphones: Li Yingqi, if you don't apologize for the mindless remarks just now, if you don't want to solve this matter, then today's debut night is the farewell of your acting career stage!

Whoever dares to ruin my stage, I will ruin his life!

The director is ruthless!


Mr. Wang was afraid that Li Yingqi would not listen to the director, so he grabbed the earphones and gave an order: Li Yingqi, listen to me, today is your debut night, if you mess up, you will never even think about making a debut in this life!

I have invested so much money, whoever dares to destroy my regiment, I will destroy his life!

Mr. Wang is also furious!


The host Tang He, who was standing by the side, felt that he was full of embarrassment. His sensational moment was said to be bloody chicken soup. Although it was indeed a bit of bloody chicken soup, but if you pointed it out, it would break the aura of the entire stage and break the stage. It ruined the atmosphere of the whole show, what do you want me to do now?

Dare to ruin my hosting career, boy (zei) just wait for me, you don't want to be on any show I host in this life! Remember, any show!

However, let's put the harsh words back to the harsh words, brother is the top host in the country, which colleague can come and give me some advice? How to get out of this embarrassing situation?

Waiting online, very urgent!


Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang, and Zhuo Yuanquan were cheering and congratulating each other passionately. Now when they heard Li Yingqi's speech, an unstoppable anger surged up, as if the dream they had pursued all their lives had suddenly been lost. It's like people wantonly trampled under their feet.

At this moment, the eyes of the other students who debuted were full of anger. If you form a group with such a person, you can figure it out with your toes, and your star path in the future must be full of criticism.

Can any senior tell us how to hold together to reject this C player?

Waiting online, very urgent!


Tu Jingyi, the heart of the royal family is also full of various emotions and thoughts towards Li Yingqi at this moment, big brother (dei), we are the royal family, but can we keep a low profile? Don't you know that your C seat is not justifiable? Don't you know how many fans of Zhuo Yuanquan are scolding you? Are Zhuo Yuanquan's fans better than the sum of our fans combined? Do you know how many fans Lin Fan has? Say it and scare you to death! If it wasn't for Lin Fan's refusing to make a debut, Lin Fan's fans alone would beat us up!

Although you have spoken my heart out, I will never want to experience such a social death scene like you. You tell my brother how I should help you?

Waiting online, very urgent!


Li Yingqi was complacent. What he said just now was of a high level. He belittled his opponent just right, and also improved his own level invisible. It seems that the training fee for the language class was not in vain.

I believe that my fans will love me to death after hearing my manly words. After all, fans hope to see their favorite idols be more masculine.

Don’t you see that some little fresh meat can be popular when you lift a dumbbell?

As a man like myself, I can definitely cater to fans' preferences.

However, handsome is only three seconds.

Li Yingqi was still immersed in joy, but the director's words over there completely calmed him down, the calmness of pouring a bucket of ice water over his head.

The hair on Li Yingqi's back suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Wang's voice made him sweat all over his face due to excitement, and instantly turned into cold sweat! Even, condensed into ice.

Li Yingqi's scalp was numb.

What I said just now, no... isn't it right? Isn't it handsome?

Why did the director ask me to apologize?

Why is the big boss scolding me?

what should I do? Which kind fan can save me?

Waiting online, very urgent!


Lin Fan, who was dissed, was originally sitting in the audience, waiting for the group to end, but now he was called by someone suddenly, which made Lin Fan narrow his eyes slightly, and an inexplicable emotion accumulated in his chest, what do you think? Do you want to wrestle with your brother on the group night?

Standing up slowly, Lin Fan immediately attracted everyone's attention, although the director, under the director's instruction, turned all the shots to some royal fans who were still screaming crazily. The students of the group did not dare to point at Li Yingqi and Lin Fan at all.

However, many people noticed that Lin Fan stood up.

Brother Fan is angry!

Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang, and Zhuo Yuanquan were very angry at first, but when they saw Lin Fan standing up, they calmed down inexplicably, as if they had found their backbone.

Tu Jingyi withdrew his gaze all of a sudden, looked at his nose, nose and heart, and said silently: It's none of my business! It's none of my business! You can't see me! You can't see me!

Tang He smiled slightly, as if he didn't see it at all, standing there quietly, like a green bamboo left behind in the world, let the wind from southeast to northwest, I am as motionless as a mountain. Lin Fan is a good little guy, and I invited him to participate in the recording of our family's base camp later. Even if he can't make an debut tonight, as long as he can vent his anger for brother today, brother will protect your entertainment circle from now on!

Several mentors panicked, especially Luo Yu. If Lin Fan was allowed to curse, the group night would be completely over. The director team also panicked and shut down Lin Fan and Li Yingqi's mic right away.

Suddenly, Ding Erxun stood up and said in front of everyone: Li Yingqi, ignorance is not terrible, what is terrible is ignorance! When I was your age, I used to think that my talent was incomparable, that my talent was incomparable. My singing skills are impeccable, and I believe that with my own ability, I will be able to make a name for myself in the music world! Facts have proved that I am just a frog at the bottom of a well!

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky! The three songs Lin Fan put forward are all excellent works. At his age, I would never be able to write such a good song. With my understanding of the entire music scene, I can Those who write such a good song are definitely rare! I don’t think any master composer of lyrics would condescend to hand over his song to Lin Fan for signature, it’s not worth it and it’s not worth it!”

I hope that you, and all the students present here, can be brave and diligent, and not be blinded by the insignificant achievements in front of your eyes. Where are you? You can't even be considered a rookie in the music world! When will you be able to get it? Come out with your masterpiece, and be complacent again!

Now, stand where you belong and start a new chapter in your life!

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