Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 120: Group Night Countdown to the Island

The ranking announcement of the students is still going on.

Li Yingqi still firmly occupies the first place, and Zhuo Yuanquan is still second.

Tu Jingyi also firmly occupied the fifth place.

Then Lu Bingyang dropped to sixth place, and Li Xiaodong squeezed into seventh place.

In addition to Lin Fan, the original top nine students also dropped out of the debut position. The original thirteenth student entered the debut position and became the new ninth place.

After the order is announced, it is the song selection session. This time, there are only 2 songs to choose from. Most of the top 9 students chose the first song, Zhuo Yuanquan, Lu Bingyang, Li Xiaodong pulled Lin Fan and the 4 students who ranked lower to choose the second song.

There is a clear distinction between Wei and Wei.


The last performance repertoire was not too difficult for everyone. After all, they have been tortured by the program group for so long. Whether they are physically or mentally, the students have been able to adapt to such an intensive study to a certain extent.

So the program team began to record some materials to be used in the group night in addition to daily practice, such as letting the students appreciate the VCR that was interviewed at the beginning.

This is the first time that Lin Fan saw the original 'self', that is, the original body.

The original body behaved in the VCR, how should I put it, the whole body is really useless except for being good-looking! All kinds of out-of-key singing, and stiff hands and feet when dancing, it doesn't look like dancing, but like going up to fight someone!

When he introduced himself, he was also full of that kind of jerky restraint, and his eyes were always carefully observing the people and the environment around him. Lin Fan understood that this was the orphan's natural defense and lack of confidence in the world, because he himself was also like this.

The program team was very attentive, and even found the milk tea shop where the original body worked before, found some regular customers, and interviewed them about their impressions of Lin Fan. The handsome employees, even wearing overalls and Little Red Riding Hood, couldn't hide their handsomeness, and some of Lin Fan's fans even set up a betting booth outside the milk tea shop, which made Lin Fan dumbfounded.

In the original body's resume, in the column of 'Dream', there was only one simple sentence written: I want to become a better version of myself.

PD Liu Jia slowly moved the camera from the resume to Lin Fan's face, and asked him outside the screen: Your dream has changed, hasn't it?

Lin Fan was silent for a while, picked up the pen prepared by the program team, wrote a sentence in the column of 'dream', and then faced the camera, showing his big white teeth: No, my dream has never changed, I am still The me who wants to open a homestay in a tourist attraction and only accept single girls!

After speaking, Lin Fan stood up directly and left the interview room.

Liu Jia moved the camera forward, focused on the resume left here by Lin Fan, and saw the sentence written by Lin Fan under the line of I want to be a better self.

You are the best version of yourself.

This piece of material was to be used on the group night, so it was not broadcast live, but the program team screened all these materials early, edited the edited, re-recorded the re-recorded, and then Put it where it should go.

Seeing Lin Fan's footage, the director couldn't help but pause for a moment. Liu Jia thought there was something wrong with the footage: Director, what's wrong? Do you need to re-record?

The director shook his head: No, it's over.


On the day of the finals, the live stage.

Okay! Group 2 is over! Group 1 comes up again for rehearsal!

What's the matter with the lifting stage! Why can't you keep up with the beat of the music? Go check it again!

Do the transition between the main stage and the sub-stage again! Make sure there are no mistakes!

The finals officially started at 8pm, but from 6am,

The front and backstage of the entire final scene was extremely busy. Needless to say, the staff of the program group, from stage design, lighting, sound, to the control of the rhythm of the scene, the arrangement of fans, to the linkage between online and offline, and the control of voting channels... In short , are all things!

Instructors and students are not much easier.

The host of the group night was specially invited by the program group, a big name in the host world, after all, such an important moment, such a big scene, is not capable of amateur hosts like Luo Yu, it still has to be left to professionals .

But the instructor also has to check the lines and procedures of the series. After the whole group night is broadcast live, there will be no shortage of shots for the instructors. What should be prepared should be prepared in advance.

Not to mention the students, they rehearsed three times during the day without makeup, and in the afternoon they had to be backstage, doing makeup and hair styling, and at the same time conducting the backstage live broadcast before the finals, interacting with fans, and doing warm-up in advance.

At the same time, the students who were eliminated before will also appear today, in addition to the senior executives of major brokerage companies, the heads of some well-known companies in the circle, some well-known media professionals, Internet celebrity anchors, etc., these people can all enter the backstage of.

Although some people will not appear in the live broadcast, the students should visit and still have to visit, those who should greet say hello, and those who should interact need to interact... I don’t know how other students feel, anyway, Lin Fan feels that he is busy Gotta go around.

I met a lot of people, but Lin Fan didn't remember any of them! Lin Fan didn't know what he said after talking a lot!

After finally finishing his work, Lin Fan had the opportunity to complain to others when he went backstage to prepare for the waiting scene: So, why do you want to make a debut? Every day is so busy and chaotic!

Li Xiaodong on the side said quietly: However, some people want to be so busy but they can't get it anyway.

There are still people who only have this moment in their lives!

Debut is the pinnacle!

Zhuo Yuanquan couldn't bear it anymore: Can you say something nice!



Finally check whether there is any problem with each part!

All departments are preparing for final debugging!

Notify the backstage students to get ready!



Now, students from the 61st to the 100th are invited to stand! Then the students from the 31st to the 60th...

Now invite the first 15 students to start standing!

Now invite the instructor and guests to take their seats!



Now for the last headset and audio test!

Now for the last big screen test!

Now for the last lifting stage test!



Attention all departments, count down ten seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the final of the sixth season of Morning Star will officially start broadcasting!

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