Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 108 Fan meeting, you have to wear a jersey

Tortured by PD Liu Jia, Lin Fan expressed that he could not let her be spoiled, and pulled the quilt over his head: I won't go!

If you don't go, the other students in your group won't be able to either!

Liu Jia looked at Lin Fan with a smile, You really want to prevent other students from attending the meeting because of yourself, disappoint the fans who are looking forward to it, and wait for a day without seeing your idol. Do you know that they all come from all over the country? Do you know that many of them waited all night at the fan meeting?

Lin Fan suddenly lifted the quilt, a little irritated: Do you want to be so desperate?

The only response to Lin Fan was the dark live broadcast, and Liu Jia who was hiding behind the camera with a triumphant smile: Small sample! It's been so long, sister still doesn't know how to treat you?

Liu Jia has been following Lin Fan all the time. She can say that she is the one who knows Lin Fan best among the staff in the entire factory! Lin Fan is as lazy on the surface as soft-hearted on the inside! He couldn't stand delaying or hindering other students because of himself.

Commonly known as: bad guy!

Fortunately, it is only an early symptom, not a late stage!

However, in order to force Lin Fan to submit, threats are not enough, Liu Jia also prepared a trump card!

let's go! Chen Xianwu!

Chen Xianwu received Liu Jia's gaze, slipped over from the side, stretched out a big hand and pulled Lin Fan's quilt: Brother Fan, I've made breakfast for you, can you pack one for me after you finish eating later? modeling?

There is a business coming!

Lin Fan got off the bed in a jerk: No problem! It's on my brother!

Lin Tony Edward Pan, open for business!

Fans watching the live broadcast were all amused by this scene and laughed so hard!

[Don't vote, I can still show: Hahaha! Who said Brother Fan is not open? This is not a word to start business! Although this business is slightly (xue) different from the business we want! 】

[Riding a pig to watch the sunset: PD has firmly grasped Brother Fan's weakness! There is no business that can't make Brother Fan submit, if there is any business, then go to VIP! 】

[This id was hacked: Sister upstairs, you are so beautiful! Speaking of which, the one who can perfectly restrain Brother Fan really must be the ability of the VIPs! 】


After finishing styling Chen Xianwu and several other students, Lin Fan gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun that Chen Xianwu brought back from the cafeteria, while rummaging through his suitcase that had been sorted many times, feeling a little worried for a while.

Lin Fan himself wanted to dress more casually, but the program team would not agree, not to mention his own [God-level Dressing Stylist] skill would not agree!

Not only did he not agree, but he also controlled Lin Fan's body, throwing Lin Fan's private servers aside with disdain, Lin Fan could only say in his heart: My own private server is disgusted by my own skills Yes, do you dare to believe this kind of thing?

Until, Lin Fan found out a whole set of limited edition clothes! Lin Fan swore that he could really see two big golden characters on this suit: Battle Robe!

[Compulsory skill: God-level dressing stylist] activated!

[Compulsory skill: Secret of Edward Scissorhands: Washing, Cutting and Blowing Three Divine Skills] Activated!

[Compulsory Skill: Star Makeup 108 Skill] Launch!

[Compulsory skill: Lipstick never sticks to teeth] Activate!

[Compulsory Skill: Selfie Magic Skill] Launched!

Hey, why do some weird things seem to be mixed in?


The location of the meeting was arranged in a large shopping mall in Linshi.

The meet and greet was supposed to start at 2:00 p.m., but fans came from all directions early in the morning and entered with tickets.

When fans walk through the entrance channel, they will be able to see the flower walls, human-shaped stands, and small tables with support materials prepared by various support clubs on the channel.

And the accompanying gift boxes placed at the back, these gift boxes are to be distributed to fans of other families after the meeting.

As for the gift boxes for other students, they are prepared separately, and will be handed out by the backbone of each support club on the spot.

The program team also prepares support items, but these support items are common to the group, such as a small fan with the program logo printed on it, a brochure with a group photo of the students printed on it, etc., and every fan who enters the venue can get it.

The fan meeting doesn’t start until 2 pm, but many fans came early in the morning, and some even waited here last night—after arriving, the infield hasn’t opened yet, so they can only stay in the meeting in the hall.

The entire hall was occupied by fans, a group of girls got together and chatted non-stop. Of course there are also boys, but the number is too small to be completely overwhelmed by the girls.

At 1:00 p.m., the infield began to open, and the staff began to check tickets. As the fans gradually entered the infield, the hall gradually became quiet.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the fans were already waiting anxiously, the host of the meet and greet came onto the stage with a microphone in hand. This seemed to be a signal that the idols were about to appear on the stage, and the fans couldn't help but start screaming. Shout out the name of your idol!

The host began to control the field: Good afternoon, everyone! I saw a lot of guardian stars came today. I heard from the staff that some of them were waiting outside last night. I can understand your urgency. It's afternoon At 2 o'clock sharp, I will not waste everyone's time, today's Morning Star season 6 student meeting will start on time. Let's welcome them to the stage with applause!

A student poked his head out from the stage entrance on the side of the stage. He was greeted by exclamations and fans who recognized him shouted his name!

Ah! It's Chen Xianwu!

Ahhh! Come out, come out!

Brother! Brother, look here!

Chen Xianwu took a deep breath, showed a standard smile, pushed open the door, and walked out first, followed by other students.

Lin Fan was at the end, because he had the highest rank among the 5 students in this group, so he was arranged by the program group to be the last one.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Fan walked out, the scene immediately erupted!

Ahh! It's alive! Brother Fan is alive! He's so handsome!

I thought it was a beautification in the camera, but looking at it now, the real person is even more handsome!

I can't do it! I can't do it! I'm going to suffocate! No one can rob me. I want to take Lin Fan back and become my bride!


Lin Fan was wearing a full set of limited-edition jersey drawn from the system lottery. Using the system's magical skills, he sculpted himself to a perfect 360° without dead ends. In addition, his facial features and temperament were particularly outstanding, so outstanding that he stood in a crowd In it, it also appears to be shining, people can see him at a glance, and they can't look away!

In an instant, the entire infield heard a click sound. It was the sound of fans taking pictures frantically with their mobile phones and long guns and cannons!

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