Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter One Thousand and Nine This is the confidence of Earthman Studio!

Lu Bingyang's termination of the contract with the original company was silent, but the matter of joining the Earthman Studio was widely announced through Lin Fan's super blog.

The official blog of the studio, as well as other artists of the studio, followed suit, expressing their welcome and joy to Lu Bingyang's joining.

Now is the period when Titanic is in the limelight. People in the circle are paying attention to the movement of Earthman Studio. This group celebrates Lu Bingyang's joining. It's hard not to let people feel Lin Fan The attention they paid to Lu Bingyang.

Lu Bingyang's fans were still a bit apprehensive at first. After all, changing the brokerage company is not a trivial matter no matter who it is on. Earthman studio.

Seeing the attitude of Lin Fan and others now, the ice fans are more or less at ease. As for the future, it still depends on the future.

But soon, the uneasiness of the ice fans was completely dispelled with the work plan for the second half of the year announced by Lu Bingyang.

After Lu Bingyang announced on his super blog that he had joined Earthman Studio, Yang Hongxia personally arranged for him a work plan for the second half of the year.

Ice fans focus on Lu Bingyang himself, so they don't realize the profound meaning contained in these simple four words. They just feel that the studio is very powerful. When their idols come, there will be a notebook to pick them up. You can directly join the filming group, which is more than a little bit better than the previous company that only sucked blood.

In particular, Lin Fan has always had a good reputation in the film and television drama circle for making a movie popular. Lu Bingyang's acclaimed characters are almost all created by Lin Fan.

So the ice fans are not worried at all, Lin Fan will let Lu Bingyang shoot those shoddy scripts, after all Lin Fan's own reputation is much more valuable than Lu Bingyang.

But what other people are more concerned about is that Lin Fan is about to release a new film and television drama!

As soon as the news came out, a group of purchasing directors of TV stations were the first to act.

Relying on the right time, place and people, Wang Xiuying went directly to Earthman Studio and found Yang Hongxia: Mr. Yang, didn't you say that Director Lin will not have new film and television works in the past two years? I don't care, this time The premiere rights of the show must be sold to Shanghai TV, and the amount of money is negotiable!

Magic City Satellite TV has become this year's ratings champion with its customized drama Bright Sword. And as a customized drama, Shanghai Satellite TV has the exclusive right to broadcast Bright Sword.

According to the popularity of this drama, Wang Xiuying feels that it can be replayed every year. At least for five years, the status of this drama in the eyes of the audience will not be lowered.

The ratings are naturally guaranteed.

But a TV station can't just have one classic drama to support the scene, it's better to have as many as possible, and get more good drama resources.

Lin Fan and Earthman Studio are currently known directors and producers who must be popular in every drama. The quality of the movies and TV dramas they release is three points higher than that of Magic City Films, which has been well received in the industry before.

Therefore, whether it is the TV station or the video website, as long as it is a film and television drama produced by Lin Fan, it has become a hot commodity. No, the Earthman Studio just showed a sign, and Wang Xiuying came to the door directly. Biggest proof.

Facing Wang Xiuying who was so eager, Yang Hongxia had no choice but to explain: This was not filmed by Lin Fan, it was filmed by Director Liang. Lin Fan really doesn't have time to make TV dramas recently, I really won't lie to you. And even if it is Director Liang's film will definitely not be released this year, and it will be next year at the earliest.

Because Liang Wen still has a movie in his hands, he still has to wait until the movie is finished before he can use it to make another work.

It turned out that it wasn't taken by Lin Fan.

When Wang Xiuying heard the news, she calmed down a bit: But the script is Director Lin's script, right? Don't think I don't know, all of your scripts are written by Director Lin. Even Wenda's screenwriter joined you In the studio, he is good at suspense scripts.

Far from being as versatile as Lin Fan, he can control any subject matter with ease.

Yang Hongxia wondered, How do you know that we're not filming suspense-themed TV dramas?

Wang Xiuying: ...I just want to scam you, why don't you fall for it?

So, it's the script written by Screenwriter Wen?

Yang Hongxia smiled: Then, I can't tell you too much right now.

Wouldn't it be unfair to the purchasers of other TV stations if too much content was revealed to Wang Xiuying?

Even if it wasn't directed by Lin Fan himself, the quality of the works produced by Earthman Studio would not be bad, and the bidding for the first round of broadcasting rights still had to be bid.

Wang Xiuying could tell that Yang Hongxia didn't see rabbits and didn't scatter eagles: Mr. Yang, we've been working together for so long, and you still don't trust me? Let me put it down, as long as it is a film and television drama produced by your studio, we Magic City Satellite TV We will do our best to win the right to broadcast the first round.

Regardless of whether it is directed by Lin Fan himself, as long as it is produced by Earthman Studio, Wang Xiuying believes that Lin Fan will not let other people ruin his reputation.

Moreover, Wang Xiuying is also very familiar with Liang Wen.

Liang Wen himself is a well-known assistant director in the industry. Later, after he joined Earthman Studio, he and Lin Fan joined forces and produced classic works one after another.

Don't think that the position of an assistant director in a film and television work is not important. On the contrary, an excellent assistant director makes a great contribution to an excellent film and television work.

Even sometimes, the director is often just a name, and the assistant director is the one who really takes the lead.

Although Liang Wen has always been in the position of assisting Lin Fan, Wang Xiuying still recognizes his own ability. In addition, this is a film and television drama produced by Earthman Studio. Even if Lin Fan does not participate in the whole process, the final review will definitely It is worth paying attention to.

So Wang Xiuying wasn't worried at all, even if Lin Fan hadn't directed it himself, how bad would this work be?

It's just that Yang Hongxia had other plans, and she didn't let go: Thank you very much for Mr. Wang's trust, but this drama is still in the preparation stage, and now the right to broadcast will be decided...

Wang Xiuying disagreed: It's just your family. You sell the broadcasting rights only after the TV drama is almost finished. Others can't wait to sell the broadcasting rights after they have confirmed the script, actors and investment. Ben!

Yang Hongxia smiled: I don't care what others do, but the first rule of film and television dramas produced by our Earthman Studio is to be worthy of the audience.

There may be various reasons for others to sell broadcasting rights in advance. But here at Earthman Studio, there is no shortage of money, no shortage of sales, and no shortage of audience. There is absolutely no need to do this!

This is the confidence of Earthman Studio!


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