On the stage, Tang He, who had introduced all the guests and voting rules, stepped back from the main stage, and the program team also cut the screen to the previously filmed student material video.


All the students in the first group have changed their makeup!

Quick! You still have 10 minutes! Check if there is any problem with your own makeup and hair!

The first group arrives at the first stage and prepares to go on stage!

The second group goes to the second stage and prepares to wait!

The first group, go on stage immediately after the lights go down! That's right! It's now!

In the background, the students received the notification from the program group through the earbuds, walked onto the stage from the stage entrance, and found their own positions. Then the lights on the stage were turned on, the camera cut back from the audience to the main stage, and the music sounded. The fourth performance The stage has officially begun!

The first group performed was Li Yingqi's group, Lin Fan was in the second group, and now he was waiting at the second stage entrance. With nothing to do, Lin Fan began to appreciate Li Yingqi's performance.

How should I put it, it’s not that I didn’t hear other students’ singing live on the stage of the previous performances, but the stages of those few times are incomparable to the current stage!

The venue was more than three times larger, and the audience was many times larger! More importantly, because the venue is so big, the live speakers are played very loudly, but no matter how loud the speakers are, they can't overwhelm the human voice, otherwise, wouldn't it be lonely?

It's just that when the human voice is amplified, various problems arise, such as pitch, breath, sound texture, and the original half-open mic cannot cover up... In short, it's hard to describe.

But fortunately, the guardian stars at the scene were very enthusiastic. From the time the students started performing, they began to cheer in various ways, which largely covered up the shortcomings of the students, so there was no car accident scene.

After the performance of the first group, it was the turn of the second group. Before going on stage, Lin Fan thought for a while and reached out his hand: Let's cheer ourselves up! I wish you all the best and a successful debut!

Li Xiaodong was the first to put his hand on the back of Lin Fan's: Brother Fan, thank you!

Come on together! Lu Bingyang also put his hand on the back of Li Xiaodong's.

Go forward bravely! Zhuo Yuanquan also stretched out his hand, and the rest of the people also took his hand.

A group of 8 people shouted in unison: For our dreams!

For this dream.

Standing on the stage, Lin Fan heard his own heartbeat and breathing in the darkness, as well as the voices of tens of thousands of guardian stars below the stage, those voices were so far away and yet so close.

A series of memories suddenly popped up in Lin Fan's mind. They were the memories of Yuanzheng from childhood to adulthood. Yuanzheng grew up alone, went to school alone, quietly looked for a job by himself, and watched the world with cold eyes. , Confused to live every day.

Until, Yuanshen met Lian Xiaoyu.

The girl in the red dress who looked like a flame broke into Yuanshen's world with an indomitable momentum, and told Yuanshen: Don't work here! You are so good-looking, come to my company to be an artist ! Be a big star!

Why should I be a big star?

How great it is to be a big star! You will be seen by many, many people, and many, many people will like you! You can also earn a lot of money, isn't this better than working in a milk tea shop?

……it is good.


I want that kind of life, a lot of people like me, can make a lot of money.


A spotlight hit Lin Fan's body, Lin Fan raised his eyes, pulled himself back from his memory, and faced the Guardian Stars waving fluorescent sticks under the stage: Look, you did it.

A stream of heat flowed from Lin Fan's head to his feet, and then from his feet to his head. It was so warm, his whole body seemed to be sublimated, and there seemed to be a voice whispering in his ear: Thank you!

Lin Fan smiled slightly: Thank you!


Both sets of performances are completed,

The results of the first refresh of voting data on all platforms are also out. The ranking has not changed much, the top 9 are still those 9 people, only a few positions have changed slightly. The change from the 10th to the 15th place was a bit big, mainly because Lin Fan's ranking dropped to 12th, causing the ranking to change.

In general, they are still under the control of the program group.

Next is the solo part of the final, which is also the stage presentation of each student.

In order to avoid being ridiculed by the audience that the order of solo is arranged according to the order of the group, the program group asked the students to draw lots to determine the order of performance.

Lin Fan didn't know if he was lucky or not. He got the last performance, and he had to wait until everyone had finished performing before he could go on stage.

And when Lin Fan finished his performance, it was time to announce the group positions.

Now, the first performer is Zhuo Yuanquan.

This kid is really popular! The program group can suppress him in terms of votes, but there is no way to manipulate his popularity.

As soon as Zhuo Yuanquan came on stage, there was a burst of cheers from the audience, and the support lights directly lit up one-fifth of the auditorium, suppressing the voices of other students and fans!

Especially when compared with Li Yingqi who performed second, whether it is the number of supporters, stage control, or personal strength, they are all a bit worse.

And then the third, the fourth...

The stage solos of the students followed one another, and the atmosphere on the scene turned high. If the audience who was watching the live broadcast turned on the barrage, they would basically not be able to see the video, because the screen was blocked by the dense barrage content.

Not only that, tonight's finals also interacted with Chaobo's Chaohua Square, major entertainment forums, and Kuaiyin platforms. If there is something worthy of attention on the spot, there will be relevant topics and discussions on the Internet immediately.

On the hot search list, the hot searches about Morning Star group night have never stopped. Basically, whoever solos on the stage will be on the hot searches, and there are several people who have linked up. The hot searches on stage changes also follow. .

In the student's fan support club, the key members are also busy.

Attention everyone! Sisters who haven't voted yet, hurry up and vote!

Note that the control and criticism is not the most important thing now, the voting is! Vote for the last wave of votes first!


On the other hand, Lin Fan's Fan Fan group is relaxed, there is no way, they don't have to rush to the last wave of votes like other fans, they just need to watch the performance, so they can feel relaxed and comfortable.

[Liangzi is on the number: This is the fourth performance, why do you feel that the two groups are very perfunctory? 】

[One shot, one boyfriend: There's no way, besides the public repertoire, everyone has to prepare solo performances, and some people need to prepare group repertoires in advance, how can such a short time be enough! It can only be perfunctory. 】

[Your education is prenatal education, right? That's right, whoever watches the show at the group night is all about whether his brother can make his debut, okay? 】

[Fart for you to chase after: The program team has so many links, even if there are some flaws in the performance, they will be covered up by other links. 】

[You count as the middle finger: Why hasn't Fanfan made an appearance yet? I'm still waiting for the new song he promised! 】

[Climacteric Girl: Immediately, Immediately! 】


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