Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1182 Fanfan is too good at playing!

This is a holographic projection technology newly developed by Earthman Studio. Liang Wen explained to the public on behalf of the performance of the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park.

In fact, Liang Wen didn't want to take on this job at all. After all, Lin Fanfei had to show the show first, and then give an explanation after scaring the tourists. This is a very scolding thing.

But now Lin Fan is still at the old man's house, living a sweet life with Xia Yan, and will never come back alive. Yang Hongxia also has only a half-knowledge about these too professional things. She knows it but doesn't know why, so she can easily be left speechless when asked.

And the other boss in the studio, Zhou Yue, forget it, just skip it.

In the end, this job could only fall on Liang Wen.

Now Bluestar's projection technology is actually very mature, but this general-purpose technology is not what we want, so on the basis of general-purpose technology, our professionals have carried out a little research and development and improvement on it, mainly focusing on for a more realistic effect.

To put it bluntly, it is krypton gold!

In fact, holographic projection is not a high-tech technology in Blue Star, but if you want to make it realistic, you need krypton gold. The cost of each projector is hundreds of times that of others, not to mention the cost. Produce 3D high-definition images above 10k.

Every frame is krypton gold.

This is also the most expensive place in Honghuang Paradise.

As the general manager of the animation studio, Liang Wen has acquired a lot of relevant professional knowledge in the past few years, coupled with his own meticulous and thoughtful personality, so it is easier to hit the point and be understood by the public when explaining.

Our original purpose was to use this technology in film shooting to give audiences a better viewing experience, so immersive is no longer an adjective for us, but a standard.

Therefore, we applied this technology to the holographic projection performance show in the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park, through the surrounding scenes and environmental hints, so that tourists can experience its real effect for themselves.

Facts have also proved that the effect of this improved technology is amazing. At least 90% of the tourists failed to realize that it was just a projection.

Of course, although we secretly screened the tourists who entered the performance show to ensure that they would not experience any physical and psychological discomfort because of this fright, we did not inform you in advance, so everyone was frightened to a certain extent. Here I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone.


Brother Fan made this decision, if you want to scold him, scold him!

Come on, hurt each other!

Liang Wen's interview video, together with the holographic projection performance show at Honghuang Universe Theme Park, was on the hot search list of the day, and soon attracted a lot of attention.

[See through or not, or good friends: Hahaha, I knew it! Such a bad idea must have come out of nowhere! Usually you are too bad, you pushed Director Liang out to be scolded. But you didn't expect that where there is oppression, there is resistance. Director Liang is no longer the assistant director who was oppressed by you and dared not resist! 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: I just want to say, Director Liang did a great job! That's what I want to do, to expose the true face of Pan Fan for everyone to see! Let you come up with a bad idea, let you scare the tourists, let you push Director Liang out of the blame, now you know that you are wrong, right? 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: I said that when the gate checks in, why do the staff ask me whether I am brave, whether I have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, whether I usually watch horror movies and other strange questions, the relationship is here wait!

However, the effect of this holographic projection show made by Fanfan Studio is really realistic. I almost really thought that Monkey King, Monkey King, really fell from the sky! Coupled with the screaming and screaming of everyone at the scene, and the running away, I didn't think too much about it, so I just ran along...

Now go back and think about it again, in fact, how could someone really fall from the sky, how could Monkey King appear in reality? It can only be said that Fanfan is too good at playing! 】

[Splitting durians with bare hands: Damn! Cute little rich woman, you were there at the time! How did you get the pre-sale tickets? ! It's so enviable, do you have a live video, send one to have a look! 】


Although the Honghuang Universe Theme Park screened the tourists once when checking in the tickets, and the tourists who were put into the performance show had relatively strong physical and psychological qualities, but some people were still quite frightened.

The staff of the park showed up in time to appease these tourists, compensated them accordingly, and presented them with exquisite figures of Sun Dasheng, so most of the tourists still chose to forgive.

Of course, those who should be scolded still have to be scolded, especially for the culprit who came up with this bad idea.

There are mixed opinions about this matter on the Internet. Some people think that such behavior in the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park is not advisable. Although a screening mechanism for tourists has been adopted in advance, what if something happens?

Haven't seen many viewers who watched the live show through the live broadcast, are they also scared?

Some people also think that this group of tourists who were selected to be the holographic projection show in the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park are very lucky.

Because they experienced the most realistic performance without knowing it. This is a very rare and unique experience.

After all, future tourists will know that this show is a holographic projection, and the feeling of surprise and fright intertwined will never be there again.

But it was also amidst the controversy among netizens that the reputation of the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park was completely established.

The theme park itself is beautifully built, as if it was moved directly from a book, and the various buildings and landscapes are fascinating.

Now coupled with this realistic holographic projection technology, which allows tourists to interact with the characters in the movie at close range, the attraction is even stronger.

What's more, this is only the landscape part, and there is also the playground part! There is also the Film Science and Technology Museum, as well as other parks that have not yet been officially opened, which make tourists very anxious, wishing to enter the venue directly to have a glimpse.

At the same time, no one has forgotten that Liang Wen mentioned in the interview that the original purpose of developing this holographic projection technology was to apply it to filming.

This point, in the previous Titanic and Pirates of the Caribbean, the audience noticed that the animation special effects of Earthman Studio are different from those on the market, and they are particularly realistic and natural.

Originally, the audience thought that this was the result of Lin Fan's willingness to spend money on special effects. They didn't expect Lin Fan to be more majestic than everyone imagined. He directly asked the team to develop a more realistic holographic projection technology, fundamentally changing the backwardness of China's special effects technology. international status.

Most importantly, Liang Wen also revealed Earthman Studio's movie release plan for next year: Next year, no, it should be this year, after all, it's the Chinese New Year.

Our Earthman Studio will launch two special effects films shot with this technology. The specific release time has not yet been finalized, but I believe that these two films will never disappoint everyone!


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