So, just like that, with everyone's eyes on the final box office of Titanic, what big moves Lin Fan will make next, and what works Earthman Studio will release in the second half of the year Then, Yang Hongxia quietly attacked and gradually expanded the scale of the studio.

Unlike Lu Bingyang's high-profile joining Earthman Studio, the signing of Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi was carried out quietly, and almost no one in the circle knew about it.

This is also a way for Yang Hongxia to protect her two children.

Anyway, Yu Xiaobao was only twelve years old, and Gu Xi was even younger, less than ten years old. It was not a good thing for such a young child to suddenly face too many people's attention.

The parents of the two children also think this way. They hope that their children can film with peace of mind, and occasionally receive some commercials and endorsements. Other than that, they should not pay too much attention. After all, not only children need normal study and life , adults need it too.

If too many people pay attention, the dynamics of the family will be put under the public eye. To be honest, not everyone can get used to such a thing and accept it calmly.

Even the parents of child stars.

Yang Hongxia was very considerate for the two children, and the parents of the children were also very pleased.

It's a pity that Yang Hongxia, who finished these things, had to fall into the predicament again that everything was ready, but the company didn't have enough directors.

Yang Hongxia: ... developed a loneliness.JPG.


After being postponed for a month, Titanic was finally successfully released. The total box office of the two-month All-Blue Star exceeded 6.6 billion! Beautiful knife!

The onlookers were not at all shocked at all, because everyone has recently seen how much the box office of Titanic has been reported by major media, and what angle the upward curve shows. It is estimated that the final box office What kind of level can you reach...

I'm tired of watching it, no matter what record the final box office of the movie Titanic can break, anyway, everyone has already made some preparations in their hearts.

So when the final box office was released, everyone just felt something in their hearts, and finally with a boom, it fell steadily: it can be regarded as a result.

Of course,

Although the onlookers were calm, it didn't mean they weren't happy for Lin Fan.

[The longing after the breakup is called guilty: This is the best box office result that our Chinese film has achieved in the entire blue star market, right? I checked the Internet, and it seems that there is no other Chinese movie that has more box office than this Titanic. 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Upstairs, I can tell you very responsibly that the box office performance of the movie Titanic is definitely not unprecedented-because I believe that the only one who can beat Brother Fan is Fan Brother himself - but absolutely unprecedented! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: That's right, even if the one-month delay is taken into account, the box office of Titanic is the highest in all of China, bar none! You can safely and boldly cheer for Brother Fan, Brother Fan is definitely the best director of the younger generation in Huaxia, bar none! 】

[True love is like a UFO I have only heard of but never seen: Although I don’t think that Lin Fan can be called the best director in China, but I will not deny the achievements of the movie Titanic, which is a breakthrough. What is historical is a record-breaking and a milestone in the development of Chinese films. 】


What is the concept of 6.6 billion US dollars?

Almost equivalent to China's total box office revenue for half a year!

In the past few years, Lin Fan has supported the annual box office. In the years when Lin Fan did not rise, the 6.6 billion US dollars was almost equivalent to the total box office revenue of China for a year!

Lin Fan had the title of Mr. 30 Billion before!

It may be somewhat lacking in confidence to say 30 billion before, but now it can be called Mr. 70 billion!

Most importantly, Lin Fan has become the highest-grossing movie actor in history!

Highest Grossing Film Director of All Time!

The highest-grossing screenwriter of all time!

Highest Grossing Film Composer of All Time!


No one can surpass this series of titles in a short period of time!

What's more, this title will be engraved in the history of Blue Star Films for quite a long time!

From the moment the box office of Titanic was announced, Lin Fan has become a very important celebrity in the Blue Star film industry, no one can underestimate him! Even if he has not won the highest honor award in Blue Star film history, Lin Fan can easily become a guest of any film award based on his current box office!

The lifelong honorary professor invitation letters issued by major film academies all over the world to Lin Fan are like snowflakes, flying to China, to the magic capital, and to Lin Fan's Earthman studio!

Not to mention those lectures, exchange meetings, symposiums, and award invitations, they are like snowflakes that don’t cost money, completely submerging Earthman’s studio.

During this period of time, the entire staff of the Earthman Studio felt windy when they walked, and they were full of vigor, which made others envious!

Every employee of the Earthman studio deeply feels that no matter how well you do, it is not as important as the choice. The choice of Earthman was just like the line Jack said: The luckiest and best thing in this life is, I won that ticket!

The employees of the Earthman Studio are exactly the group of Jack who won the ticket, following Lin Fan's big ship, riding the wind and waves!


In the past, Yang Hongxia always believed that she had a good eye for the pearl, but in the past two years, she still claimed that half of Lin Fan's achievements were due to herself!

As soon as the big boat came out, she was as proud as Yang Hongxia, and when she faced Lin Fan again, she had some respect!

Without him, talented!

Facing such a talented Tianjiao, Yang Hongxia knew very well that even without herself, Lin Fan would still stand at the pinnacle of the Blue Star film industry!

Therefore, the sentence that Yang Hongxia often talked about recently has also become: The luckiest and best thing in this life is that I won that boat ticket!


Xia Yan also sent her best wishes to Lin Fan on her super blog:

[Xia Yan: When I first met Huahai Island, I thought how could there be such a magical person in the world @林豪, who didn’t even know about his own talent, and was full of curiosity about the world with ignorant eyes. At that time, I was thinking, if he is allowed to show his talents to the fullest, where will he be able to go in the end?

After four years, the ignorant boy finally completed a complete transformation, striding forward to the biggest stage in the world, and became the most dazzling self!

But I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg of his personal treasures, and he has many amazing talents that have never been shown to the public. He seems to be an inexhaustible and inexhaustible treasure, only the slightest light that quietly emits is enough to attract the attention of the world.

How lucky I am to have met you and blended with each other. As Jack said in Titanic, winning this ticket is the happiest thing in my life. It allows me to meet you.

Move towards your goal, king of my world, My heart will go on! 】

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