Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 107 Sleep until you wake up naturally?

100,000 lottery draws, every time there is a feeling of heartache, as if it becomes difficult to breathe! This system is really crappy. Isn't it just that there is no direct upgrade as you wish? As for wasting his popularity like this?

Forget it, let me see what kind of magical skills are worthy of the 100,000 popularity points that I have worked so hard to save!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Advanced Singing Skills—little man who has already released two songs, your singing skills are already pulling your hips! Appropriate upgrades will help your development! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mandatory skill: Emotional Delicacy—Singing skills are just skills, emotion is the essence, and singing without emotion is a hooligan! Of course, you can also use this skill in other places! 】

[Current Popularity: 54468, Task Progress: 613790/1000000]

Lin Fan looked at the two newly drawn skills, and tried hard to think about how to drag the system out of his mind, breaking bones and cramping! Wrap it with egg liquid and bread crumbs, put it into a 60% hot oil pan, and fry it until golden and crispy. The little friends in the big factory will cry!

system! You are a scammer who specializes in cheating hosts! You return my 200,000 popularity points!

None of these two skills are what I want. I have obtained intermediate singing skills before, so what if I have advanced singing skills now? Do you dare to send the skills of the God of Songs to my brother at once, so that I don't have to draw [expert-level singing skills] and [master-level singing skills] to waste my popularity points in the future.

Moreover, the high-level singing skills are still afraid that I will not sing well enough, and I will make myself emotionally delicate in the future. Are you afraid that I will sing like ghosts and wolves? What is the use of me singing? I won't be able to sing anymore. I have already found a home for the dozen or so songs. Xia Xiaofupo Yan has already sharpened his sword. Is there any reason why I can't sell the songs to her?

Lin Fan felt so tired!

I'm going back to the dormitory to sleep!

The kind that sleeps live!


Before the live broadcast of the group night, the Morning Star program group spread the news that they would arrange a unified meeting for the students. This is also a common practice. After all, fans have worked so hard to vote for so long, so it is time to give fans benefits.

It’s just that in the first five seasons, the meeting was arranged before the third performance, but in the sixth season, due to the comprehensive revision, the entire program cycle was greatly shortened, so the time of the meeting was pushed back, and it was placed in Cheng Before the group night.

As soon as this news was released, fans of all the schools entered a state of battle! Grabbing tickets, making support materials, preparing souvenirs, designing flower walls, etc. are all waiting for the support club to complete!

The discussion in the support club of another family is who is in charge of oranges, who is in charge of material design and production, who is in charge of purchasing small gifts in gift boxes, who is in charge of personnel organization, and who is in charge of various other miscellaneous things... In short, it is busy and chaotic. The chicken blood is on the top, screaming to add fire to his idol's ranking, and rush his ranking up.

But when it came to Lin Fan's place, it was a completely different painting style. As soon as Wang Lingli received the news of the meeting, she was already fully prepared! but!

Wang·Fan circle boss·Senior wall climber·Lingli's head hurts just looking at the string of numbers on the cook's account!

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: The support club can get some tickets from the official, but the number will not be many, so priority will be given to the key members of the support club, and the remaining tickets will be determined by lottery. 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Because there was a lot of funds left last time, so this time the support is no longer oranges, but the remaining money is spent on support materials, and the details will be announced later. Remarks: This is probably the last time we will spend money on Fanfan. After that, we will no longer make oranges and votes, so as to avoid the tragic event of completely nailing Fanfan to the debut position. 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Above. Sisters, let's recognize relatives at the meeting! 】


Yu Mengmeng looked at the few messages sent by Wang Lingli in the group,

A kind of inexplicable melancholy came to my heart: Oh! This is really the most unfulfilling time since I chased stars! There is no need to activate my 'money' ability at all!

There is no need for Mengjie to make a shot, and the orange is only once. As a result, the money has not been spent yet, and there will be no more organized shots later, so now I have to find ways to spend the rest of the money!

All kinds of support materials were packaged by Wang Lingli and Li Shasha, two veteran fans, and there was no room for Ms. Meng.

Don't even grab the tickets for the meet and greet! The support club can get tickets! And because Lin Fan's crowd of passers-by is too big, passers-by don't care at all about the meeting, and most of the people in the support club are also very careless! There are so many tickets!

Yu Mengmeng was very worried, in this way, would there be fewer general fans at the meeting than others? Will this appear to be too general and lacking in appearance?

Yu Mengmeng worried about this matter to Wang Lingli, and Wang Lingli dispelled her worries with just one sentence.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Sister Meng, don't worry! If there are fewer fans at the scene, Fan Fan will definitely be the happiest one! 】

Yu Mengmeng felt that she had been shot in the heart for no reason, but she was speechless. What's going on?


On the morning of the fan meeting, at 9 o'clock, Lin Fan was awakened from a sweet dream by PD Liu Jia.

Lin Fan, it's time to get up and do makeup and hair!

Lin Fan's head was full of question marks, and he said in a daze, What makeup and hair are you doing?

This weekend, it was the top 9 students—no, now it has become the top 8 students plus a day when Li Xiaodong went to record The Great Ace. Lin Fan, who has already auctioned off the spot, has no idea why he wants to get up and do makeup and hair ?

Wouldn't it be nice to sleep until he wakes up naturally?

PD Liu Jia ruthlessly pointed the camera at Lin Fan's face: Today is the day of the fan meeting. After breakfast, I will do makeup and hair, and then rush to the meeting site. It will be noon anyway. Let's rehearse again , Go through the process, the meeting will officially start at 2 pm, if you wake up now, the time is almost right.

Lin Fan was stunned all of a sudden: Why is there still a fan meeting?

Of course there is! PD Liu Jia said confidently, The original arrangement of the program group is like this, the top 9 students will participate in the recording of Big King Card, and their fan meeting will also be held on the side of Big King Card , and the left-behind students will also arrange fan meetings. Even if you don’t go to the recording, you still have to attend the meeting!”

With Lin Fan's popularity so high, how could the show crew let him sleep in the dormitory, wasting it for nothing? It's okay not to record Big Ace, anyway, the popularity has already reached - then go to the fan meeting!

There is always one thing that Lin Fan can't escape, and the program group is the ultimate real winner!

This is the capitalist!

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