Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 109 Concave modeling is a technical activity

Seeing the live-action version of Lin Fan, the fans wished they could pull Lin Fan's face out of his head, press it into their own camera, and never let him go!

Because, the distance is too close!

The stage is only a few meters away from the fans in the first row! Fans can clearly see every hair of idols, every little expression on their faces, and their real looks that have not been beautified by beauty filters.

Who is a natural handsome guy, who is cheated by makeup, hair and beauty filters, you can tell at a glance. Although the boys who can participate in the draft are generally good-looking, there is still a big gap between good and good, and between good-looking and good-looking.

Especially at this time, Lin Fan's [Camera Sensation Specialization] and [Star Standing 72 Style] suddenly activated!

In the continuous sound of shutters, Lin Fan made all kinds of miraculous poses!

[Rolling up the sleeves style—literally, rolling up the sleeves with one hand. 】

[Playing autistic and pretending to be cool-covering half of your face with one hand, and silently saying three times in your heart, you can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me. 】

【Dragon Ball · Teleportation style--the teleportation gesture of the Yadrat star, put two fingers on the forehead to facilitate concentration. Of course, you can keep it, you know! 】

[Clothes must be taken off without taking off the style - if you don't take off the heat, you will be ghs if you take it off! So, should you take it off? 】

[Leaning against a wall to think about style—please use a part of your body to lean against a wall, and then think about the following question: Why on earth should I lean against the wall? Is my action really stupid? Will the person who took the photo think that I am hopeless when they see me like this? 】

[The most stable style of pretending to be deep, pretending to be cold and acting cool-there is only one point of this pose, that is, to have the most attractive expression on my face is enough! 】

[Shameless style—you think you are the most attractive person in the world, what face do you need? 】


This is simply a benefit that Lin Fan distributed to fans! The star-chasing girls and boys screamed and quickly pressed the shutter, taking pictures of Lin Fan's various miraculous poses!

Ahhhhhhh! Brother Fan is so good!

My God, is Brother Fan actively doing business? I feel that every picture I take can be used directly! The ones that don't need P pictures at all!

Me too, me too! Brother Fan's shot is amazing!

Isn't the point of that weird pose? Why am I desperately pressing the shutter while being so embarrassed that I can't stop?


The barrage in the live broadcast room also became a sea of ​​joy!

[Deadly Scissorhands: Hahaha what kind of pose is this! Where did generality come from? It's too embarrassing, okay? God! My favorite idol is a psycho! 】

[This person is probably sick: My scalp is numb from seeing it! Dig out with your toes to find a three-bedroom and one-living room! Cover your face! My mother asked me why I was kneeling on the ground looking for a seam! 】

[You count as the middle finger: Hahaha! It's too difficult for you fans this year! You are not satisfied that Fange is closed! You are not satisfied now that Fan Ge is open for business! Brother Fan is doing great! Just to be so awkward! You are the most awkward man in the world! 】


The security guards at the scene were also sweating nervously. These fans were so crazy that they almost wanted to break down the isolation fence. A human wall composed of more than 20 security guards and the isolation fence were able to stop these youthful and energetic fans. Ladies and gentlemen, if the program team hadn't expected it, something would have happened today.

Lin Fan, who was tormented by the system's magical skills, finally had enough poses and walked on the stage, truly wiping away tears of bitterness.

This deceitful system, these deceitful skills,

When is a head?

Why do I pose in those weird poses so naturally, and why do those kids like these weird poses so much? If someone else puts on such a pose in front of me, I can kick him away in minutes!

Huh? Am I a bit of Versailles?

Lin Fan really wanted to scold people, no, scold the system!

so tired!


All the students stood on the stage, and the fans in the audience quieted down with dignity. The host said, First of all, please say hello to everyone.

Five students stood on the stage and said in unison with smiles on their faces: Hi everyone, we are the students of the sixth season of Morning Star. It's a pleasure to meet you all.

What responded to them was screams that were about to overturn the ceiling!

The main body of the meeting is divided into five parts: performance, acknowledgment, interaction, signing, and taking pictures. The entire meeting process will be broadcast live through the camera to shorten the distance between students and fans, which can be regarded as another canvassing after the performance.

Of course, this is another act of cutting leeks by the program group.

Of course, the group program can only be the theme song performance, because the students don't have the time and energy to rehearse another performance specially prepared for the meeting, so they can only use the theme song to make up the number.

In fact, fans are very satisfied as long as they can see their idols on stage, and they don't care what they perform. This also shows from the side that the fan group is actually a very easy to satisfy group, but it is a pity that it is only for their idols. As long as there is another person, the fans will definitely not be so easy to coax.


After the theme song was performed, the fans were thanked for their support on the spot. The students went to the backstage for a break, and then the host called the students to the stage one by one to interact with the fans.

The fan meeting is only 3 hours long. Except for the group performance part, the time allocated to each student is not bad, and each student has about 30 minutes.

So when it was Lin Fan's solo session, he stood on the stage, looking at the fans in the audience, he couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in for a moment.

It was the first time for Lin Fan to participate in this kind of close meeting. All the procedures were taught by Chen Xianwu on the way here by bus, so the feeling was very novel.

When performing on a public performance stage before, the distance between the stage and the audience was very far, plus lighting effects, etc. In fact, Lin Fan couldn't see the audience clearly at all, and could only hear screams.

But it's different here, not only the fans feel that they are getting closer to idols, Lin Fan also feels that the distance between him and fans is very close! He was so close that he could see every face in the audience clearly, and he was so close that he could hear every cheer from the fans, as well as their excited and eager emotions.

This feeling is both real and illusory, and Lin Fan couldn't tell the difference for a while, he just felt that he was dreaming, maybe when he woke up, he was still the otaku who achieved nothing, there was no time travel at all, and there was no deception The system and such a hot draft.

Life is like a dream!

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