Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 653 The Law of Creation and Life

Infinity Stones, Equation of Life, Void Engine, Mother Goddess Gaia.

After being silent for a long time, Owen sighed. Although he had stood very tall and was very strong, the inhumanity of the system would make him unable to help but call him dad every time, because any of these four things could make him Standing at the top of the universe and being everyone’s father.

Now it doesn't matter even if the material world explodes, he is already invincible. This is the confidence brought by System Dad.

However, once I started using it, I realized something was wrong. For example, although the Infinity Stones contained powerful power, they were not as powerful as imagined.

Owen, who believed that the father of the system would not lie to him, took a closer look and understood why the Infinity Stones only have unlimited power in his own universe, and can only be used as paperweights after leaving them.

Although the Infinity Stones are the embodiment of the root law of the universe, their functions are similar to remote controls.

Each remote control can only control one TV. It can be turned on and off, and channels can be changed at will. But after leaving that TV, the remote control is just a decoration. This is common sense.

Although the infinite gems currently given by the system have corresponding root laws, they are not fully functional because they are not bound yet.

Now Owen has two choices. One is to use the Infinity Stones to compete for authority in the material world, but he is not sure whether the bound authority of the Infinity Stones can override the intranet. If he fails, the Infinity Stones may not be able to keep it.

Another option is to integrate into the subspace, complete it, and create a complete world of your own.

The subspace is always in the chaos of endless changes. Owen is not sure whether it can evolve into a natural world. Although it may be difficult, it is not without hope.

Then the second life equation, a treasure from the DC universe, is the life editor, which can theoretically increase the upper limit of life infinitely, with unknown limits.

The third void engine is a miraculous creation that is superior to the existing matter in the universe and has an unknown upper limit.

The fourth mother goddess, Gaia, is not a deity, but a concept that encompasses all life.

The combination of these four items can undoubtedly create a real universe, so Owen made up his mind to integrate all the rewards into the subspace and create a world that is completely his own.

In this way, even if the initial world explodes and the material world is restarted, he and the empire will at least have a place to stay. If developed carefully, there may not be any possibility of turning against Tiangang and annexing the material world in the future.

Determined, Owen first integrated the Infinity Stones into the subspace. It felt like dropping a small stone into a deep pool. It did not cause any fluctuations at first.

However, Owen, as the master of subspace, soon realized that the six root-level laws were like magnetic rods inserted into the beach, continuously absorbing the unformed law fragments of subspace and forming the root laws of subspace. It immediately caused vibrations throughout the subspace.

When the Six Root Laws were formed in the subspace, it was like inserting six thick steel bars into the constantly stirring cement. The subspace, which was always changing in chaos and disorder, showed signs of stabilization for the first time.

With the concepts of space, time, reality, soul, mind, and power, the subspace has changed, but it is not enough, because there is no matter in the subspace, and without matter there is no life.

Owen took out the Void Engine and made it a singularity between existence and non-existence in the subspace, connecting reality and illusion. It could transform the subspace into the material world, and even achieve creation and destruction.

It's a pity that Owen doesn't have such a big pursuit, and the upper limit of the Void Engine is high, but how to realize its full potential is also a problem, so he only uses the Void Engine to create matter and create the basis of existence for the birth of life.

With the presence of matter, the subspace is further stabilized. Even if it is only a small part, it is still a qualitative change.

Owen continued his efforts and integrated the equation of life into the subspace.

The Life Equation is the manifestation of the life process, and it is like a catalyst for the subspace. However, when the Life Equation is integrated, the one that is most affected is the World Tree.

Across the subspace, the world tree of the material world and the kingdom of God becomes clearer. Countless roots and branches spread, endlessly showing its majestic figure like the galactic version, and then constructing countless laws to fill the six major evolution stages of the infinite gems. The gaps between the root laws are like barbed wire between steel bars, making the subspace more complete.

With the law of stability, the matter transformed by the void engine will no longer continue to dissipate and return to chaos, but will slowly form a clod of soil, a small island, and eventually a complete piece of land.

After the subspace had the foundation for the birth of life, Owen gave the concept of the Mother Goddess Gaia to the Mother Queen, and then let her enter the subspace to evolve all things, because there was no one more suitable than her.

As expected, the compatibility between the Queen Mother and the Mother Goddess Gaia is very high, and there is no problem in the integration of the two. Even after receiving the subspace authority granted by Owen, she became the concept god of the subspace, the Subspace Mother Goddess.

The Queen Mother, who existed in the subspace in an indescribable manner, began to fulfill the mission given to her by Owen, spreading the seeds of countless lives into the subspace.

The authority of the Mother Goddess Gaia, the genetic seeds of the Mother Queen, and the nature of subspace have created a group of grotesque monsters, some of which are as huge as planes, some of which are like reflections of the starry sky, and some of which are as if they are physical. The manifested sounds, no matter what form they take, can set off violent waves of the Warp with every move, because they are the embodiment of the essence of the Warp.

Owen frowned as he witnessed all this, and did not destroy these monsters that looked more ancient than the ancient gods, because they were the original essence of the subspace and also existing loopholes, so as long as they still existed, the loopholes would not be exploited. , considered a useful stopper.

But they cannot be allowed to mess around, otherwise the entire subspace will become their paradise. To create life, it is to feed them, so Owen folded the subspace to form a glass jar, and put these monsters who can be called innate demons. Sealed and turned into the first stars.

After the first attempt failed, the Queen Mother borrowed many race genes from the material world to gradually bring life and vitality to the first land, but Owen was still dissatisfied because it was plagiarism.

Although Owen now has all the conditions for creation, they are all simplified versions. Without enough accumulation, let alone creation, he cannot even continue to evolve in subspace.

Owen is not in a hurry about this. Unless the material world explodes now, he still has time, and time is always on his side.

In any case, the subspace has undergone earth-shaking changes, and in order to adapt to the huge changes, the main body fell into a deep sleep. Only the clone is still busy for the empire, constantly dealing with one after another crises.

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