On the live barrage of the show, the screen was overwhelmed by screams!

[Put brother in the refrigerator: ahhhhhh! Xia Yan is absolutely amazing! Xia Yan is such a unique woman! I feel like I'm going to be bent by her! I'm obviously here to lick my brother's face! 】

【I'm only three years old this year: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I declare! From today on, Xia Yan is my husband! 】

[Never listen to persuasion: Xia Yan gave it to you, and I took away the remaining 6! It's all mine! 】


The audience was even more crazy, and the screams almost toppled the roof! The intense applause didn't stop for a long time. Such a heat wave made the students in the waiting room sore to death!

But is there any other way, who made Xia Yan not in his group.

Only Dachang's own son, Li Yingqi, was pointed out by the agent, saying that the other guests were all groups arranged by the program group, and only Xia Yan appointed the group himself.

So this kind of heat, others can't envy it at all.


After the group performance, it was time for the personal talent show that Lin Fan hated the most. Last time, he was called up to perform without any preparation. Although he did not prepare this time, he knew that he was going to perform on stage at least an hour in advance. .

Although I still hate it, Lin Fan said: This one is worth it!


The people in front quickly finished their talent show. When it was time for Lin Fan to perform, there was a series of boos from the audience: Brother Fan, if you dare to perform tongue twisters again this time, I swear that I will put you in and out of the dao position!

Brother Fan, you have to think about it, if you dare to waste my ticket, then I will definitely not allow you to open a homestay!

Brother Fan, I want to hear you sing! Sing Walk in the Rain!


There are 400 guardian stars, 29 students, 4 hosts, and more than 100 members of the director team, not including the 5 assistant guests. At this moment, they shouted their hearts almost at the same time. They are really afraid Lin Fan went on stage to perform another tongue twister, and then was overwhelmed by fans: Tongue twisters are ancient ballads!

This kind of thing, once is enough! If you do it again, Lin Fan's fans will go crazy!

The fans in the live broadcast room were also frantically swiping their screens.

Don't say tongue twisters! Otherwise, you will be thrown into the Dao position!

Don't say tongue twisters! Otherwise, you will be thrown into the Dao position!

Don't say tongue twisters! Otherwise, you will be thrown into the Dao position!


Lin Fan really planned to go on stage and give another tongue twister. After all, this kind of extra test is not for extra points, but he also felt a little embarrassed when he heard everyone's boos. This group of people don't know much about art , what happened to my brother's Eight Hundred Pacesetters Running to the North Slope? I heard that many people are imitating it! You people don't understand fashion at all!

Xia Yan watched the people in the audience booing, and then looked at Lin Fan's slightly embarrassed face, and almost couldn't help laughing. Although she learned about Lin Fan's situation through various aspects, she really felt it at the scene. Everyone's unconventional love for Lin Fan also made her feel that Lin Fan is so popular.

Talented, popular, good at being a human being, and handsome, Xia Yan believes that even if Lin Fan is unwilling to make his debut, the road ahead will definitely be wider and wider!

Standing on the stage, Luo Yu couldn't help laughing: Lin Fan, did you hear everyone's voices? No more tongue twisters are allowed this time!

Alright alright!

Lin Fan spread his hands helplessly, and then thought about what he should perform.

The audience saw that Lin Fan had calmed down, and everyone was also quiet. Everyone was looking forward to it. Lin Fan, who was always unexpected, would perform this time? Is it a new song? or dance?

The live broadcast room even started with fans who had good things.

[Everything is not difficult if it doesn’t start: Come on, come on, make a bet, Brother Fan will pay 1.2 for every performance of a new song,

Brother Fan will pay 1.5 per person for performing dance, 2 per person for Fan brother’s new tongue twister, 3 per 1 for Fan brother performing splits, 10 per person for Fan brother’s dumbfounded…]

[Mengmeng rabbit: Hey, why are you still dumbfounded? 】

【Sa_Sa: That's not easy, apart from tongue twisters, Brother Fan doesn't know anything else! 】

[Cherry Puppy: I can't say that, I'm still looking forward to Brother Fan's new song, I'll bet on singing! 】

[Colorful Black: How come there are so many new songs, Lin Fan's fans are too good at bragging! 】


Fortunately, Lin Fan didn't keep everyone waiting for a long time. In less than a dozen seconds, his [Photographic Memory] skill was forced to activate, which reminded him of a very interesting thing in his previous life.

Teacher, I can do magic!

Lin Fan himself didn't realize that the [Photographic Memory] skill allowed him to recall many vague memories of his previous life several times in a row, and this skill's influence on Lin Fan would become stronger and stronger.

Divine skills, not bragging!

This magic is also a funny video I saw in my previous life. It was a very old funny video. When Lin Fan saw it, he almost burst out laughing. Now that he thinks about it, performing it on this stage must be very effective!

Well, laughing is full of fruit!

Huh, magic? Brother Fan can also do magic? I haven't seen him perform in the dormitory before!

Wow, is there anything Brother Fan doesn't know? I feel that Brother Fan is a little treasure, and you will never know how deep he is!

Hey, I feel like you are driving, let's pay attention to our image?


Everyone felt very miraculous about Lin Fan's magic skills, and they all sat up straight, waiting for his performance.

Okay, I'm also looking forward to your performance, do you need props? Luo Yu's eyes were full of smiles, the more he liked the handsome guy Lin Fan, the more pleasing he was.

Bring me a white towel, please!

Lin Fan smiled mysteriously, then simply tidied up his performance clothes and rolled up his sleeves, giving everyone a feeling of concentrating on preparations.

This magic is called Flying Immortal Beyond the Sky!

Hearing the name, everyone's expectations were fully ticked off. Many people were imagining how powerful this magic was, and it was called the Flying Immortal from Heaven!

Lin Fan took the white towel handed over by the staff, and then smiled slightly toward the audience: Now, please look carefully!

There are 400 guardian stars in the audience, 29 students, 4 hosts, 5 assistant guests, and more than 100 people in the program group. Everyone is waiting attentively.

The tens of millions of guardian stars in the live broadcast room also quieted down, and the barrage became less.

Lin Fan raised his left index finger: Everyone, see clearly, this is a finger!

There were 400 guardian stars, 29 students, 4 hosts, 5 assistant guests, and more than 100 people in the program group. Everyone nodded in unison.

The tens of millions of guardian stars in the live broadcast room can only send 1 to indicate that they nodded.

Lin Fan picked up a white towel and put it on his left index finger, then blew lightly on the white towel, and asked everyone, Are you ready?

There were 400 guardian stars, 29 students, 4 hosts, 5 assistant guests, and more than 100 people in the program group. Everyone nodded in unison: We are ready!

The tens of millions of guardian stars in the live broadcast room can only send 2 to show that they are ready.

Lin Fan showed eight teeth.

Next is the moment to witness the miracle!

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