It didn't take long for the Queen Zerg fleet to reach its destination quickly with the help of the psychic tide. In front of them were tens of thousands of hungry Void Zerg.

There is no false temptation in the meeting between the two Zerg, because only the naked hatred between peers is the same for the Zerg. There can only be one World Eater in this world, so a war between Zerg and Zerg has no The most intense collision is the beginning of any prelude.

Facing the swarming Void Zerg, the numerically inferior Mother Zerg warship did not panic at all. It first sent a few peripheral Zerg warships into the nearby plane base, and then released a large number of flying Zerg units to block the opponent's delay.

The Zerg warship lifted up its thick carapace, revealing the dense holes underneath. The structure was like a honeycomb made of soft-bodied creatures. It was still contracting and squirming like breathing. It was the kind that would make people with intensive phobia wipe their necks, and then strings of bugs squeezed out from inside. Come out, spread your wings quickly in the void, wait for the wings to harden, and immediately fly towards the Void Zerg.

Depending on the division of labor, these Queen Flying Zerg used acid that melted iron, self-exploding stingers, various parasitic spores, and predators that looked like exposed intestines to launch tentative attacks on the Void Zerg.

Although the methods are strange and changeable, the essence remains the same.

Destroy the enemy, recycle biomass, evolve in a targeted manner, and then constantly adjust and explode until the opponent is completely devoured. This is the Zerg's fighting method, simple but unpretentious.

But the scene is really ugly, or terrifying. Countless weird bugs are crowded together and constantly gnawing at each other's bodies. Some bodies are mutilated, but their ferocious mouthparts are still gnawing at each other's bodies, even in the blink of an eye. The chewed pieces will fall out of the leaking intestines of the half body, and even attract new predators to start chewing from the intestines, and still have no intention of stopping.

The purpose of these Queen Flying Zergs was clear from the beginning, to delay time. As long as there was time, victory would be on their side.

At this time, the Queen Zerg warship that landed in a nearby plane had begun to dissolve, extending a large area of ​​carpet and building a hatchery.

The carpet is the farmland of the Queen Zerg. The fungal organisms that make up the carpet can devour and decompose all organic and inorganic matter. In other words, they are devouring the world and then converting them into nutrients and necessary additives to provide a continuous supply of raw materials for the hatchery. , hatch new Zerg.

This devouring transformation is irreversible. The moment the plane disappears, countless insect swarms will start again and head to the next target.

But it has just begun. When the worker bees crawl out of the hatchery and fly into the air, the countdown to destruction begins to accelerate, because the worker bees can collect resources from further away, speeding up the spread of the carpet and the improvement of the hatchery. .

In the void, when the first batch of flying Zerg units released by the Zerg warships were almost dead, the eggs reserved in the cavity were also rapidly matured, continuously replenishing the lost troops, and nearby sub-bases also gave birth to new ones. The flying Zerg began to add in, bringing the battle into a continuous stalemate.

This is enough. The Cerebrate is constantly debugging the collected Void Zerg genes with extremely high efficiency.

After deciphering the genes of the Void Zerg, the newly born Mother Zerg obtained organs that can absorb and convert the Void Zerg biomass more quickly, and it can also produce targeted biotoxins to poison the Void Zerg that eats the Mother Zerg. Already divided.

Although the Void Zerg also has the ability to evolve quickly, they have not evolved an efficient brain like the Cerebral Worm, and they do not have Zerg warships and sub-bases like biochemical factories. Their efficiency is lower and their systems are more backward. As the main force for reproduction, The insect queen needs to devour a large number of enemy bodies to mutate herself, and then build a nest to enter the reproductive state, so that she can give birth to new zerg species to respond.

This model is undoubtedly cheating for other races in the material world, but for the two Zerg races that have gone through a long and cruel universe-level war, it is almost like child's play. It is too slow and too inefficient.

It's not that the Void Zerg are too weak, but that the environment they are in is different.

The two major Zerg genes in the Queen Mother have experienced endless cosmic wars. In order to survive, they have evolved for countless generations.

The Void Zerg are different. Their superhuman absorption, conversion and reproduction speed alone are enough for them to dominate the material world. Therefore, without external pressure, the potential of the Void Zerg has not been fully realized.

In this case, no matter how fast the Void Zerg evolves, it will not take thousands of years to catch up with the Zerg genes possessed by the Queen Mother, because this is the overall backwardness, from genes, structure, division of labor, etc. aspect.

Although genetic samples can be supplemented by gnawing at the Mother Zerg, the problem is that the division of labor of the Mother Zerg is too thin. Just obtaining some fragments is not enough for the Void Zerg to turn defeat into victory, but it can easily leave serious hidden dangers.

And this takes time, but the Cerebrates will not give the opponent time, so even though they do not have an advantage in numbers, they still continue to fill the front line, just to prevent the Void Zerg from taking action.

The Void Zerg know nothing about this, because they have not formed a main consciousness. As the mother insect queen, they still rely on inefficient pheromones to command the huge insect swarm. Therefore, they are miserably played by the brain worms. Now they are the mother queen Zerg. Suppressing the Void Zerg to gnaw, this is caused by the difference in efficiency.

Unfortunately, this is not isolation. The Void Zerg scattered into countless swarms all over the material world do not have a unified command, so the death of one swarm does not have the slightest impact on other swarms, let alone a warning, and they still know nothing. flew in the intended direction.

Having just wiped out a Void Zerg and about to face more enemies, the Cerebrates did not panic.

Although the Zerg have always played the role of invaders, defensive warfare is also what the Zerg is good at.

Under the command of the Cerebral Worm, a large number of Zerg warships dispersed to nearby planes, devouring and transforming everything with ultra-high efficiency. Each plane became a Zerg nest, and a steady stream of Zerg flew out. In the coming Void, a fierce war broke out among the Zerg tribe, and the entire void was scattered with residual limbs and carapace belonging to the Zerg tribe. However, these materials would soon be recovered by the Zerg collectors who were responsible for collecting them, and transported to the Zerg nest to be converted into nutrients and recycled. Breed more Zerg.

During this period, the Queen's Zerg fleet was not all smooth sailing. In fact, if it encountered a Void Zerg that was too large, it would be almost eaten up before it could be drawn into a war of attrition.

However, the Cerebral Insects have already built countless bases in the surrounding planes. As long as one Mother Zerg is missing, a huge Mother Zerg group will appear in a short time, which is simply inexplicable.

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