Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 128 Is it enough to drink just a few dishes?

Everyone's emotions were detonated by the host Tang He, and then gradually calmed down by Tang He. This is the skill of the top host.

However, everyone's emotions went down, but it was Li Yingqi, who was ranked first, who was uncomfortable.

The second place Zhuo Yuanquan came to the stage and didn't say much. Finally, he beat his chest with his fist and pointed at Lin Fan: Brother Fan, wait for me, I will definitely surpass you!

Sitting under the stage, Lin Fan felt a little helpless, you just give your testimonials, why do you always take me with you.

Li Yingqi's face was as deep as water, and even if he was the first and the C to speak on stage, he couldn't hide his displeasure.

The people in front of Li Xiaodong are so passionate, and Tang He is so sensational, everyone's emotions are up, but what does it have to do with me?

Those surging passions were all aimed at Lin Fan!

What is even more hateful is that Lu Bingyang and Zhuo Yuanquan opened and shut their mouths one by one, saying Lin Fan, you are my role model, Lin Fan, you are my goal to surpass, Lin Fan, you are my mentor!

What do you mean?

Does that mean that Lin Fan should be number one?

This C position should be given to Lin Fan?

Where do you want me to put it? Don't want the face of my big royal family?

Li Yingqi was furious, but she had to put on a passionate look. After all, everyone was committing secondary crimes, and it would be too disgusting for me to be sober in the world.

Li Yingqi is not stupid.

But when it was Li Yingqi's turn to speak, Li Yingqi said that he had to say a few words.

Thanks to the Morning Star program group, it is the program group that gave me a platform, allowing me to express myself to my heart's content...

Thanks to my agency Star Entertainment, it is the company that has trained me and allowed me to continue to grow and improve...

Finally, I would like to thank my guardian stars. It is your efforts that allowed me to stand in the C position. What I want to say is that I believe in my ability and I have lived up to everyone's expectations of me! I will not use I will confuse everyone with passionate chicken soup, and I will not confuse everyone with songs of unknown origin, I will only use my strength to prove me, I am a well-deserved C position!



The scene suddenly became lively, and the live broadcast room quickly exploded.

Wow, it's straight! Is it so straightforward? You mean that everyone shed tears just now because of bloody chicken soup?

Hehe, songs from unknown sources? Our country has such strict copyrights. Where do you think Lin Fan's three songs came from? Bought them? Big brother (dei), please touch Brother Fan's pocket, I promise, his The wallet is as clean as his face! Where did he get the money to buy the song?

Hey, this royal family has such a big face, and you deserve it. Do you dare to disclose all the votes?


[Heroism: Our elder brother is too young, he has long disliked Lin Fan, and keeps shouting that he doesn't want to make a debut, and is still here every day to catch the heat! How shameless! 】

[Eat me a frying pan: Hehe, is Lin Fan so hot? Are you sure it's not the 99 students of Morning Star who are chasing his popularity? 】

[Lolita: Come on, let's count how many hot searches Brother Fan has been on? See how many times your brother has? By the way, do you want us to check how many of your brother's hot searches are bought? 】

[Death from beriberi attacking the heart: just a few dishes to drink like this? Where does the face say that you are strong? Dare to open the whole wheat? Do you dare to turn off the sound card? Dare to sing a cappella? With your sickly face, do you really think that your C position is obtained by your own strength? 】

[I regret going down to earth: I have a hunch that there is such a brainless C player, a contestant in this issue of Morning Star, who will be confused! 】


The host Tang He was stunned. Even though he has been on stage for 30 years and successfully resolved countless performance accidents, this moment before him also made his eyes go dark. Could it be that this is the darkest moment of my hosting career? My fame in my life is going to be ruined by this bastard who has never heard the name before?

The emotions on the scene that I finally mobilized,

My sensational stunt · MAX output finally hit the highest damage, and now I was given a miss by this light sentence of hot blood chicken soup?

Sure enough, I shouldn't be going out today! I shouldn't have taken this business!

The piece of shit I stepped on when I went out in the morning did not tell me that I would have shit luck today, but told me that today is a pile of shit!


Ding Erxun was also stunned. He thought he was independent enough and venomous enough, but now it seems that he has found the same kind!


The same kind of shit!

Laozi's poisonous tongue is a criticism with cultural background, okay? It's not mindless spraying!


Zhang Xinlan was very angry. Others didn't know, but she knew very well that Lin Fan's songs came from a clean source. She even witnessed the process of his song writing. Now people say that the source is unknown. Doesn't this also mean that she bought a song? A song of unknown origin?

With just this sentence, Zhang Xinlan has already decided that she will never allow her entertainment company to have a half-money relationship with the Morning Star idol boy group in this issue. Especially this brainless C position.

This decision is implemented immediately!


Luo Yu opened his mouth wide, he didn't know whether he should answer the question or not. He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, but he dared to say such words at such a moment. As a senior in the entertainment industry, Luo Yu could only say three words.



The instructors also looked at each other in blank dismay. On this stage, on this occasion, under the gaze of so many people, you are so unpleasant, does your mother know?

The director stood in the background, slamming his earphones in anger: Where are the Star Entertainment people? Get out! What do you guys want to do? Do you want to make a debut? If you don't want to make a debut, I'll switch to the C position!

Mr. Wang, the artist director of Star Entertainment, also slammed his head in anger. Has Li Yingqi lost his mind? Why did I think of promoting him to the C position? Just because he can lick? How does this get me down?

calm! calm!

Director, it's actually good like this!

Mr. Wang is indeed a tycoon in the entertainment industry, and he quickly found his way: Originally, Lin Fan's new song and a chorus caused a bit of trouble on this group night, which messed up the priorities. Tonight's focus is on the group. It’s not a student like him who has no background and can’t make his debut! So, when they do it, it’s easier to hype the topic! I’ll contact the marketing account in a while, and throw out a few random articles, who will stand up for this young student?”

The director was in a hurry: The situation that was finally turned around by Tang He and the emotions he mobilized were scolded by him as foolish, how are you going to wash the floor? Tell me how to wash the floor? He offended not only Lin Fan , but the tens of millions of viewers watching the show now! You have to know, there are more than 80 million pairs of eyes watching, how can you wash it? You told me such a serious live broadcast accident, how can I explain to the investors?

Director, the number of people online in our live broadcast has already exceeded 100 million when Lin Fan and Zhang Xinlan sang together!

When the director heard this, his eyes went dark!

Is this good news or bad news?

How many people are there in the whole country? 3 billion!

There are 100 million live broadcasts online, and 1 out of 30 people saw that scene just now!

At this moment, I want to kill someone!

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