Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1135 Who is responsible if you are not responsible?

billie jean is a terrific song, enough on its own to grab everyone's attention and keep listeners swooning.

But this was mixed with Lin Fanxi as a father, an oolong incident made up by fans, so that everyone's focus was gorgeously diverted.

Although Lin Fan pulled her back in the end, the thoughts that should be diverted, the plot that should be imagined, the plot that should be imagined, none of them are missing, and they all exist in the minds of fans.

Some people even quietly opened the billie jean fanfic of the same name, which was quite popular in a small area, but Lin Fan didn't read the specific content, but Xia Yan read it with gusto.

Generally speaking, it is a woman named billie jean who gave birth to your child after meeting you at a ball, and then fell in love with you. I also have a role in the scene, but not as It's not a positive role, but it appears as a villainous female partner who separates you and billie jean.

Lin Fan couldn't bear it anymore: This is a song that accuses Billie Jean, how did this group of people make up the romance?

He also positioned my daughter-in-law as a vicious female supporting role!

This is too much!

Although the daughter-in-law didn't get angry, this kind of behavior is too shameful, it's all written fanfic, children only make choices, of course adults want them all!

Xia Yan didn't take it seriously: I've also seen you and Li Xiaodong's colleagues, and Lu Bingyang's colleagues, and, the colleagues of the two of them...

I have written fanfic, setting something, isn't it completely free?

Lin Fan: ...Daughter-in-law, promise me that you won't watch these messy things anymore, okay? You can't be a rotten girl!

But in any case, the song billie jean is a hit, and the hot style is a bit unconventional, but the result is very good.

Especially overseas, once the song billie jean was released, it went straight to the top of the major music charts.

Compared with Chinese people, overseas fans are still lacking in the ability to make up their brains. They didn't let their attention go too far, but focused on the song itself.

Also because of this,

The popularity of this song overseas is much higher than in China. Of course, this song itself is an English song, and it is expected that it will be more popular overseas.

It's just that domestic fans made a fuss, which made Yang Hongxia rejoice: Lucky, Lin Fan, you didn't choose to be on a variety show as the first show of this song. Otherwise, with the explosiveness of the lyrics of this song, I seriously doubt it. Even if a non-disclosure agreement is signed, some people will not be able to resist, and leak the relevant content of the new song in advance.

Most variety shows are recorded in advance, and the recording time varies according to the broadcast time of each program.

Some programs are recorded a week before the broadcast, and then it takes a week to edit the recorded content, add various small special effects, details and sound effects, etc., and then play it.

There are also some programs that record all the content first, then edit in stages, and finally arrange the broadcast time.

There are also many live programs, but because of the uncontrollability of live broadcasts, the ratings and comprehensive evaluation of the programs are often slightly worse than the recorded programs.

If Lin Fan wanted to participate in a variety show as the first show of a new song, he would definitely not choose a live show, because the fault tolerance rate is too low, and it often does not achieve the best publicity effect.

So the only options available are recorded and broadcasted programs.

But recording and broadcasting programs also involve the confidentiality agreement of the songs. If it is an ordinary song, even if it is a divine song like Blue and White Porcelain and In the Name of the Father in the last album, Yang Hongxia will not worry about the program team leaking it in advance. .

But billie jean can't.

This is a song that makes people unable to bear it after listening to it, and must share it with others immediately.

Coupled with the lyrics in the song, Yang Hongxia didn't want to underestimate the brain power of Chinese people at all. No, the song caused such a big storm on the Internet just after it was released. If it was recorded in advance in a variety show and was leaked by the staff of the program group, I don't know what it will turn into in the end.

Anyway, it's definitely not going to be any better than the current situation.

For this, Lin Fan was very appreciative: Sister Xia, I just like an afterthought like you!

Before, Yang Hongxia tried to persuade herself to participate in variety shows and to promote her new song. In short, she talked a lot.

But Lin Fan knew that Yang Hongxia knew very well, whether she participated in variety shows or did on-site promotion, the promotional effect of her new album would not be bad.

The reason why he was so proactive in persuading himself to open his business was not to earn more advertising fees.

Yang Hongxia, who has the lack of money debuff on her head, can really bend and stretch, and bow to money. Of course, her own resistance was also the most important reason why Yang Hongxia failed to succeed.

But if Yang Hongxia is given another chance, between money and the possibility of revealing the details of the song in advance, Yang Hongxia will still decisively choose the former.

After complaining, before Yang Hongxia became angry and picked up anything that could be smashed at hand, Lin Fan ran away in a hurry, not forgetting to find a reason for herself to hide and not be disturbed: I'm going to the editing room I'm cutting the movie, don't bother me if you have anything to do, or I won't be responsible if the cut is broken!

Who is responsible if you are not responsible?

Yang Hongxia was furious: If the cut is broken, you pay for it and make a new one!

It’s not a problem to make a new one, but it’s absolutely impossible to pay for it yourself!

So Lin Fan decided to cut this movie properly. Although the investment of this movie is not very high, it is still money. Who would be against money?

Besides, this is Zhou Xiang's first-line work, if the cut is broken, it will be a small matter to lose money, and it will be a bad idea if it delays Zhou Xiang's pace of entering the first line.

Lin Fan is still waiting for the studio to train more first-line workers to earn money for himself so that he can have more time for salty fish!


Ah! Zhou Xiang suddenly sneezed.

The assistant quickly brought the thermos cup: Xiangxiang, do you have a cold? I have cold medicine in my bag. Shall I make you a cup?

Zhou Xiang took the thermos cup and took a sip: I don't feel like I've caught a cold. I don't care about cold medicine. You can make me some ginger tea later to get rid of the cold.

Zhou Xiang felt that he probably got a bit cold when he stayed up late last night in order to hear Brother Fan's new song for the first time, and he was not yet at the stage of catching a cold.

So between cold granule and ginger tea, Zhou Xiang decisively chose the latter.

The assistant responded, and Zhou Xiang was also called away by Liang Wen to talk about the show: ...That's it, you have to give me enough tension in this set of shots, but you can't float on the surface, can you do it?

Zhou Xiang nodded: Yes!

Liang Wen was very pleased: Okay, then let's try one!

With Liang Wen's order, everyone took their positions, Zhou Xiang also stood in her position, lowered her brows and lowered her eyes to completely enter the role state, Liang Wen was very satisfied.

The record of the scene: Three shots in the seventh scene, let's start!


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