Fanpan! Look here!

Before the host had time to speak, he heard a very close voice suddenly.

Lin Fan followed the voice and saw a few girls sitting in the middle of the first row, holding up a support sign together.

Two rows of large characters are printed on the signboard in a very cute 'Founder Super Important' font.

The first row reads: Usually don't run!

The second row reads: Why don't we vote for you?

The font strokes are thick and thick, with a strong visual appeal, and even looks cumbersome, but the tone of voice is full of it seems to be very important, sounds like pretending to be arrogant, but in fact it is very Compromise from the heart.

Not only in the first row, but with these girls as the front row, a large area behind them was filled with fans who were wearing the same style of Lin Fan's Q-version image and yellow T-shirts, occupying the place More than two-fifths of the total number of fans!

These are all Lin Fan's fans, and they came from all over the country just to meet Lin Fan up close!

Lin Fan shook his head to express that he didn't believe it, and held up the microphone to question: Can I believe what you say?

Yes! The girls answered loudly.

It must be possible! The fans in the back row also responded to Lin Fan's question one after another.

For today's meet and greet, all the money from the support club has been spent, and we can't cast many votes even if we want to!

Actually, we haven't voted for a long time, so don't worry! We won't vote for you!

Lin Fan was also satisfied: Then you have to keep your word!

We need to think about it!

Hearing this answer, Lin Fan was dumbfounded, how could he go back on his word?

The host laughed: Lin Fan! Your fans are so cute!

Lin Fan couldn't help complaining: It's so cute! It's against me! Don't think I don't know how you all distort my meaning! Other fans are little angels, and you are all soymilk makers! It's so annoying !

The fans in the audience immediately responded: Then you have to say that, we will continue to vote when we go back!

This back and forth made the audience roar with laughter!

This is too much fun, idols slap fans on the spot, fans go back to idols on the spot, I have never seen such a funny combination!

Lin Fan didn't dare to piss off fans anymore, he couldn't piss off so many fans by himself, so he had to ask the host for help: Let's go through the process quickly, I'm afraid that if I stay here any longer, these fans don't know they will What did you do!

Maybe everyone is called on the scene to vote desperately for brother, that would be bad food!

The host laughed and said, Then let's draw lucky fans first, let's interact on stage!

Is drawing lucky fans the same as drawing your own fans?


Lin Fan asked: Then can I smoke other fans?

The fans in the audience quit immediately, some rolled up their sleeves, some took out their mobile phones, and one of them took out a pair of sunglasses from nowhere and put them on for himself, posing like a big sister: General, I think you are drifting away, and feel that your votes are low!

Vote and vote! Sisters are starting to vote!

Which debut position is more suitable, sister, what do you think?

That must be the C position! Needless to say!

There are other fans who are also joining in the fun: If you smoke other fans, other fans will go up?

Yes! We have to think about it too!

Hahaha! Brother Fan is the worst idol in history!

Lin Fan: I can't afford to offend you! real! You are all sisters!

The fans in the audience were laughing up and down, and the host on the stage was also holding the microphone and holding back his laughter, trembling all over his body.

If it wasn't for the host's professionalism that allowed him to maintain his demeanor, otherwise he would have been lying on the ground, pounding the ground crazily!

Under pressure, Lin Fan finally drew a number from the number box: Number 7!

Then, among the girls in the first row holding a support sign, a little girl stood up and waved her ticket stub: It's me!

Lin Fan recognized it, this is the 'big sister'!

Can't afford to provoke!

Yu Mengmeng didn't expect that she would be so lucky to be drawn by Lin Fan, and to be able to play games with Lin Fan on stage! Although I am a little rich woman, I really didn't activate my money ability this time!

Wang Lingli and the others looked at Yu Mengmeng with envy and hatred. They never thought that this silly Baitian was so lucky.

Yu Mengmeng ran up to the stage, stood about 2 meters in front of Lin Fan, and introduced herself gracefully: Hi Fanfan, my name is Mengmeng, and this is my gift for you!

As he spoke, he took something out of a handbag.

Lin Fan interacted with fans for the first time, and he didn't know how other fans would behave when they saw his idol. Anyway, in his opinion, this fan who was drawn was quite qualified.


Wait a minute! Mengmeng! Gift? What gift? Besides, Lin Fan couldn't help complaining, Are you eighteen years old? Does your family know you came to the meeting?

Lin Fan couldn't see clearly in the audience just now, but Lin Fan saw it clearly as soon as Yu Mengmeng came up. Yu Mengmeng lives up to her name, she looks very cute! With a small round face and big eyes, a small nose and a small cherry mouth, she speaks with a soft and cute southern accent. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a girl who just entered high school! The kind that just started high school!

Lin Fan especially does not support such girls chasing stars, especially future idols in talent shows, because it requires a large sum of money to cast and vote for the students!

Even if you are after a star like Xia Yan! Xia Yan's fans just buy an album, buy products endorsed by Xia Yan, and save a few months of pocket money to go to the concert... Anyway, they don't need blood to vote, Lin Fan thinks this is a reasonable pursuit of stars.

Just as the host wanted to smooth things over, Yu Mengmeng laughed and took out a bound document: Don't worry! I'm about the same age as you, and the gifts don't cost money! Didn't you keep saying to leave the stage? Are you going to open a B\u0026B after that? This is a B\u0026B plan that I asked my dad to help with, such as site selection, business strategy, anyway, you can see for yourself when you go back!

It costs nothing!

B\u0026B plan!

These two keywords directly hit Lin Fan's cute point, and he immediately swallowed what he had just said: Mengmeng! The first time I saw you, I felt like I met an angel! How can there be such a cute fan like you!

No matter who the fans in the audience were, they all shouted loudly when they heard Lin Fan's disrespectful words.


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