Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 654 The shit-like material world

The appearance of dozens of ancient gods is like Nurgle pouring soup into the material world, making a bowl of shit mixed with rice. Not only is it disgusting, but the impact is also unexpectedly serious.

In fact, both the order camp and the evil chaos camp underestimated the impact of dozens of ancient gods. After all, except in the ancient years, when had so many ancient gods appeared in the material world at once? Even then, the ancient gods did not appear all at once. So in the end, he shot himself in the foot. Quantitative changes led to qualitative changes. By the time he discovered something was wrong, it was already too late.

After the simple creation of the subspace, the invasion of the material world by the subspace has become more and more serious. Now it is up to Owen to maintain the barrier between the two. Otherwise, the Warhammer version of the Eye of Terror will be staged here. By then, he had finished what the four vendors had not finished.

However, this also caused Owen to become more and more sensitive to changes in the material world. Even as a clone, he was still aware of the smallest changes in the material world. Therefore, he was the first to discover that the laws of the material world had been contaminated by the ancient gods, and had even become cancerous and rooted in The cancer caused by the deep laws is spreading in the material world at a terrifying speed.

It is well known that the power of the ancient gods can pollute and distort the material world. Generally, it does not take long to completely corrupt a plane. However, because the order camp often handles it in a timely manner, no one has discovered that the pollution of the ancient gods is still there. It can involve deeper laws, which leads to the occurrence of disasters and is unstoppable.

This kind of cancerous change rooted in laws has broken away from the changes and limitations of matter and involves the deep root laws. Therefore, conventional means cannot be avoided or stopped. What is even more frightening is that the cancerous changes have now begun to spread to the entire material world along the deep laws.

Because the plane is self-contained, including the laws, it still has some resistance, but the void is not able to do so. It is unobstructed and is the first to be affected.

The orcs who had been fighting the empire had a lot of trouble now, because many orcs in the tribe were sick.

With the body of an orc, ordinary viruses are completely ineffective, and they have never been associated with illness. It is as powerful as War Chief, who can drink the T-Virus like a small blue bottle.

But this time is obviously an exception. Huge tumors appear on the bodies of many orcs without any warning, and they are still growing. Even if the grumpy orcs cut them off, more will grow, and they will grow densely and layer by layer. The flesh is like grapes, eventually turning the orcs into bloated tumor aggregates.

The strange thing is that even though they can no longer eat or drink water, the orcs are still alive and multiplying. Even if they are chopped into pieces by other orcs, their activity cannot be completely eliminated, and they may even evolve into some weird transformation of orc flesh and blood. biology.

The orcs tried various methods, slashing with swords and axes, burning and flooding them, and even throwing them into the void, but it was still useless. Even the void could not decompose these strange creatures, because the pollution and distortion itself came from the laws spreading in the void.

Feeling panic for the first time, the orcs began to pray to the orc gods, but the cancer followed their faith and pulled the orc gods into the abyss.

Who would have thought that cancer could spread along faith, let alone the orc gods who have always been careless, even the God of Wisdom would have never imagined that in the end, each war land would turn into cancerous tissue in the material world covered by green tumors.

But this did not stop the orcs from moving forward. The random proliferation of tissues made the orcs larger and more tenacious. Even the war land has evolved biological organizations like forts, which can shoot the growing cannonballs at the enemy. The other party became like himself, so the orcs became the main force in spreading cancer.

The Void Zerg, who were at war with the Queen Zerg, did not escape the disaster. Various mutations also appeared, especially the new Zerg, which was distorted into shape. Even the queen of the Zerg grew all kinds of weird limbs, and some kind of something happened in her body. lesions.

Dark elves, void creatures, these creatures wandering in the void are all on the first batch of mutation lists. Now the entire material world is wailing, because they are no longer facing simple lesions, but are unwilling to be lonely after the lesions, and want to A disgusting thing that pulls people into trouble.

These bastards waving mops stained with feces, they just fell into the pit themselves, but now they plan to drag everyone into the pit to have a taste of the saltiness, which is as disgusting as they want.

Faced with this situation, the gods who claim to be omnipotent are helpless, and they are also afraid of shit.

But it was useless. What frightened them the most was that the cancer had begun to spread toward the Kingdom of God along with their faith.

The weak gods were the first to fall and became a subject of infinite proliferation. When the Kingdom of God was also covered by the cancer of laws, the already shapeless gods merged with the mutated Kingdom of God and became a new mobile source of pollution in the void. Wander around and pollute more places.

At this time, Owen understood that the material world had entered a countdown. Either the Order camp would detonate the initial world in advance and restart the material world, or give up the original plan and clean up the mess.

However, Owen feels that the order camp will not take action because the material world is now hopeless.

Shit is fertilizer, which can be used to plant and fertilize the land. Rice is nutrition, which can fill the stomach. Now that they are mixed together, it is obviously hopeless to see whether the shit can be washed clean or the rice can be picked out.

After reaching this conclusion, Owen has begun to make final preparations.

The Empire was something Erwin couldn't give up, at least not until he had to, so he prepared to pull the Northern Group of Systems into the Warp.

But before that, he needs to infiltrate the Northern Group of Galaxies with psychic energy, otherwise it will not be pulled in, but torn apart.

While Owen was busy infecting the Northern Group of galaxies with psychic energy, he was also inevitably contaminated by the cancerous pollution of the law.

Fortunately, the Northern Group of Galaxies is self-contained. Not only the laws, but also the magic power is isolated and filled with spiritual energy. Therefore, it is more resistant to the cancerous pollution of the laws. However, this cannot completely avoid the occurrence of pollution. After all, the entire material The world has begun to turn into a cesspit. How long can the Northern Group of galaxies last even if they are covered with this film?

Now all the Empire has to do is persist until Owen completes the psychic infestation and then pulls the Northern Group of Systems into the Warp. Only then can the Empire gain peace.

At this time, mutated humans and strange creatures are emerging one after another in the empire, which has caused a lot of chaos. After all, in order to maintain the ever-expanding war, the empire has been in a state of oppression. In the despair with no end in sight, even faith may collapse. , and once the shelter of faith is lost, it is inevitable to be contaminated and mutate.

Moreover, the pollution will continue to expand, and if it cannot be dealt with in time, it will often cause serious damage.

However, the empire's large forces and fleets are still on the periphery to resist the invasion of mutant orcs and void zerg. They cannot be mobilized to clear them out. They can only rely on special support sent by the empire.

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