Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1015 Brother is not in Jianghu, just because brother is not free!

It's not that Lin Fan has never released music works, on the contrary, Lin Fan has a lot of music works every year. Not to mention the theme songs, episodes, ending songs, etc. in TV dramas and movies, the music works in variety shows alone have never been interrupted.

Lin Fan's most personal slow variety show Longing for the Yard has been broadcast for so many seasons, but there has been no other variety show that can replace it. Why?

It's not that Lin Fan will present an original new song at the end of each episode of the variety show!

There is also the variety show National Treasure, which has been jokingly called a music program by the audience. The reason is that Lin Fan will tailor classic Chinese music for this program every season.

Coupled with the OST in the film and television drama, although Lin Fan is not in the music scene, his music has never disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

But how to put it, people are greedy and always hope to get more and better experience.

Especially for such an excellent singer as Lin Fan, isn't it normal for everyone to look forward to his new album?

Especially in the past two years, many popular singers have appeared in the entertainment industry. The songs they released are very popular among fans, but they are completely incomprehensible to the ears of professional singers.

Especially the singers of the older generation, who are about to wonder if there is something wrong with their music level, so they miss Lin Fan even more. up.

In fact, in the past two years, there have also been popular singers, who are secretly rhythmic, and want to step on Lin Fan's position. It's a pity that Lin Fan's development and achievements in other fields are so dazzling that people really have no way to say that Lin Fan is exhausted without conscience.

And although Lin Fan has not stopped his music works, he has not released an album.

This has no direct conflict of interest with other traffic singers, so when the rhythm can't be brought up, and Lin Fan has no time to talk to these people who touch porcelain, the traffic singers are still alive and well.

During the time when Lin Fan was not free, traffic singers frequently attended major music shows, gaining a lot of fans, and made a good impression in front of audiences all over China, earning a lot of money.

But they forgot that just because Lin Fan was not free, it did not mean that Lin Fan would no longer devote his energy to music.

Taking a step back, even if Lin Fan doesn't have much interest in continuing to cultivate the music scene, Earthman's Xiaoquku doesn't agree!

Not only did the Earth Xiaoqu library not agree, but Lin Fan also couldn't pass Zhou Yue's pass.

But after the filming of Titanic, Lin Fan gave Zhou Yue the songs of the two albums, enough to keep him busy for a long time.

But up to now, no matter how many albums it is, Zhou Yue should have finished his work, and Lin Fan has no reason to procrastinate on releasing an album.

Of course, the premise is that the filming of the new movie is finished and the post-production starts, otherwise Lin Fan will not be able to get away and go back to China to promote the new album.

But even so, several months had passed by the time Lin Fan officially returned to China and was about to put the promotion of his new album on the agenda.

Not to mention, the film that Li Xiaodong and Zhou Xiang collaborated on was finished, and it was officially transferred to post-production.

As for a brick of the Earthman studio, Director Liang Wen moved it wherever he needed, and non-stop entered the second crew, which was the film that Yang Hongxia prepared for Lu Bingyang when he first joined the Earthman studio. play.

This movie is the first movie that Lu Bingyang transferred to Earthman Studio. Not only Lu Bingyang himself attaches great importance to it, but the whole studio also attaches great importance to it.

So when Lin Fan came back, the first thing he did was to go to the crew to see how the filming was going.

Lin Fan didn't tell anyone about Lin Fan's coming to the crew, and no one in the crew knew that Lin Fan would come, so what was shown was the most real state of daily life.

The script this time is a period drama, so Liang Wen chose to shoot it in the Modu Film and Television City. Although Lin Fan was not in the crew,

However, the name of Earthman Studio is too famous, and this shooting still attracted the attention of many colleagues.

So much so that the actors of the entire crew were under a lot of pressure.

Especially the leading actor, Lu Bingyang, was afraid that he would embarrass Lin Fan if he did not perform well, so he always held himself to the highest standard.

The official filming went smoothly, but Liang Wen was a little worried. If the child continued to be so tense, it was very likely that he would be half useless after filming a film.

So in private, Liang Wen persuaded Lu Bingyang: Take it easy, don't stretch it too tight. Acting doesn't have to be tensed all the time. You need to relax and relax, so as to give the audience a sense that you are the bureaucracy. The feeling of a middle-aged man. Instead of using too much force, it makes people play.

Lu Bingyang obviously listened to it, and adjusted his state a little, much better than before, but he was still a little nervous.

There is no way for Liang Wen to interfere with this kind of mentality problem, and as long as it doesn't affect the normal shooting, Liang Wen can't say much.

Okay, this paragraph is over! Everyone rest for ten minutes!

Hearing Liang Wen's call for a break, everyone couldn't help being happy: Although it's only ten minutes, it's still a break.

It was also at this time that everyone realized that Lin Fan had arrived, and they all surrounded him.

Brother Fan!

It's Brother Fan, is Brother Fan coming to visit the class?

Brother Fan, when did you come back?

Lin Fan replied one by one: I just came back, I don't forget about this drama, will I come to see you as soon as I come back?

As soon as Lin Fan came back, the happiest person was Liang Wen, who directly squeezed away the people around Lin Fan and grabbed the best position: Director Lin, you are back, come, come, come. Come and see what I have been filming during this time. How about your things, do you like it?

Director Liang's filming must be in line with my wishes! I was brought out by Director Liang myself!

While Lin Fan was being dragged away by Liang Wen, he still did not forget to say hello to the others: I ordered afternoon tea for everyone, and it will be delivered in a while, and everyone will share a share later!

Everyone responded loudly: Okay, thank you Brother Fan!

Lin Fan followed Liang Wen to the back of the monitor, checked Liang Wen's recent scenes, and focused on the performance of the leading actor Lu Bingyang.

That's right. Brother Lu's acting skills are much better than before. This is a very good performance. Zhou Xiang is also very good. He fits well with the heroine's image and temperament, and this style is also very suitable for her. What about Li Xiaodong? , why didn't I see him?

Liang Wen called out Li Xiaodong's part to show Lin Fan.

Seeing Li Xiaodong's appearance, Lin Fan couldn't help being surprised: This is Li Xiaodong?

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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