The news that Lin Fan is about to release a new album and is selecting a suitable channel to play songs, spread throughout the entertainment circle in less than a day.

Then, any variety show, whether it was related to music or not, invited Lin Fan directly - what if Lin Fan agreed to come?

You know, in the past two years, except for his own variety show, Lin Fan hasn't been on anyone else's variety show. Everyone wants to invite Lin Fan to participate, but they can't find anyone else!

Especially from last year to this year, Lin Fan was not in Huaxia, let alone participated in variety shows, and he didn't even have much time to return to Shanghai.

Now when he heard that Lin Fan intends to appear on variety shows, all the variety shows in Huaxia sent invitations to Lin Fan. As long as Lin Fan agrees to come, no matter what the original arrangement of the show itself is, the script can be temporarily changed for Lin Fan!

No, changing the script is not enough to express the enthusiasm of the organizers!

For Lin Fan, they can even kick out all the guests for breach of contract!

You know, this is Mr. 70 billion!

A walking money printing machine!

The most profitable superstar in the world! none of them!


Even Zhou Yang called Lin Fan to invite him: If you want to be on a variety show, come to us! I didn't say, as long as you come, I can choose most of the variety shows here! To be honest, if it weren't for you I'm really busy, there is still someone on my side who wants to do an exclusive interview with you!

Lin Fan declined politely: Thank you Director Zhou for your kindness, but I want to play songs, so the last music variety show is more suitable.

Zhou Yang can understand Lin Fan: I understand that you want to use the way of a musician to promote the new album. But the music variety shows on the market are all fancy, and those who are really willing to devote themselves to music variety shows, Very few.

Zhou Yang didn't speak very clearly, but Lin Fan could hear what he meant.

Yang Hongxia also analyzed it with Lin Fan. The music variety shows in Huaxia are completely different from those two or three years ago. Sound of Nature, which was popular all over the country at the beginning, also had to announce its end because it failed to find an excellent singer-songwriter comparable to the first season.

On the contrary, those singing and dancing variety shows that cater to the tastes of young people and claim to be trendy music are more popular.

But Yang Hongxia said that she really can't appreciate such a program. Old people like herself prefer to listen to traditional pop music with tunes and lyrics with stories.

Yes, it is the one written by Lin Fan.

Representative works such as Qilixiang and Thousands of Miles Away.

Yang Hongxia has been urging Lin Fan to continue to release albums because of this consideration: some songs are just good! It doesn't matter how long you listen to it!

Instead of pursuing the so-called trend, which is popular for a while, but is quickly replaced by the next wave of trends, so that the audience can't even remember the name of the song, and become a passed player.

Such songs, in Yang Hongxia's cognition, are called saliva songs.

No, in recent years, some songs are not even considered salivary songs!

Only one or two lines of lyrics and a short melody are popular!

It can be called: 15 seconds BGM!

Yes, this is the era of fast sound today.

Lin Fan's friends in the circle are probably fed up with these 15-second BGMs, so they urgently hope that Lin Fan can come back and re-establish the atmosphere of the Chinese music scene.

Yes, just like how it was done to them back then, smashing the song directly in the faces of those people, let them learn a lot!

For such unreasonable demands, Lin Fan could only say: I will satisfy you!


Well, this is a music slow variety show, similar to a road show. The resident guests are experienced singers of the Mesozoic generation—that is, the musicians of Hui Qiaodan's generation, and then cooperate with new singers who are more attractive to younger audiences. Together on the simple stage, perform live performances for the audience.

Pointing to one of the invitation letters, Yang Hongxia said: It doesn't look like this one is as famous as the other music variety shows, but the resident guests are still very capable.

Their fan base among the masses is also relatively extensive, and their professionalism is relatively good.

If you go, on the one hand, you can add more heat to the show, and on the other hand, you won't appear to be downgraded and reduced to the point of competing with young musicians for rankings.

Lin Fan couldn't help retorting: Sister Xia, I'm also a young musician!

My brother is not yet twenty-five years old!

Where is it not young?

Where can't you compete with young musicians?

You are biased!

Yang Hongxia was speechless. After all, Lin Fan's achievements made it easy for people to forget his real age. In fact, he was younger than the so-called younger generation of musicians.

Then are you going to programs like I'm the Best in Fashion and My Music?

Lin Fan shook his head: This type of variety show is called vertical deep farming at a good level, and self-starting at a bad level. Although they don't have to worry about having no audience, their basic market has basically been fixed, which means that it is difficult to get out of the circle. Singers and fans will always live in their own circle.

Yang Hongxia also understood what Lin Fan wanted to express: But now that we are doing music programs in all fields, no one will watch them. After all, when you want to please everyone, you are doomed to be unable to please anyone.

Variety shows in all fields, as the name suggests, cover all fields of music.

The selection of singers includes old artists, popular pop singers, folk musicians, Internet singers, etc., covering different circles.

Although the selection of songs is different in age, there are not only familiar songs that everyone can sing along to, but also freshly released original songs, covering various musical themes.

Such a program is rich in content, but it also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it is difficult to attract core audiences.

In a word, music variety shows are not easy to do.

In the final analysis, there are no good music works!

If the musical composition is hard enough, the audience will naturally be attracted!

Lin Fan himself didn't want to participate in any music variety show, his circle was too small, and the audience was almost fixed - they were all fans of these singers. In the past, not only could he not get involved in it, he might even cause a commotion.

Coupled with Lin Fan's current popularity and status, no matter what variety show he goes to, it is always others' enthusiasm for him. If this is the case, why not choose a variety show type that is more friendly to him?

So what kind of program is more friendly to Lin Fan?

Lin Fan said: Sister Xia, look for it. Is there any music program that Sister Hui, Uncle Zheng, Brother He, or Brother Ben have participated in? It doesn't matter if you are participating now or planning to participate. I don't choose .”

Isn't that a pick?

The few people Lin Fan mentioned are themselves first-line singers in the music circle, and they are also very good singer-songwriters. The programs they participate in are also decided by their respective teams after thousands of selections.

Fortunately, Lin Fan chose directly from other people's choices, and said that she didn't choose. Yang Hongxia had never seen anyone who was better at picking shows than Lin Fan.

That's it, Music Fellow Travelers, a music program that Mr. Liu is participating in. But this music program mainly sings old songs...

This program focuses on the theme of nostalgic classics, and invites the older generation of musicians and the younger generation of musicians to review the classic music of the past.

And Lin Fan's purpose is to write songs for the new album, this is a bit of a conflict, right?

Lin Fan didn't take it seriously: Sister Xia, just ask the program crew, can I sing a new song?

Yang Hongxia was helpless: You have already spoken, will the program team not agree?

Anyway, the most important thing is to invite Lin Fan to participate in the show. As for Lin Fan wanting to sing a new song to promote it, the program team will definitely give Lin Fan face for such a small request.

Lin Fan: So, isn't the problem solved?

Yang Hongxia:'re really good at it!

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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