Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1016 The popularity of my family is not in vain

Facts have proved that this is really Li Xiaodong.

Just changing the look of the Republic of China era, Li Xiaodong's temperament has completely changed. Lin Fan almost didn't recognize it at first glance.

Liang Wen is also very satisfied: Li Xiaodong's acting skills have improved a lot during this period. There were some signs of it when he was filming the movie before, but the script is a modern script, so the contrast is not very obvious. But in this drama Here, once the overall appearance is changed, his mental outlook will be completely different.

Liang Wen was very pleased with Li Xiaodong's progress.

Because when Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang came together to play cameos in Lin Fan's movie, Liang Wen saw that Li Xiaodong's acting skills were not as good as Lu Bingyang's.

Although Lu Bingyang's acting skills were average at that time, at least he could say he had acting skills and experience. But Li Xiaodong really doesn't have any acting skills at all, and thanks to Lin Fan's little training, he finished filming the plot in just a few tens of seconds.

Liang Wen once thought that Lin Fan's hard work was in vain.

But slowly, with Li Xiaodong's progress, Liang Wen also gradually changed his mind: Although some people are not from majors, nor are they talented players, but with hard work, they can still reach a very good level.

Just like Li Xiaodong.

Another example is Lu Bingyang.

Of course, if you have to compare, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang are not as good as Zhou Xiang.

Zhou Xiang's acting skills are not to mention beating the two of them, at least they are left behind by a large part, and Zhou Xiang is still a professional, and he is very talented, willing to work hard, and can bear his temper. Keep this kind of learning mentality, then the achievements in the future will definitely not be comparable to Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang.

Not to mention, Lin Fan had prepared enough excellent scripts for Zhou Xiang early on, and he would be able to monetize these resources just waiting for Zhou Xiang to grow up.

I have to admit that the resources Lin Fan gave these three friends are really generous, and it feels like they are not resourceful but better than resourceful.

The resource guys in the circle can only guarantee that they have much better resources than other artists in their hands, but they cannot guarantee that they will be able to become popular with these resources.

There are even a lot of people who have become the butt of ridicule, being ridiculed by the audience for holding so many resources, but they are not popular no matter how much they praise, this is probably their fate.

But Lin Fan is different here, Lin Fan is really popular with others, Zhou Xiang became popular with A Little Thing of First Love, Li Xiaodong became popular with Wulin Biography, Lu Bingyang is actually no less popular Don't make too much effort, but Lin Fan still independently formulated the period drama that is currently being filmed for him.

Just by reading the script, Liang Wen knew that once this drama was aired, it would definitely be another hit of the year.

Who in the circle doesn't envy such treatment?

It was Lin Fan himself who didn't pay much attention to these things - of course, with such big IPs as Journey to the West and Fengshen Yanyi in his hand, as well as the blockbuster Titanic Lin Fan really doesn't need to care too much about one or two TV drama scripts.

But other people care!

Just looking at the various actors wandering around the crew every day, you can see how many people have tried to recommend themselves to Lin Fan under the guise of encountering by chance.

It's a pity that these people don't know that Lin Fan has been filming abroad, and he just came back today. Moreover, Lin Fan also has the ability to dump paparazzi, as long as Lin Fan is not willing, no one can encounter him.

It took ten minutes to take a general look at the acting skills of the little friends. Lin Fan was generally very satisfied, and the director Liang Wen was the most satisfied.

Lin Fan has seen the original version of this show, so even if it is combined with the real history of Blue Star's local area, the final filming effect is still biased towards the original version.

But Liang Wen is different. Liang Wen has only read the script, not the original version. He relied on his own understanding of the play and his understanding of the era of Blue Star, and combined it together,

The TV series produced by Liang Wen himself have a kind of native temperament.

In this regard, Lin Fan is not as good as Liang Wen.

So after confirming that there was no problem with Liang Wen's filming, and that his friends' acting skills were above the level, Lin Fan decided to let it go: I think you all did a good job in filming, so just shoot like this. I believe Director Liang, you will be able to make the film The show was well done.”

Liang Wen stopped Lin Fan, who wanted to smear the soles of his feet with oil: You don't care about that?

Lin Fan pretended to be stupid: Didn't I already read it? There is no problem at all!

No problem how can I manage?

Liang Wen didn't even bother to expose Lin Fan's little lazy calculation: You don't care about the filming, but you have to care about the theme song? Although this drama is your book, you haven't appeared in it from beginning to end, so we It's not good to always use you as the focus of publicity.

This is too much to steal the limelight from the protagonist. But if you solve the theme song, then we will be able to enjoy your popularity openly! Fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, Director Lin, it's time to show off your singing skills!

have to! Another one who urges me to quickly return to music business!

Lin Fan still wanted to struggle: Brother Lu and Xiaodong are also from boy groups, singing and dancing are their strengths, let them try.

You also said that singing and dancing are their strengths, but the theme song is not singing and dancing.

Liang Wen explained, And you think I didn't let them try it? I didn't try it until I found out that their singing skills have not improved significantly over the years. Rap ​​and the like are not bad. The theme song of the TV series is still Such a demanding theme song is indeed not what they are capable of.

The most important thing is, we want to take advantage of your enthusiasm! You don't sing the theme song, so how dare we keep chasing you?

Lin Fan chuckled: If I really don't sing this theme song, will you really stop taking my heat?

Liang Wen immediately shook his head: That must not work.

Even if Lin Fan didn't sing the theme song, he was still the scriptwriter and the boss of the show, so he couldn't be avoided.

And the enthusiasm of my family is not in vain.

Lin Fan didn't want to talk to Liang Wen anymore: You want to rub off on my popularity anyway, why should I sing this theme song?

I want to sing, Liang Wen did not give up. If you don't sing this song, no one else in our company can support this song. Could it be that you want to make your song cheaper for outsiders?

It has to be said that Liang Wen understood what Lin Fan cared about very well. As soon as the words cheap outsider came out, Lin Fan surrendered: All right, I'll sing! Can't I sing?

He would rather not sing his own songs, and put them in the safe to collect ashes, Lin Fan would definitely not be able to take advantage of outsiders for nothing.

Yes, I don't care about the money, I don't care about the name, I just care about the copyright.

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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