Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 651 Preparations without finding the right direction

Soon, a large amount of biological information was transmitted to the Mother Queen, and then it was split up. Everything about the Void Zerg was thoroughly understood, and it was even possible to carry out multiple optimizations on the original basis.

It can be said that the Mother Queen can now give birth to a Void Zerg that is more authentic and terrifying than the Void Zerg, and even they themselves cannot distinguish it, including the Queen of the Void, so a new Zerg fleet is bred that is more targeted.

After eating the Void Fruit to replenish their inventory, the huge biological warships entered the subspace under the leadership of the brain worms and set off towards their respective destinations.

As a result, a fleet of Mother Emperor Zerg fleets were spread out in all directions like nails, firmly pinning the Void Insect Swarm that wanted to invade the Empire area.

The battle with the Queen Zerg plunged the Void Zerg into chaos, because they had never encountered such an enemy before. They could not match the opponent in any aspect. Even if they had a numerical advantage, they would only gain the advantage for a period of time, and then quickly Will become the one being eaten.

On the battlefield between the two Zerg tribes, the entire void was filled with the sounds of insects eating the Zerg tribes. There was the crisp sound of chewing on the Zerg tribe, the sticky sound of absorbing body fluids, and the instinctive chirping of insects.

The swarms of void insects that had always been domineering were forced to stop and chose to start a positional war. They also invaded nearby planes and built insect nests through devouring them, preparing for a protracted war.

The Void Zerg, which was forced out of its potential by the Mother Zerg, broke out. They were always eating the invaded plane. Biology was the best choice, followed by plants, and the last was detritus.

With the supplement of a large amount of nutrients, the abnormally fat insect queen breeds more and more Void Zerg regardless of the cost. Every day, a large number of mature Void Zerg can be seen flying out of the invaded plane and joining the never-ending Zerg in the void. battle.

But it was useless. The Queen Zerg that had completed targeted evolution were hunting the Void Zerg like natural enemies. Their attacks were more like door-to-door delivery, and they did not require payment.

Now the Void Zerg devours the biomass and origin of the planes along the way, and then delivers it to the doorstep in the form of war. Therefore, every time a war starts, the Mother Queen fleet responsible for recycling biomass will be stretched out, and the biological chambers used as cargo holds will be full. Slightly deformed, it looks like a plump cell that has absorbed sufficient nutrients, and these biomass will soon be transformed into a new Mother Queen Zerg after being transported back.

In fact, if the Mother Queen hadn't hidden most of the troops according to Owen's wishes, the current military strength would have been enough to launch a counterattack against the Void Zerg, allowing the other party to see what a real Zerg hegemony is.

However, Irving, who has long been accustomed to being stubborn, will never show all his strength. He will show one or two points of 100% strength, allowing people to see that he has hidden three to five points, and to guess seven or eight points. The last ones are the layers. trump card.

This strategic thought has also affected the Mother Queen. Therefore, in addition to hiding the core Queen Mother to suppress her ultimate move, even the developed insect swarms are mostly hidden, just like blind boxes, hidden in every corner of the material world, waiting for the fate. People turn on.

In fact, this is mainly related to Owen's unclear understanding of the situation in the material world. He doesn't believe that the order camp really does nothing, even if it does nothing on the surface. He doesn't believe that the same is true secretly. He is probably holding back his big move and preparing to clean up the mess afterwards. Otherwise, it would be giving up the right to rule the material world.

In addition, despite the chaos of the chaotic evil gods, the real forces of the chaotic evil camp have not really exerted their strength yet, and what is their purpose? Owen does not know what this drama with the material world as the stage is about. He also didn't know which one it was, so even though he had the ability to solve the current predicament in one fell swoop, Owen only let the empire exert its power and did not interfere too much himself.

This is done to hide oneself and not be regarded as a variable that needs to be kicked out in advance by those behind the scenes.

But the current Owen is no different than before. With subspace as a fallback route and the capital to overturn the table, some of his plans have become more aggressive. Now he has laid some groundwork and is just waiting to be unleashed.

Under Owen's reasonable cheating, the empire grew faster and faster.

By merging the unformed void fruits around it, the Northern Stars have grown to the level of the main plane. It still has two sides, upper and lower, and is much thicker. It feels like a rugby ball, but there is still a long way to go before it can build a sphere and become a real planet. Let's go. According to Owen's estimation, at least dozens of main plane levels need to be fused together to form. Otherwise, if a sphere is forcibly constructed, the horizon will be all downhill at a glance. If there is another problem with gravity, the fall will roll around the planet. One lap.

Besides, Owen doesn't know whether the laws of the material world can support the emergence of planets. After all, a flat plane and a spherical planet are two different things, and the difference in mass is even greater. If the relevant laws of gravity and gravity cannot keep up, the planet will probably be destroyed as soon as it is formed. It will fall apart.

Therefore, it must be done through experiments and trials, so a large amount of resources are also poured into the eight outer planes of the Northern Stars. They will become satellites of the Northern Stars in the future and are also the experimental products of many attempts.

The empire's peace did not last long. In fact, on the outskirts of the empire, the war with the orcs and void zerg never stopped, with tens of thousands of casualties every day.

If the empire hadn't built more and more clone hives in the Void Fruit, and the industrial plane had become more and more complete, I'm afraid it would have been unable to hold it on long ago. Even so, it could barely maintain the front line and not retreat.

However, it seems rare for the orc gods to find such a satisfactory toy, and they have always maintained a state of entanglement with the empire, and have taken turns to descend from the gods.

Although he was looked down upon, Owen was more willing to maintain this state, letting Ciel and Joan of Arc take turns leading the Ultramarines to attack, trying to avoid expanding the scale and depth of the war.

But the empire was only a remote corner of the material world and had little impact, so what was supposed to happen still happened.

Dozens of ancient gods sealed in the material world have broken away from the seal and have caused large areas of pollution. And because the Order camp has retreated to the inner network, the pollution is still spreading, and there is no hope of governance.

After hearing the news, even Owen changed his expression and even thought that the evil and chaotic camp was crazy.

The ancient gods don't care whether you are a god of order or an evil god, everything is an object of devouring pollution.

Moreover, the powerful pollution of ancient gods is not that simple. What they cause is not simple destruction. Even the remaining substances cannot get rid of the pollution, and this kind of pollution is difficult for even evil gods to bear.

Therefore, the order camp has always been strictly guarded against the ancient gods. Once they discover that an ancient god has broken away from the seal, they will immediately send gods to deal with it, and the evil gods will not deliberately stop them, even if they released the ancient gods.

Releasing the Ancient God was only a means, not an end. This gave Owen a vague suspicion that his previous preparations did not seem to be in the right direction.

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