The victory between the charr and the war chief has been decided, but the orc gods who descended from the gods are not willing to give up, so they are still holding on, just to take a few more beatings, which shows how obsessed the orcs are with fighting.

However, judging from the intermittent fluctuations in divine power, it is estimated that it will not last long, because the opponent's body is most likely being violently beaten by other orc gods. It is not known whether it is because it broke the rules or was beaten first. of anger.

After Owen devoted some of his energy to paying attention to the battlefield, he took Silver Flash and Mira to the empire. There were bones and debris scattered everywhere along the way, like a ghost land. It can be seen how high the concentration of matter in this area is, and it can be imagined. How many people died here and how many planes were destroyed, so that the void had no time to decompose.

How many lives have died here? Silver Flash has also seen places destroyed by chaotic evil gods, but he has never seen such a large-scale scene.

The orcs are the most numerous. There are probably several million dead. There are seven or eight in the war land alone. The Void Zerg army has not arrived yet, only a few hundred thousand. There are also races such as the dark elves. As for the planes, there are almost fifty Most of them are demi-planes, and there are also many small planes. Owen has become numb to the number of casualties, and at the same time he also understands that it doesn't matter how many people die. Now it's up to him to see who can survive to the end.

There are so many dead, why are there no undead? Mira asked curiously, because large-scale death will cause the accumulation of negative energy and naturally produce undead.

There is a god of death in my pantheon. Every time there is a war, he will come out to harvest the undead and clean up the breath of death. Otherwise, this place would have become a dead zone. Owen explained, after all, he didn't want to kill the living ones before beating them to death.

Silver Flash was not surprised that Owen had a god system and a very rare god of death, because he had met the Moon Princess sisters before and knew that there was a god system behind Owen. In addition, Owen's priesthood was the shadow of death. It didn't matter that there was another Death God. Instead, Mira opened her mouth wide in surprise and was able to stuff a bean into it.

I'm really envious that you have the Divine System to help. Mira thought that Owen was able to persist until now because of the support of the Divine System behind him, but she didn't know that the Divine System was created by Owen.

Let's go, my plane is not far ahead. Owen said with a smile.

When Owen took Silver Flash and Mira to the empire, Ciel also killed the war chief descended from God.

Without the war chief as the medium of divine power, the orcs blessed by divine power also weakened.

The orcs were tough and reckless, but that didn't mean they had unlimited physical strength. No matter how fervent their fighting spirit was, they still needed material support, so even their roars became weak and they were wiped out by the Thunder Guards.

The end of the war does not mean that everything is gone. In fact, the aftermath is more difficult than the start of the war.

A large number of corpses will be gathered together and thrown into the void. The Mother Queen, who has been waiting for a long time, will drive the Zerg fleet to collect these rare proteins. At the same time, the scattered fragments will also be collected, just like scavengers and microorganisms, cleaning up the battlefield. Clean and tidy.

This is just one of them. More Zerg fleets will be sent far away to clean up the battlefield, and even go to the chaotic area where Silver Flash and Mira are.

As for the problem of encountering enemies, as long as the biomass replenished is greater than the biomass consumed, the Queen Zerg can defeat any opponent until the end of time.

The still intact war land will be brought back by the Void Fleet, the source will be extracted, and the remaining foundation stones will be shattered. After being consumed by the Void, what is left will be valuable minerals, which will be sent to the industrial plane for processing. deal with.

But before that, the door to the kingdom of God opened, and countless ghost-like cats came to the material world. They ran in the void and sprang out from the gaps. The confused souls were led by the cats to the kingdom of eternal night. Wherever they will be further distributed, most of them will be able to get the life they want and live another life in the Kingdom of God without leaving any regrets.

This is the benefit of having a god of death in the pantheon. Otherwise, dealing with the souls of believers who died on a large scale would be a big problem. You must know that gods are not omnipotent. Every miracle has a price. When the effort is greater than the gain, no matter how pious you are, When believers die in front of them, gods will remain indifferent. There are still very few people like Owen who treat believers well, even after death.

Owen took Silver Flash and Mira to see a circle of battlefields, and after letting them understand the pressure the empire was facing now, they came to the area where the empire was located.

When passing through the eight planes, they felt the deep depression and heaviness in the planes. Both Silver Flash and Mira frowned. Both of them, who prefer nature, are very sensitive to this and do not like this kind of oppression that goes against nature. Regarding the matter of living beings, if you think about the situation you are facing now, you can only turn a blind eye, because if you cannot bear the pain, the only outcome is destruction, and they are not an example.

Although the plane he believes in is well taken care of and can be said to be in perfect harmony with nature, when facing the enemy, trees cannot block the enemy, art cannot block the sword, and only death and destruction are left.

When Silver Flash and Mira sighed, the Northern Stars appeared in front of them.

What a strange plane. How did you glue the two planes together? This was the first time for Silver Flash and Mira to have such a positive and negative plane structure.

Some special skills. Owen said with a smile, and they didn't ask any questions. After all, there were some secrets that couldn't be told no matter how good the relationship was.

Okay, let's go in. The North Stars have a very high limit. As long as you don't actively release your divine power, you won't be excluded. Owen opened the portal and invited them to enter.

The plane rejects gods because the gods are too large and can easily cause irreparable damage to the plane.

However, there are roots growing from the seeds of the World Tree within the Northern Stars, and spiritual energy is spread all over the outside. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a special kingdom of God, and the upper limit of its accommodation is naturally higher.

The Northern Stars are divided into upper and lower sides. The mountain side has the best environment. In addition to the green continents and islands, the ocean is also full of vitality, so it serves as the empire's health resort and academic center.

The north side is a little worse, but the vast land is suitable for large-scale farming and industrial development, so the empire's scientific research center and the most sophisticated manufacturing industry are all here.

Considering Silver Flash's experience with Mira along the way, Owen took the two to the mountains to soothe their mood with nature.

The empire built a spectacular and beautiful mountain city in the most beautiful place in the mountains. It is also the location of the Imperial Academy of Magic.

It was said to be a magic school, but in fact, they studied psychic powers. This made Silver Flash and Mira feel a little uncomfortable because they had completely lost contact with the divine and magic networks since entering the Northern Stars.

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