Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 119 Elimination before the group night

After the third performance, the last elimination result of 30 into 15 was announced. This time, half of the people will be eliminated, and, in fact, who will be eliminated, who will be left behind, and even which 9 people will be in the end Entering the debut position and making a successful debut, everyone already knew it in their hearts.

Because after the group list is announced on the group night, the students in the group will start to sing the group song and perform the group dance, which requires advance study and rehearsal.

Of course, some people say that all students can learn it! Wouldn't it be enough to remove the students who didn't form a group when it's time for the performance?

Yes, that's right! Songs can be learned, dances can also be learned! But what about moving? What about formation? What about the ending action? Which one doesn't require rehearsal, which one doesn't need running-in, and which one can remove two-fifths of the students without affecting the final result at all?

But that's all off topic.

This time the elimination did not involve too many tricks, and the students who successfully advanced did not make any speeches, because the people who gave the speeches became the eliminated students.

But the atmosphere is more dull than the previous two eliminations. After all, the students who can enter the top 30, everyone has met each other, and they are familiar with each other. Even if there were conflicts, they will be separated now. Emotionally diluted.

Luo Yu held a stack of envelopes with the names of the students printed on them, which contained promotion cards and elimination cards: This time, the order release rules are very simple. Those who are willing to read the letter by themselves can come up directly, or invite friends to look at each other. Yes, you decide.

Simple is simple, but students may not dare to face this matter by themselves. In the past, the elimination was announced by the mentor according to the ranking. Although the result was not necessarily what he wanted, but fortunately he accepted it passively, but now he had to face it proactively.

The psychological pressure is a bit high. After all, this group of draft students are generally young, with a slight lack of psychological endurance and ability to resist blows.

Luo Yu asked: Is there anyone who wants to be the first to know the result?

No one dared to move.

Seeing that no one moved, Lin Fan just wanted to stand up, but Li Xiaodong and Chen Xianwu grabbed his arms from left to right!

They both said in unison: Brother Fan! Can you come with me?

Lin Fan looked to the left and then to the right, and kindly suggested: How about the two of you together?

Just when the two were struggling, Zhuo Yuanquan stood up: Teacher, I want to see my own.

Luo Yu smiled a little, and handed him the envelope with Zhuo Yuanquan's name on it.

Zhuo Yuanquan took the envelope and opened it to look at it. With just one glance, he smiled. He turned the card to the live broadcast camera, and saw two big characters advanced printed in bright red on it!

Zhuo Yuanquan's promotion is a certainty. This is a master who can compete with the default royal family. The program group can suppress his votes, but there is no way to eliminate him by secret operation, unless the program wants to be completely boycotted by the fans!

With Zhuo Yuanquan taking the lead, others mustered up the courage to go up, either watching the results by themselves, or inviting friends to watch each other.

Lu Bingyang took the initiative to invite Li Xiaodong to watch the results together. Li Xiaodong opened the letter with trembling hands. When he saw the word promotion, he jumped up from the spot happily: Advanced!

Only then did he realize that this was Lu Bingyang's promotion card, and his own card was still in Lu Bingyang's hands. For a while, Li Xiaodong didn't dare to look at Lu Bingyang anymore.

Fortunately, Lu Bingyang showed his card: Congratulations!

Both advanced!

Let's go. Lin Fan pulled Chen Xianwu up.

The two opened each other's envelopes. Chen Xianwu saw the bright red word 'advance' on Lin Fan's card, and couldn't help but move closer to Lin Fan. He wanted to congratulate Lin Fan, but he also saw the gray color on the card in Lin Fan's hand. The word 'eliminated', the smile faded from his face all of a sudden.

Lin Fan looked at Chen Xianwu worriedly, Chen Xianwu was disappointed for only a moment, and soon smiled: Brother Fan! Congratulations, you have advanced!

Lin Fan didn't care about himself at all.

What Lin Fan cared about was that he was the only one left in the entire 404 dormitory, and everyone else was eliminated, and Chen Xianwu would stop here.

Chen Xianwu himself is relatively calm. No one knows better than himself that he can stay until now because of Lin Fan's favor. If Lin Fan didn't give up sleeping that night, he got up and ran to the training room to guide him in vocal music For this incident, if he hadn't been around Lin Fan all the time, if Lin Fan hadn't been leading him time and time again during performances, he wouldn't have been in the top 30, let alone the top 15.

Looking at Chen Xianwu, Lin Fan didn't know what it was like: those who want to leave can't leave, and those who don't want to leave can't stay, which is really ironic.

It wasn't that people familiar with Lin Fan had left before, such as Frog and Azhe, but Lin Fan didn't have a lot of feelings. At that time, everyone had just met, and to be honest, the relationship was not in place. Lin Fan's own Dreams are different from theirs, and people are more lazy, so there is still a bit of a gap.

But Chen Xianwu is different. Chen Xianwu lived in the same dormitory with Lin Fan from the first day he entered Dachang. As time went by, Lin Fan really regarded Chen Xianwu as a friend.

Chen Xianwu took the microphone: I am very grateful to Brother Fan, really, without Brother Fan, I would not be able to get to where I am today. Of course, I myself have worked very hard. Even if I leave this stage, I will continue to work hard! For my Dream, I will never stop my footsteps.

Similarly, Brother Fan's dream is to open a homestay, so please don't vote for Brother Fan anymore! How sad it is for me to leave this stage, and how sad Brother Fan is if he can't leave. There is no distinction between dreams, Efforts to make dreams come true should not be ignored.

Thank you everyone, thank my fans for supporting me, and thank my company for giving me such an opportunity to be on such a big stage. Every day here, every experience will become the best memory in my life , Huahai Island at 4:30 in the morning, I will always remember it in my heart, and then, start again!


After the elimination, the ranking of the promoted students was announced. This time, Lin Fan was very pleased that his ranking finally fell out of the debut position and became the 10th. Although there was only one difference, it was a world of difference. Lin Fan finally stopped worrying about being nailed to the debut position.

Brother, finally don't worry about it!

Single ladies and sisters, brother will be back soon! Are you all clean?

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