Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 652 The material world is about to explode

This is the current situation in the material world. Who released the ancient god and what is the purpose? Now we don't know anything. This is too passive. Owen rubbed his eyebrows and said to Silver Flash and Mira , they are the ones who know the situation in the material world best in the entire pantheon, so I chatted with them to see if I could get any useful information.

As the most ancient god, the ancient gods are full of aggression towards all non-ancient gods, not to mention the terrifying pollution, so even the most evil gods would not do such a thing. This is simply crazy. , dozens of ancient gods who have escaped from the seal will destroy the entire material world, and no god or force can get any benefits from it. Silver Flash said with a wrinkled face, and at the same time he felt huge pressure, he had just found love , the material world will be destroyed?

Maybe we should go ask Mr. Shu. Mira, who was fiddling with the petals in her hand and looking sad, suddenly thought of something and said to Owen.

Huh? How come I forgot about Shu Lao. Silver Flash said suddenly, because Shu Lao is the oldest among them, and many of today's secrets are just the daily life it has experienced.

Because Shu Lao stayed under the World Tree as soon as he arrived, even Owen ignored him, so after being reminded by Mira, he took one of the other's acorns.

I know the reason. Shu Lao is indeed the oldest god in the Order Green Land, and he actually knows it.

Shulao doesn't like to move, but because of his ability to improve the environment and increase the upper limit of space, he has always existed as the guardian of the Land of Order.

And because of its special ability, as long as one tree species remains, it can be reborn. Therefore, even after the destruction of the Land of Order many times, the old tree still exists, and its existence is much longer than Silver Flash and Mira know, and it also So you know more secrets.

They are fighting for the Initial Realm, which involves the origin of the material world, and I was just a tree species in the Initial Realm. I was accidentally brought out by an ancient god and became a god.

What Shu Lao said shocked Owen. If calculated this way, Shu Lao's age is simply incalculable.

I am not the original me. I became the God King in the beginning, but I fell and did not leave any origin. Only a tree species affected by divine power retained some marks, or shadows, so I think I am Me. Shu Lao's words are a bit convoluted. Generally speaking, that person is dead. As a person who retains a little shadow, I think it is correct.

Owen did not refute Shu Lao's words, but took the opportunity to ask about the initial world.

Because only some shadows were left, Shu Lao knew little about the initial world. He only knew that it was an unformed world and was the true origin and root of the material world.

All laws in the material world currently originate from the root laws of the initial world and are extended on this basis. The so-called inner network is only the embodiment of the root laws of the initial world.

Therefore, as long as you control the authority of the intranet, you can control the initial world, and at the same time, the entire material world will also become within your grasp. Therefore, seeing that the situation is difficult to deal with, the order camp will transfer the main force back to the intranet, because they know very well that as long as The Order camp still holds the main authority over the intranet, and the material world will return to their hands sooner or later.

As for the chaos in the material world, it doesn't matter at all. Matter will not disappear. At worst, it will be destroyed entirely, and then wait for new void fruits to be born.

However, the evil and chaotic camp is not willing to give in. Because their main foundation is in the material world, they want to force the order camp to compromise and release some intranet permissions. For this reason, they do not hesitate to release the ancient gods as a threat, because once the ancient gods lose control, even the material world Restarting cannot remove the contamination of the ancient gods. This is a lose-lose situation.

These are all Shu Lao's guesses, but Owen feels that they are most likely true, because he not only used his body, but also used the power of subspace to push the power of the galaxy to perform calculations, completing a huge calculation.

According to Owen's calculations, the initial realm plus the material realm is a complete point. Originally, a new universe would be formed after a complete big explosion, but the explosion was interrupted, just like an egg, the eggshell is broken and the egg white is scattered. However, the egg yolk with the highest nutritional value has been retained, which leads to the incompleteness of the material world.

Judging from what the Order camp has done, their goal is not the material world, but an attempt to turn the yolk, the initial world, into an egg again to complete the unfinished Big Bang. Only in this way can the world be truly complete.

As for whether this is the real idea of ​​the Order camp, or whether it is controlled by the intranet, Irving does not know, because the Order camp has the deepest integration with the intranet, and no one knows the true details of the intranet.

In any case, if the Order camp completes the Big Bang, then the world will usher in a new life.

But this is obviously unfair to the current life in the material world, and all camps except the order camp are excluded. In this way, the new world will turn into a complete world of order, which is a very terrifying situation. thing.

Now, in the evil and chaotic camp, one is not willing to be excluded, and the other is that they don't want to die.

Once the initial realm explodes, the material realm will definitely be finished, and their fate can be imagined.

So this is not only a battle for intranet authority, but also a battle for survival. No wonder the evil and chaotic camp will release the ancient gods regardless of the consequences, because they have no choice. If they don’t take a gamble, they are dead, and they are still not even scum. That kind of death.

As usual, Owen couldn't help but take a breath. If his speculation was true, then the future would be too scary, and the preparations he had made would be meaningless.

He rubbed his brows for a long time, but this did not relieve Owen's inner anxiety and irritability, because he didn't understand why these gods were looking for trouble.

The material world is not perfect and has many dangers and hidden dangers, but the vast majority of living beings can still live a stable life.

Although gods squeeze faith, they also provide necessary protection.

Everything today is not perfect, but stable enough. Why does it have to be completely broken? Is this someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder?

At this moment, I don't know what was touched. The system that had been silent for a long time suddenly broke through, and the progress value reached 90%.

It is normal for a time traveler to have a golden finger, but he has become the master of subspace, established a void empire, and created a new Zerg race that devours the world. The system has not yet been fully activated. This is no one else.

However, this also makes Owen more and more excited about the system, because the system that has not yet been fully activated has brought him so much help. If it is fully activated, how awesome will he be.

With inner expectation, Owen opened the system and checked the rewards given by the system this time.

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