Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 105: The Magic of Love Goes Around

This time I must come for real!

Luo Yu confirmed with Lin Fan, Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of this stage today.

It's true! It's more true than anything else! Lin Fan, who had already found the skills to perform, was full of confidence, Teacher, don't worry, he is definitely a real talent!

Okay, let's wait and see! Luo Yu withdrew from the stage.

Lin Fan walked to the middle of the stage, stood still, stretched his hands to the sides naturally, raised his head slightly, and closed his eyes.

The 400 guardian stars, 29 students, 4 hosts, 5 assistant guests, and more than 100 people in the program group were stunned by Lin Fan's serious pose, gradually calmed down, and waited with bated breath .

The tens of millions of guardian stars in the live broadcast room stopped cursing and turned into curious babies.

[Adorable elementary school scum: Brother Fan, this movement, this posture, is this a dance? Looks very professional! 】

[Sauerkraut without fish: When he performed magic just now, he looked very professional, okay? We haven't been lied to yet! ! ! Now there is no music, Brother Fan is going to dance? I still remember that when Brother Fan danced, it seemed like he had pulled a ball! 】

[Today is also a day of overtime work: Do you remember things from such a long time ago? Why do I feel that moment has been away from us for a long time? Sure enough, looking at Brother Fan every day, I feel that life goes by so fast! 】

[I forgot to take the medicine today: Don't digress, why do I feel that Brother Fan will still cheat everyone this time? 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: What are you afraid of, as long as he dares to trick us again, we will put him in and out of the dao position! At that time, we will see who is suffering? 】


Lin Fan exhaled lightly, and activated [Compulsory Skill: The Magic Power of Love Goes Around]!

Many question marks popped up on the heads of the Guardian Stars in the audience.

This is? Spinning around?

Is Brother Fan playing tricks on us again?

It looks like it's playing tricks on us, but you have to know that most people get dizzy after a few laps. Of course, there are talented people who can spin many laps, but most people still need to be trained to do this.

So, this is really a talent? right?

Well, brother Fan transferred, what a standard!

The guardian stars were not very sure, but as Lin Fan turned around, one minute passed, three minutes passed, and five minutes passed... At the time, the scene gradually burst into applause!

Even the instructors, backstage students, and even the staff of the program group all admitted that it must be a talent to spin in circles for ten minutes in a row!

This guy Lin Fan still has something!

However, as time got longer and longer, fifteen minutes passed, twenty minutes passed, twenty-five minutes passed...

Everyone just kept watching, watching, watching.

Lin Fan just kept spinning, spinning, spinning.

No sign of stopping at all!

[Climacteric girl: I'm sleepy, okay? How could Brother Fan perform such a boring talent? 】

[Damn it! : What's boring? Do you know how strong a sense of balance is needed to keep turning like this? This is true talent! Most people can't do it at all! Note, this is not a still image! It is not a network card anymore! This is a powerful balance show! 】

[Tremble, mortals: You are right! I am speechless! But I'm so tired watching it, is it my obsessive-compulsive disorder? Please note that my first three sentences are RAP! 】

[Sa_Sa: As expected, Brother Fan, I think it's better to watch his Flying Immortal! 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Oh, you said that, I really miss the Flying Immortal from Heaven! 】


When is Brother Fan going to transfer? Did he do it on purpose?

Intentionally what?

Deliberately disgusting us,

That way we won't scold him for the funny magic trick he just did!

Hehe, this is indeed something Brother Fan would do!

The question is, if it continues like this, will the director team go crazy? Should the show still be recorded?


The director team and staff members in the backstage were also dumbfounded, and with this kind of coquettish operation, when they thought Lin Fan finally performed a serious talent, who would have thought that it would end like this.

PD Liu Jia looked at the director, the director looked at the assistant director, the assistant director looked at Liu Jia, and finally gave instructions to the mentor Luo Yu through the microphone rather helplessly.

The instructors also opened their mouths wide, and all of them were people who had seen strong winds and waves, but every time they met Lin Fan, there was always a sense of sight as if they were capsized in the gutter. Hearing the director's instructions, Luo Yu walked to Lin Fan's side helplessly: Lin Fan, how long do you want to go?

Lin Fan is also very helpless, this is a compulsory skill, it is out of his control, as long as it is activated, it will keep spinning, to be honest, he is also very dizzy.

Mentor, I guess, probably, it's almost over!

Luo Yu slapped his forehead helplessly, and there was a hint of pleading in his words: Then can you hurry up, tens of millions of viewers are waiting for you in the live broadcast room!

Okay, I'll get over it as soon as possible!

Lin Fan raised his neck and maintained an elegant posture, while glancing at the audience from the corner of his eyes. This time the joke was too big, and he probably deserved to be scolded by many people again!

This unreliable system, why does it always give me such unreliable skills! I thought it would be over after just a few laps, who would have thought it would take so long!

Brother, I am also very tired!

Fortunately, this skill is activated based on Lin Fan's physical fitness. 30 minutes is already Lin Fan's limit. If it continues, it is estimated that Lin Fan will become the first in the history of the draft to be admitted to the hospital because of an extra audition performance. Trainee.

However, Lin Fan said that compared to the circling madman in his previous life, no, the circling madwoman, he is still far behind! She, nicknamed Little Bunting Flag, also known as Little Spinning Top, is known as the Never Falling Girl. I can be regarded as a circle man at best!

The moment they saw Lin Fan stop, almost everyone, including 400 guardian stars in the audience, 29 students, 4 hosts, 5 assistant guests, more than 100 people in the program group, thousands of people in the live broadcast room Wan Guardian Stars, everyone let out a foul breath.

it's finally over!

At the same moment, the same sentence rose in everyone's mind: This is probably the most boring talent show I have ever seen in my life, bar none!

Luo Yu saw that Lin Fan had stopped, and hurried forward: Lin Fan, I have always liked you, but your magic show just now gave me the urge to beat you up, but during this circle, You let me completely calm the anger in my heart!

Lin Fan wiped the sweat from his brow, expressing that he was very tired: Teacher, you are too polite! I think the biggest effect of my talent show is not to calm everyone down!

Oh? What's that? Luo Yu asked in surprise. Does such a boring performance have other functions?

Lin Fan chuckled, showing eight teeth: I feel that the director team should express their gratitude to me, because I successfully extended the program by half an hour!

Everyone is mad!

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