Earthman Studio soon announced that the director of this TV series that Lu Bingyang participated in was not Lin Fan, but Liang Wen, but the script was Lin Fan's idea, and Wen Hongjun personally adjusted the details. It can be called the three masters of Earthman Studio, and it is the first time to cooperate with a TV series.

The starring lineup includes not only Lu Bingyang, but also Li Xiaodong and Zhou Xiang, as well as several artists newly signed by Earthman Studio. At the same time, Cheng Guohua and other old drama stars are also invited to play special roles.

Although this lineup is not that luxurious because of the loss of Lin Fan and Xia Yan, in the eyes of other people in the circle, it is also a very good combination.

And now everyone has a kind of confidence in Lin Fan's script, thinking that as long as it is produced by Lin Fan - even if it is just a core idea, it will not disappoint people.

What's more, there is also a great screenwriter Wen Hongjun who is famous for his suspenseful scripts!

[Breathless sleeves and empty pockets: So, Earthman Studio's script this time is a suspense drama? Fanfan's previous Butterfly Effect was considered a masterpiece of suspense dramas, and now he is joining forces with Wen Hongjun, wow, I can't wait to see this drama! 】

[The exam is where you don't know what to test: This newcomer named Lu is really lucky to be able to participate in such a good project as soon as he comes. Back then, sister Zhou Xiang had to wait a long time before she got the first movie Brother Fan gave her. 】

[Let’s talk about ice fans together: Don’t step on the ones upstairs, my brother Lu also came up slowly bit by bit. At the beginning, brother Lu was a role player in Brother Fan’s movie, and then he slowly became a supporting role, and finally Hey, brother Lu and sister Zhou Xiang acted in a movie together? 】

[The bell for class is more disturbing than disturbing: The Little Thing of First Love! Have you all forgotten? Brother Lu and sister Zhou Xiang are classic screen cps! As soon as I saw that the two of them were going to collaborate again, I dug up and read A Little Thing of First Love three times! 】

[Summer Chased by Dogs: Yes, yes, I strongly recommend the movie A Little Thing of First Love. No matter when I watch it, I think this movie is beautifully shot, and it captures the real feeling of first love in my mind! 】


Before the filming of the new TV series started, the popularity of A Little Thing of First Love was first turned up, causing a wave of memories from the audience.

After all, this movie is really good-looking. Even if more than a year has passed, watching this movie now can still give people the most innocent touch.

And at this moment,

Yang Hongxia signed two more actors. These two actors are no strangers to everyone. They were Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi who played the protagonist's brother and sister when Lin Fan was filming Little Shoes.

In fact, Yang Hongxia has always liked these two little babies, but their parents are not very willing to give such a small child to Yang Hongxia to take care of. After all, it is more at ease to take care of her own children.

Therefore, these two children have always been brokered by their parents, who are responsible for negotiating all external cooperation matters.

After two years of hard work, Yang Hongxia persuaded the parents of the two children and formally signed the two children to Earthman Studio.

Of course, given that Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi are still young, even if they signed a contract to join Earthman Studio, Yang Hongxia needs to ask for their parents' approval for every job that Yang Hongxia assigns to them.

If their parents do not agree, then even if Yang Hongxia is the agent of the two children, she cannot arrange any work for the two children until the two children officially become adults.

Although it was troublesome, Yang Hongxia still felt that these two children were worth waiting for.

Moreover, in his safe, he has always locked the script of a series of movies, and Lin Fan is also interested in starring Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi. Coupled with the development needs of Earthman Studio itself, Yang Hongxia still decided to poach these two children under her banner.

Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi themselves are big fans of Lin Fan. With Lin Fan's development getting better and better in the past few years, the parents of the two children can also clearly realize that they are far from taking on various jobs for their children. Entering the earthman studio, you can get many resources with good quality.

Coupled with the recent success of Titanic in All Blue Stars, after two years of consideration, they finally made up their mind to sign their children into the Earthman studio.

However, what I didn't expect was that just after signing the contract, Yang Hongxia took out the script of a series of movies and handed it over to Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi.

This is a script written by your elder brother Lin Fan. You should first see if you like it. If you don't like it, there are other things. It doesn't matter. We don't have many other scripts here. There are many scripts. There is always something you like. .”

After comforting the two children, Yang Hongxia explained to their parents: Lin Fan is still making other movies, and will not start preparing for this movie until that movie enters post-production. So the shooting will start next year at the earliest , if you want to release it, at least it will have to be the next year.

But you don't have to worry about the development of the two children. They are still young and still have a lot to learn. They are not in a hurry to achieve what they are going to achieve now.

I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee one thing, that is, in the next five years, neither of these two children will lack good scripts.

Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi's parents looked at each other, and they could see the firmness in each other's eyes.

In the entertainment industry, good scripts are hard to come by, especially for children as young as Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi, in fact, usually they can only take on some small supporting roles, or roles like the protagonist's children, which are far from being able to become a movie. The stage of the protagonist of a film and television drama.

If the parents of the two children are the kind of people who only covet the immediate interests and completely ignore the children's development, then this is enough, but the point is that they are not.

The reason why they let their children enter this circle early is that on the one hand, the children like acting, and on the other hand, the children have talents in this area. As parents, they are willing to Let your children do what they like.

Before Yang Hongxia, it was not that there were no companies that wanted to sign these two children, but these companies were more interested in the children's ability to earn money such as advertisements and endorsements.

Yang Hongxia, on the other hand, pays more attention to the future development of her children.

This is the most important thing for the child's parents, and even for Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi.

So they readily agreed: Mr. Yang, don't worry, we believe in you and Director Lin. As long as it is a professional matter, we will follow the company's arrangement and will never give it to the company, to two The child is holding back!


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