Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 104 Next is the moment to witness the miracle!

[Too handsome to have no friends: What kind of miracle is it? I'm dying of anxiety! Brother Fan is too good at creating atmosphere, right? 】

[Youth, feed it to the dog: That's right, perform a magic trick, goofy, show it quickly! 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling? 】


The audience in the live broadcast room was no different than the live audience. All kinds of bullet screens flew straight, and they couldn't wait for Lin Fan's performance. Fortunately, Lin Fan didn't keep everyone waiting too long.

Lin Fan yelled Flying Immortal from Heaven, and with lightning speed, his right hand lifted the white towel off the index finger of his left hand.

Everyone clearly saw Lin Fan's raised index finger turned into scissor hands!

Cut! Knife! hand!

Two fingers!

Index finger + middle finger!

And Lin Fan's expression was exaggerated to the extreme: Everyone, look, one has changed into two!


A row of crows flew over the heads of 400 guardian stars, 29 students, 4 hosts, 5 assistant guests, more than 100 people in the program group, and tens of millions of guardian stars in the live broadcast room.

A row of fucking troughs neatly started swiping the screen in the live broadcast room!

What is this? What is this? Can anyone tell me what Brother Fan is performing?

Wait, why do I feel like I didn't understand? Wasn't that one finger before? Why did it become two?

Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, there's still something I don't understand! Brother Fan has played tricks on everyone!

Fortunately, we all thought he was going to perform such a mysterious magic trick! He even named the magic trick 'Flying Immortal from Heaven'! I really want to send him to heaven!

Isn't this the origin of the magic name? I also want to send Brother Fan away! Ahhh! What is he performing? Is he insulting our IQ?

It's not very technical, but it's extremely insulting!


There was silence for a few seconds at first, and then there was a roar of laughter, and then all kinds of laughing children rolled down the chairs, even Xia Yan, who was always indifferent, burst out laughing.

The live broadcast immediately exploded.

[Aunt Bohemian: Brother Fan, Brother Fan, I won't accept anyone, but your shameless spirit! 】

【This person is probably sick: Who of you found out that Brother Fan is still managing facial expressions, people who don't know think he just completed a shocking mysterious magic trick! 】

[Fatty flexible man: Look at his intoxicated appearance! Why do I have the urge to hit someone! 】

[Liangzi is on the number: I laughed so hard, is this the Flying Immortal? The so-called fairy is your cactus? No, it's the Immortal Finger? 】

[Riding a pig to watch the sunset: Brother Fan, are you playing tricks on our millions of viewers? Never let Brother Fan go! 】


All kinds of laughing and cursing in the live broadcast room, but soon everyone started swiping the screen!

【Brother Fan is playing tricks, resolutely put him in and out of Dao! 】

【Brother Fan is playing tricks, resolutely put him in and out of Dao! 】

【Brother Fan is playing tricks, resolutely put him in and out of Dao! 】


The audience at the scene also shouted together.

【Brother Fan is playing tricks, resolutely put him in and out of Dao! 】

【Brother Fan is playing tricks, resolutely put him in and out of Dao! 】

【Brother Fan is playing tricks, resolutely put him in and out of Dao! 】


Lin Fan is working hard to manage his expression, because he clearly remembers that the key to this magic trick is to have a handsome posture and a real expression, and he must not laugh, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

Luo Yu's scalp was numb from Lin Fan's coquettish manipulation, and he rushed up directly: Xiu'er! Is that you, Xiu'er?

Ding Erxun jumped up from his seat: No! I won't give it to you! What kind of magic trick are you doing!

Ke Xirui hugged his stomach that was throbbing with laughter,

Pointing at Lin Fan tremblingly with a finger: Brother Luo! We can't let him go!

Of course we can't let him go!

Luo Yu made a gesture to take off his shoes and yanked them over, aggressively: I'll let you show off! I'll let you show off again!

Lin Fan was really afraid that Luo Yu would really smoke himself, after all, in his own opinion, this magic trick was indeed a little too short. So as soon as Luo Yu came up, Lin Fan no longer cared about the ultimate meaning of handsome posture, and ran around the field with his head in his arms: Mr. Luo! Don't hit me! I was wrong! Don't hit your face!

Fuck him! A high-pitched scream suddenly came from the audience, and immediately won everyone's approval and support!

Luo Yu hit him! We support you!

Absolutely don't let him go! It's too irritating! I've never seen such an irritating player!


The students in the background also felt very relieved and clamored to support Luo Yu.

Luo Yu 'finally' caught Lin Fan who was pretending to run away, and slapped Lin Fan a few times as though he was using a lot of force, but he didn't feel much when he landed on his body. I'm sorry! Oops! Teacher Luo! I was wrong! Oops! Hit softly!

It's no use apologizing to me! Luo Yu pointed out.

Lin Fan immediately understood: I'm sorry everyone! I'm sorry for the fans who voted for me! I'm sorry for the tutor group and program group, I was really wrong!

What's the use of talking?

Lin Fan immediately bowed deeply at ninety degrees.

Only then was Luo Yu satisfied: Then it doesn't count if I said it, you have to ask everyone, ask so many guardian stars at the scene, do they forgive you?

Before Lin Fan could speak, the audience shouted, No forgiveness!

Never forgive! It's too perfunctory!

Unless you show us another talent! Otherwise, we will put you in the debut position!

After the guardian star shouted this sentence, he felt a little surprised: When did being voted in and out of the dao position become the biggest punishment for a draft student? Shouldn't this be a reward?

Whoops! They were all so angry with this Lin Fan!


One more talent! The students in the background also booed!

There must be a real talent! Singing and dancing! You must not let Brother Fan fool you!

Li Xiaodong shouted richly: Sing! Brother Fan sing! No matter what song or copyright, I will reimburse you!

When the director heard Li Xiaodong's words through the live broadcast, his eyes lit up, and he immediately arranged for the editor of the program group to cut this segment out, and then put it on the big screen on the stage, so that everyone could hear this sentence!

The audience couldn't help laughing: Hahaha! Li Xiaodong is going to buy the copyright for Lin Fan! Now he can't use this as an excuse anymore!

I can only say, Brother Keng Fan has to go to the VIP!

Dongdong did a great job!

Luo Yu immediately took control of the rhythm when he saw the opportunity: Lin Fan, did you hear that, everyone will give you another chance now, and you will perform another talent. This time, you must not get away with it again! Otherwise, if the guardian star forgives you, I will not forgive you you!

Lin Fan watched the crowd booing and knew that he had to come up with something real this time.

That's all right, I'll show another talent. Hurry up and look through the magical skills given by the system to see if there is anything that can be used to perform!

what! Here's one!

Well, this talent will definitely satisfy everyone!

Next, is the moment to truly witness the miracle!

The one just now doesn’t count!

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