Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1183 Lin Fan really did a great job!

new movie!

Special effects blockbuster!

And there are still two!

What's more, both new movies were shot using this amazing holographic projection technology!

This huge surprise hit the heads of the fans all of a sudden, making many people unable to react, but the professionals in the entertainment circle realized it very quickly.

This prehistoric universe theme park, this holographic projection show, is actually an advertisement for Lin Fan's upcoming new movie! Lin Fan didn't show up himself, but instead let Liang Wen take the top spot, it's quite a thief!

For such a big drama, with such a big project to draw out, that holographic projection technology is actually for the pre-publicity and warm-up for the special effects blockbuster that will be released next!

Lin Fan is really a big hand! If it were me, I would be reluctant to use this theme park to advertise. Isn't it good to sell tickets? Isn't it good to sell peripherals while selling tickets?

But this also shows that Lin Fan's upcoming two movies are definitely not to be underestimated! I guess it must be at least as big as Titanic to be worthy of this wave of advertising efforts .”

That's right, if it's a low-budget film, Lin Fan wouldn't be bothered to do pre-promotion and preheating! You haven't watched a movie like Green Snake, and hasn't Lin Fan been on the road show? Tsk tsk tsk, I can't wait to see, what kind of blockbuster is this movie that Lin Fan values ​​so much!

Hey, I'm suddenly glad that I don't have any new movies to be released this year, otherwise I'll run into Lin Fan! This Lin Fan is also a villain, whatever he makes is popular, the movie is a dark horse at the box office, box office champion, no matter what others think, anyway, I am afraid, I can't afford to mess with it!


Lin Fan has always been not very keen on promoting his new works in person, unless it is a work starring Lin Fan himself.

Otherwise, as Lin Fan said to Xia Shaozhang before, if he is not the main character and still appears at the road show, is this road show his home game or the movie protagonist's home game?

Sometimes, a person's reputation is too great, too popular, not all good things. At least in the promotion process of film and television dramas, Lin Fan could easily become the focus of public attention, causing the promotion of film and television dramas to fail to achieve real results.

If in the end the audience only remembers Lin Fan, and doesn't even know who the leading actor of the film and television drama is, and what the content of the show is, wouldn't it be a propaganda of loneliness?


It's not that Lin Fan doesn't want to promote his works, but he can't. As time went by, Lin Fan simply didn't show up at the road show of the film and television drama that he was not starring in.

This habit has also affected the working thinking of the partners in the Propaganda Department of the Earthman Studio: other people’s Propaganda Departments are busy with publicity since the establishment of the project, and I am afraid that a step too late will affect the publicity effect Same.

However, the friends in the Propaganda Department of Earthman Studio slowly started preparing for the publicity work after the film and television dramas were finalized.

Pre-publicity and pre-heating are rare, unless it is a particularly large-scale project; the joint promotion of two projects is even rarer, and it was only carried out once when Journey to the West was released.

It can be seen that the entire Earthman Studio has an attitude towards the propaganda work.

But this time is obviously different. Lin Fan linked the prehistoric universe theme park with the promotion of the new movie, and started warming up so long in advance. What does this mean?

It means that Lin Fan's upcoming movie is definitely a blockbuster!

Fans and netizens have never been bad at brainstorming. They didn't realize it at first because the incident was so sudden, and everyone habitually didn't think in this direction.

But once someone diverges their thinking in this direction, many things will not stand up to association at all, and they will be exposed to the public's eyes all at once.

[It’s not difficult if there is no beginning: I remember that Fanfan made a movie two or three years ago, and all of them were shot in closed mode. It's just that there has been no news that this movie has been released. When I look at the movies that have been released, I don't think it is that one. Director Liang said, could it be this movie? 】

[Whose heart was broken by high heels: two movies! In addition to this one, I also remember that last year, Fanfan took the crew to go abroad to shoot, but I didn't hear that it was released. If they are all blockbusters with special effects, then it is easy to understand. After all, special effects are not easy to do, and the post-production must take a long time. 】

[Sister's aunt is more popular than you: I still think it's weird! After all, when Green Snake was filmed, it was in the second half of the year. As a result, this movie was released in the New Year's file, but there was no news about other movies. It turned out that it was for special effects, and I was holding back my big move! 】


The memory of the fans is amazing, not to mention two or three years ago, even when Lin Fan just debuted, they can remember everything that happened clearly.

In addition to things like filming, even if the content of the filming can be kept secret, the information of the project itself can be found on the filing website.

How many works Lin Fan has filmed in the past few years, how many have already been released, and how many have not yet been released, fans can check it out clearly.

It's just that Lin Fan's new works have been released all the time. In the past few years, there has been no interruption, and fans have not paid more attention to the works that have not yet been released.

But this was mentioned suddenly, and everyone's attention was drawn to it, and then everyone realized: Hey, there are so many works that haven't been released yet!

Then I checked it out, and usually there are some shooting plans for the next one, so it was revealed that one film was being filmed, and two films were being prepared.

Oh, if you add Detective Chinatown 2 directed by Liang Wen, which is currently under preparation, that will be four films!

This amount of work is really astonishing, especially for a lazy person like Lin Fan, it is simply unbelievable!

Fans couldn't believe their eyes!

But on the record information of the movie website, it is clearly written, and it is impossible to make mistakes. After all, the record number and the shooting license are unique, especially the shooting license, which has a time limit!

Under normal circumstances, there is no such thing as a delay in filming after obtaining a shooting permit after the filing and publicity of the project.

Therefore, Lin Fan will not only release two blockbuster special effects films this year, but will also shoot three films. If rounded up, it is equal to five films, waiting for the fans to favor them!

If you add Director Liang's one, it will be six!

What a big surprise this is, the fans are going crazy with happiness!


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