Group night.

The first shot of the live video is the triangular ladder seat that appeared in the first issue of the sixth season of Morning Star. Then, a head broke into the screen, it was the familiar Li Xiaodong.

He didn't seem to have thought that he was the first to come to the show, he walked in in a daze, then looked left and right, and found that he was really the only one in the whole scene, it was like he had discovered some treasure , his eyes lit up, and he made a concave shape on the stage.

He also pretended that he was facing countless audiences, and pretended to reach out his hand to make a gesture of response: Thank you everyone! Thank you, thank you for coming to my concert!


Seeing this, the guardian stars at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing. This is exactly Li Xiaodong's performance when he first participated in the show.

Immediately afterwards, the screen began to switch, the first 15 students appeared on the stage one by one, and more and more faces appeared, those students who had been eliminated, they also appeared on the screen.

The camera faithfully records the students, the nervousness and nervousness of the first evaluation stage, the excitement and anticipation of staying in the dormitory for the first time, the hard work and hard work of the first public performance stage, the excitement or disappointment of knowing their ranking for the first time, the first time Pretending to be strong in the face of elimination...

The lights on the scene gradually dimmed, and then came back on with the beat of a high-pitched music!

On the stage, all 85 students who were eliminated returned, and the theme song of the 100-person version of Morning Star ignited the whole scene!

As the music played and the lights shone, it was the frantic screams of the Guardian Stars!

At this moment, everyone was infected by the atmosphere of the scene. They only felt that there was something in their chest, and they couldn't vomit! The instructors were already excited with the music and the screams of the Guardian Stars. Even Ding Erxun, who had always been cold and venomous, couldn't help standing up, waving his arms in accordance with the rhythm!

A theme song is not long. Amidst the sound of gun salutes all over the sky, the students performed the ending action, ending the collective performance.

The camera of the live broadcast swept across the students, and then turned to the audience, then the instructor's seat and the guest seat.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage flooded the entire screen.

[Cute enough to sprout: ahhhhhh! So handsome, so handsome, so handsome! 】

[I want a little sweetness: ahhhhh! elder brother! Brother come on! Must debut! 】

[Notice of love: Zai Zai rushes to the duck! 】


The host stepped onto the stage amidst screams, and the students also found their own positions and stood up, waiting for the host to control the rhythm.

Hi everyone, this is the live broadcast of the group night stage of the sixth season of Morning Star. I am Tang He, the host tonight. Let the students say hello to everyone now!

After the host finished speaking, all 100 students said in unison: Hi everyone! We are the students of Morning Star!

What responded to them was the screams of the audience!

Guardians, audience friends who are watching the live broadcast in front of the TV and live screen, good evening everyone! Welcome to the live broadcast of the sixth season of Morning Star! I am the host Tang He!

It took 45 days, from 100 students to 60, then to 30, to 15, which 9 students will be able to break into the debut position and finally form a group? The answer will be revealed tonight!

The guardian stars of the audience immediately clapped and screamed vigorously, as if as long as their voices were loud enough, they would definitely be able to help their idols make their debut successfully.

Okay, now let's invite our students to go backstage for a short rest. Next, let me introduce tonight's group witnesses! They are...

The host Tang He controlled the field, introduced the instructors and guests, and allowed enough time for the students to change their costumes. On the other hand, they also introduced the voting rules.


The trainees changed their clothes as quickly as possible, and the on-site assistants and stylists were tense and did not dare to slack off.

Quick, quick! Change your clothes!

The makeup and hair of the first group will have to be changed! The first group will come and change their makeup first!

The second group goes to change clothes first!

Don't worry! There are also guest performers, so don't mess yourself up!


The hustle and bustle in the backstage did not affect the stage at all. Tang He was able to introduce the entire stage tonight to the guardian stars and the audience who did not come to the scene. The live camera also followed Tang He's introduction, and slowly swept across the audience.

The stage of the group night is divided into two parts, the main stage and the sub-stage. The main stage is where the students perform, and the sub-stage is a triangular 9-person stand, which is the group position tonight!

On the front and two sides of the two stages, there are seats for the audience, instructors, witnesses, representatives of the student companies, guest seats, and seats for eliminated students.

[If you're not handsome, call the police: All the boy groups from Season 5 are here! 】

[A dog at the corner: The eliminated students are back! Whoooo! I thought I would never be able to see them on this stage again! 】

[Salted fish who loves to gossip: Oh, these bigwigs in the circle are not as big and round as in the legend, there are still a few to watch! 】

[Have a bowl of fresh meat: Heh! Wasn't it because it was going to be broadcast live that someone who could watch it was sent as a representative? 】

[Little Fairy with Wild Flavor: Who wants to see the guests! I want to see the show! 】


After introducing the guests, the voting rules were introduced.

The voting rules of the group night are different from the previous performances. Tonight, there will be no live voting, but the voting on the whole platform. Everyone can vote for 9 students, but they can only vote for each student. ! And there is a time limit.

Dear guardian stars, the voting channels for all students on each platform will continue to be open until 10 o'clock sharp. After the voting channel is closed, the top 9 students with the most votes will make their debut in a group tonight! So at 10 o'clock sharp Before, dear Guardian Stars, come and vote for your favorite students.

The rules are very simple, but they are still played by the program group.

The program team turned off the real-time vote count display for students at 12 o'clock last night, and it was not open all day today! It wasn't until 8 o'clock in the evening that the real-time vote count display was released!

Guardian stars look at the number of votes.

Huh? My brother was still in the debut position yesterday, why did he fall out? Vote and vote! Be sure to vote your brother into the debut position!

Although my elder brother entered the debut position, the advantage of this position is not obvious! You must vote! Keep your brother's debut position!

There are also people who are especially salted fish: Uh, why did the general votes still go up? We didn't vote! Really didn't!

The staff responsible for the background data of the program group looked at the skyrocketing data and laughed from ear to ear: That's it! Come and vote! Put all the enthusiasm you have accumulated all day into it! As long as today's data is good enough, this year's year-end bonus will be available!


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