Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1134 Who the hell does this kid belong to! ! !

Xia Yan has been comforting his own father for more than half an hour: Oh, I have said it many times, this is just a song, this is just a line in the song!

Dad, don't believe those gossips on the Internet, just by looking at it, you can tell that it's fake news concocted by those paparazzi who watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal!

Lin Fan has been working for so many years, he is either working or staying at home, not to mention going out to fool around, even going out for a meal, if it is not necessary, or if he wants to change his taste, he will not go out.

Even if you can't trust Lin Fan's character, you should trust his laziness!

Xia Shaozhang had to admit that he was convinced.

Lin Fan's laziness is in various senses, he's too lazy to face complex human relationships, he's too lazy to deal with goodwill or malice from all sides, he's too lazy to eat, drink and have fun, and he's even too lazy to degenerate.

With that free time, Lin Fan really would rather lie at home and sleep, or use his mobile phone to spend the whole day doing nothing.

Xia Shaozhang sometimes really doubts that if Lin Fan is given enough money to ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing, as well as a smooth network, even if he throws Lin Fan on a deserted island, this guy can still enjoy himself for thirty or fifty years. Year.

Therefore, in fact, Xia Shaozhang didn't believe those rumors on the Internet, but he was a little worried that his daughter's mood would be affected by the remarks on the Internet, so he called, pretending to be furious about this matter, but in fact he still wanted to Shift Xia Yan's focus.

Tell Xia Yan not to keep looking at those rumors on the Internet, because even if he knows that these are not true, but seeing too much of such negative news will inevitably affect his mood, which in turn will affect the relationship between Xia Yan and Lin Fan.

Xia Shaozhang felt that he should sacrifice himself a little and play the role of this black face. As long as his daughter can be happy, being a villain is fine.

On the self-cultivation of a slave father with a daughter!

Xia Shaozhang listened to Xia Yan's comfort while paying attention to the news on the Internet. After seeing Lin Fan's post, he said: I saw Lin Fan's post, okay, I will forgive him this time. Turn around and you Tell him, forget about this matter, but if I find out something, hum!

Xia Yan didn't take her own father's arrogant speech to heart at all, and her focus was directly distorted: Lin Fan posted a post? Then I'll hang up first, and I have to log in to my account to give him a like, otherwise netizens You should make up your mind that I fell out with him!


Before Xia Shaozhang finished speaking, he found that Xia Yan hung up the phone directly.

The pretended anger suddenly turned into real anger: It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay!

Here, Xia Yan didn't realize that he had pissed off his father at all. After hanging up the phone, he directly logged into his Chaobo account, and then liked Lin Fan's new post:

[Xia Yan: The new song is so good! @Lin Fan. 】

As soon as Xia Yan's post came out, many people who wanted to make trouble deleted all the words they hadn't finished typing: Xia Yan has expressed his position, so it can be seen that the two people have reached a consensus in private , then how can this rhythm be brought up?

What's more, immediately afterwards, the official account of Earthman Studio also released a post, which was a screenshot, showing that Lin Fan's song billie jean had been composed by Lin Fan five years ago, and It was uploaded to the Bluestar copyright website and obtained copyright certification.

This simple and crude evidence has left those on the Internet who are afraid of chaos in the world speechless: Damn you!

The song that was written five years ago, how did you manage to release it until now?

If it were someone else, with such a good song, who could bear to have it kept frozen in the copyright library and not released?

Netizens imagined it for themselves, and they all felt: I can't bear it, I can't bear it!

Such a frenzied thing, probably only Lin Fan can do it.

But what about Lin Fan?

Sorry, there are too many songs, I just can't think of them all at once.

Although this sentence was not directly uttered, but combined with the two dynamics of Lin Fan and Earthman Studio, everyone can basically guess it: the excellent, inspired songs that others dream of, here is Lin Fan. a lot.

So although this song was written long ago, it was buried in Lin Fan's vast personal song library and never saw the light of day.

This time it was dug out, maybe Lin Fan did it by shaking the number, or just picked it up from his own ditty library.

Anyway, it's definitely not that kind. After working hard for a long time, word by word, note by note, this version is finally obtained.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the lyrics are not important anymore, because maybe even the whole song doesn't seem to be particularly important in Lin Fan's eyes: after writing it, upload it to the copyright website for certification, and then leave it alone.

Most importantly, what was Lin Fan doing five years ago?

Just finished Morning Star?

Just started working on Longing for the Yard?

Thinking about it this way, this son is so terrifying!

Netizens don't know how to face the fact that the singers in the entertainment industry are also caught by the fact that they are very sour, and even the paparazzi who are the most able to calm the wind and waves can't let it go The hand re-fabricated the feeling of pan-fake news.

Because the truth is more mysterious than they imagined.

Netizens are autistic, but the music critics are crazy about it, because there are too many things that can be written about Lin Fan's song, whether it is the new style of music that Lin Fan tried, or the reflection of this song. The practical significance of the song, and even the inspiration for Lin Fan to write this song, are worthy of their special mention.

Of course, among these music critics, the most popular are senior Lin Chui and Huang Jie.

[Integrity is too expensive and you can’t afford it: The song billie jean may be the most self-contained work Fan Ge has ever written. , can even be called the source of the story of the terrible chase, and it conveys the most authentic cognition of Pan Ge.

Presumably everyone will never forget that Brother Fan was once chased and hit by a car by a illegitimate fan. This was announced, and there are probably more unannounced ones.

Combined with the creation time of this song, I have reason to suspect that this song was created by Brother Fan after the car crash.

But the creation this time was far from pleasant, so it's not surprising that this song has been refrigerated by Brother Fan.


But leaving aside the creative background of this song and only discussing the song itself, we have to admit that Fan Ge once again showed his amazing musical talent.

Billie Jean is creepy, with pulsing bass, whiplash-like backbeats, and eerie multitrack vocals that bounce between keyboards and strings.

You don't need to admit it, but the flashy, mysterious and dangerous temperament of this song has completely captured your heart, making you forever entangled in: Who does this kid tmd belong to! ! ! 】


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