Not only this cute little Nezha, but among the tourists queuing up to check in at the gate of Honghuang Universe Theme Park, there are also many Journey to the West and Fengshen Yanyi, as well as the movie Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes The character in The World.

Of course, in addition to role-playing, there are also many tourists who directly wear traditional Chinese costumes. If it weren’t for the tourists who wear modern clothes, they still account for the largest proportion, and the anchors can be seen everywhere. At first glance, I thought they had traveled to ancient times. too!

Zhang Xingxing yelled, I knew I would come here dressed as a character in Fan Ge's works! This is the Great Desolate Universe theme park, and the landscaping there must have been shaped according to what was depicted in Fan Ge's works.

If you can dress up as a character in the work, wouldn't it be like traveling back to the age of mythology and being a fairy and monster in this theme park? No matter how bad it is, I can still make a movie for myself here!

The fans in the live broadcast room also sent dozens of screens of approval. The current live broadcast technology is very perfect. Correspondingly, the anchors took the live broadcast footage back and edited it to make a three-to-five-minute situational short film. any pressure.

It's a pity that because Zhang Xingxing snatched the tickets for the first day of the park's opening this time, he was so happy that he couldn't remember this episode at all, and he was a little under-prepared.

However, it doesn't matter if the tourists are not prepared enough, the preparation work in the park is still very sufficient.

Zhang Xingxing led his team, after checking the tickets and entering the gate, he saw a huge clothing rental center, which specially rented out Journey to the West, Fengshen Yanyi, Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World to tourists, and even It is the same costume as the characters in Legend of the White Snake, and you can also do character modeling!

This service is simply too sweet!

Zhang Xingxing decided in an instant that he wanted to change his makeup for today.

Not only Zhang Xingxing couldn't resist the temptation to dress himself up as a character in Lin Fan's works, but also many young people were eager to try it. Fortunately, the renovation center has a large volume and can accommodate many tourists for renovation at a time.

Zhang Xingxing quickly chose the character he wanted to modify: Forget about Chang'e, I am still a little self-aware, such a beautiful woman is not suitable for me. But the jade rabbit spirit in the arms of Chang'e fairy is very suitable for me, That's it!

After confirming the modified character, the service staff of the transformation center took Zhang Xingxing to change the costume, and then went to the dressing room to modify the makeup and hair.

The whole process took about forty minutes. The originally fashionable and beautiful female anchor turned into a Tianzhu girl in exotic clothes, with a cinnabar spot between her eyebrows and a nose ring.

Just this one change,

Zhang Xingxing's live broadcast room welcomed a large number of fans, and everyone couldn't wait to see Zhang Xingxing, a girl from Tianzhu, appearing in the one-to-one restoration scene of Journey to the West.

Zhang Xingxing didn't delay anymore, and took the photography team and fans in the live broadcast room to start a dreamy theme park tour.

The majestic and majestic Lingxiao Palace is full of golden light, thousands of auras, and layers of clouds and mists around the side. Once you step into it, it's like entering a fairyland.

While playing, Zhang Xingxing read to the fans in the live broadcast room the passage about Monkey King's first ascension to heaven in Journey to the West: I saw the Nantian Gate, made of Bi Shen Shen Liuli, Ming Hao Bao Yu make up.

There are thirty-three heavenly palaces in the sky, and there are seventy-two treasure halls... On the birthday platform, there are famous flowers that have never been unloaded for thousands of years; beside the medicine refining furnace, there are thousands of evergreen embroidered grasses.

Going to the Lingxiao Palace again, gold nails are gathered in jade households, and colorful phoenixes are dancing in Zhumen. The corridors of the complex roads are exquisitely carved everywhere; there are three eaves and four clusters, with layers of dragons and phoenixes flying.

On the top there is a majestic purple, bright face, round and bright, with a big golden gourd top; below is a fan of the concubine hanging in the palm, and the jade girl holding the fairy scarf.

The heavenly general who is facing fiercely, and the immortal Qing who is escorting him with arrogance. In the middle, in the glass tray, put a lot of overlapping Taibai Dan; in the agate bottle, insert a few crooked coral trees...

There are also Overseas Fairy Mountain Huaguo Mountain, the underwater Dragon Palace and the East China Sea Crystal Palace, the 18-story Hell of the Underground Yama City, and the Great Leiyin Temple of Western Bliss...all of them are completely reproduced in reality as described in Journey to the West.

If it weren't for the crowds of tourists, wearing all kinds of clothes, and constantly taking pictures with mobile phones in their hands, everyone would think that they really came to the world of Journey to the West!

What's more, with the sound of a bell, the real NPCs in the whole park started the large-scale performance that they had been rehearsing for a long time.

And each scene, the performance show staged is not the same.

What is staged in the Lingxiao Temple is naturally the classic Monkey King making trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

I saw a beautiful Monkey King wearing golden armor with locks, a purple gold phoenix wing crown on his head, golden cloud shoes on his feet, and a golden cudgel in his hand, descending from the sky. He flew towards the heavenly soldiers and generals!

The originally peaceful and peaceful Heavenly Palace suddenly became chaotic. The heavenly soldiers and generals rushed to fight, the fairy servants and fairies ran around in fright, and even the Jade Emperor called out from the throne: Hurry up and take down that monkey!

Not only the Tiangong was in a mess, but even the tourists who were playing were frightened!

Especially when the stone table was kicked off by Monkey King and flew towards the unprepared tourists, many people were scared to scream and run away.

Zhang Xingxing was also trapped in the panicked crowd, and ran around with everyone in a daze. Fans in the live broadcast room were also frightened by the sudden change, and urged Zhang Xingxing to run quickly.

Some fans were also angry: [What is this going on! show? Why does it look like there's a real fight? With so many tourists, can't we clear the venue in advance? Or did something happen to the staff? 】

But Zhang Xingxing was busy dodging with the tourists on the scene, and no one could answer the fans' questions in the live broadcast room.

But here, Sun Wukong and the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals fought vigorously, wielding a golden cudgel vigorously, dodging and dodging while fighting back, some tourists who had no time to dodge were accidentally involved in their fight , was knocked down by Monkey King with a stick!


My God!

It's going to kill someone!

The tourists on the scene screamed out, feeling panic for this tourist, and some people had already closed their eyes tightly, not daring to look any further.

But the next moment, the golden cudgel was seen waving from the head of the tourist. The expected blood spatter did not happen on the spot, and the tourist did not suffer any harm.

What's more, Monkey King and the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals were fighting, while wearing through the body of the tourist! Pass! go! up!

Everyone was stunned: Damn it! What the hell is this?


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