Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1136 You will not make bad movies

Liang Wen's new TV series started, and although Lin Fan was busy editing Zhou Xiang's movie, he was not idle, but when a message from Yang Hongxia came, Lin Fan rushed to the scene immediately.

Because a theme park of the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park has been announced to be completed!

Although it is included in the prehistoric universe theme park, this park focuses on western magic themes.

In other words, the entire theme park is actually divided into three major areas: the prehistoric universe area, other theme areas and office areas.

The prehistoric universe area occupies the largest area and requires the largest investment. Of course, it will take more time to complete. The ones that have been built now are mainly several important places in Journey to the West: Huaguo Mountain, East China Sea Dragon Palace, Yunxiao Temple and Western Paradise.

Because these major venues can actually meet the needs of the existing character activities based on Journey to the West and Fengshen Yanyi.

For example, Lotus Lantern, which has been included in the shooting plan for the next three years, can be shot in the two major areas of Huaguo Mountain and Yunxiao Temple.

Even if it can't fully meet the framing requirements of a TV series, it can still pass the post-production, right? And other areas, such as Wuzhuang Temple, Zizhu Forest and other scenes, are also under construction. One day, the entire Prehistoric Universe Theme Park can meet all the shooting needs of Earthman Studio.

At the same time, it can also be opened to the outside world to receive tourists. After all, when Lin Fan designed this theme park, he didn't just consider it as a film and television base, but invested and built it as a super park integrating film and television shooting, Chinese local culture, and an amusement park.

To put it bluntly, it can also be regarded as China Disneyland.

Except for the large area of ​​the Great Desolate Universe Theme Park, the other theme area ranks second in terms of area.

This area can be divided into two parts, one part is the film technology exhibition hall, and the other part is a Western-style magic theme park similar to the prehistoric theme park.

For example, the theme of Pirates of the Caribbean, such as the animated film Frozen, which is also included in the shooting plan for the next three years, and so on.

In short, except for the works related to Honghuang, all of Lin Fan's other works have been crammed into this area by Lin Fan.

Including the series of movies starring Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao that just finished filming a while ago.

At that time, Lin Fan had no choice but to take the crew abroad to shoot because the scenes needed for this movie were not completed.

He was almost blackmailed by the locals.

However, Lin Fan relied on his toughness that he was not short of money, and he was tough with the other party to the end, and he didn't let them take advantage of him.

However, the budget was still exceeded.

Therefore, Yang Hongxia worked hard, gritted her teeth and went to battle in person to follow up and supervise the construction progress of this part of the area. Finally, the emperor paid off. This area was announced to be completed today, and it can be put into use after cleaning up!

This time, not only Yang Hongxia, but also Lin Fan felt very happy: finally, she can shoot her own movie in her own place!

Let the foreign actors' associations, protection associations, local associations and other messy organizations in Naluoshizi stare blankly!

I invited all of your actors to come to my place to make a movie, let me see if you still dare to gang up and blackmail me? Do you still dare to come to the crew for inspection? Do you dare to deduct my shooting time casually?

Believe it or not, if you come in vertically, brother will let you crawl out!

Under the leadership of the person in charge of the site, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia took a rough look at the construction results of the entire park, and the person in charge of the site only briefly introduced the situation on the site. It's time for acceptance.

In the later stage, there will definitely be a professional acceptance team to conduct more detailed acceptance with the person in charge of the on-site project.

As the big investment bosses, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia probably just wanted to see the effect.

But what the person in charge doesn't know is that Lin Fan has a god-level plug-in of [photographic memory], whether the on-site effect matches the design drawings, and if they don't match, how big is the difference, which parts are qualified, and which parts need to be revised... ... Lin Fan knew it almost at a glance.

Yang Hongxia was also amazed at Lin Fan's amazing memory, but neither Lin Fan nor Yang Hongxia herself had to entangle these details with the person in charge of the scene. Later, Lin Fan held a meeting with the acceptance team. Naturally, the acceptance team and the site Acceptance by the construction party.

Now, the two of them really just followed the person in charge of the scene and looked around the entire park.

But Yang Hongxia knew that after looking around, Lin Fan must have figured it out: How is it?

Lin Fan recalled in his mind, these scenes on the earth, and the final effect he saw in the movie, and compared it with the local scene of Blue Star, and then quickly came to a conclusion: It can use.

But some details still need to be modified.

After all, Lin Fan did not completely follow the version on Earth to film the scene for this movie. And even after shooting in Blue Star's local area, Lin Fan still asked his friends in the animation studio to modify the final effect into the effect on his own design drawings.

I am worried that after the completion of this theme park, those foreigners will come to talk to me about copyright issues. After all, in Blue Star, not only the copyrights of film, music, and literary works are effectively protected, but buildings are also regarded as works of art. Not inferior to several other categories.

In order to avoid copyright disputes, Lin Fan gave full play to his subjective initiative when designing the theme park. Even if he went abroad to take other local characteristic buildings as the background, the final effects in the movie were all in accordance with Lin Fan’s. Designed version effect.

The explanation is a bit convoluted. To put it simply, Lin Fan has certified and backed up these scenes and buildings on the Blue Star copyright website. They are all unique copies of Blue Star and are protected by the Blue Star copyright law.

With Lin Fan's approval, Yang Hongxia was even happier: Then Gu Xi and Xiao Bao's second film in their series, can we start preparing for filming?

Lin Fan couldn't help complaining: Sister Xia, the first movie hasn't been released yet!

You are thinking about making the second part now, what if the box office results of the first part are not good?

The most important thing is, I need to rest! need a rest! need a rest!

Important things should be said three times!

But Yang Hongxia is not afraid: Even if you make a bad movie, some people will pay for you. What's more, you don't know how to make a bad movie.

With Lin Fan's current reputation, fans will forgive him and support him as always even if he misses occasionally.

Until it was determined that Lin Fan could no longer make good movies.

And as long as it is not a bad movie, it is profitable.


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