The War Titan that appeared for the first time did not disappoint the empire. As soon as it stepped out of the teleportation beam, it locked onto the orc flesh and blood colossus that threatened the most.

These creations of the divine power of the orcs use the flesh and blood of the orcs as the medium, fused with the fragments of the cornerstone of the plane. They are tens of meters high and can shake the mountain with every step. They also retain the violent side of the orcs, so they can easily raze a city to the ground. However, War Titans are built for this.

The blazing energy core under the steel body surges with violent energy, but under the constraints of multiple positions and high-energy alloys, there is no leakage. And under precise control, the powerful energy is smoothly guided out and poured into it. In the accumulator, the volcano cannon fixed on the left arm of the War Titan began to exert its power.

The volcano cannon is one of the pinnacle creations of the empire. It has the power to change the terrain. The base level is the forbidden curse level, and the upper limit is unknown.

In contrast, the heavy artillery equipped by the imperial fleet is only mass-produced goods, purely for the sake of volume, and cannot be compared with the precision-level volcanic cannon at all.

At this time, in the huge muzzle, the red and sticky light is constantly rolling, accumulating more energy under the constraints of the force field. In theory, as long as the force field can keep up and the alloy can hold up, the volcano cannon can There is no upper limit to the power you can accumulate.

Of course, this is just theory, so just before the heat warning is about to go off, the volcano cannon fires.

The red flames sprayed out for more than a hundred meters, and the huge vibration caused the thousand-ton steel Titan to pause for a moment. The energy fluctuations from the muzzle alone activated the Titan's energy shield. This shows that this gun contains What a powerful force.

However, the Empire's technology is astonishing, and the powerful binding force field allows the power of the volcanic cannon to shoot straight towards the target, instead of hurting itself.

The huge orc flesh and blood colossus is like a moving fortress. Every step it takes will cause huge vibrations on the ground. It is extremely strong. But after being hit by the volcano cannon, it is like butter pierced by a red-hot iron rod. It quickly It melted, and then the violent explosion flattened everything within a few kilometers. The ground was melted by the high temperature like glass, and the depression in the central area became like a volcanic crater. The hot magma was constantly churning. .

Even if each shot requires a long period of time to cool down, the volcano cannon is still a well-deserved killer weapon. Ordinary artifacts may not be so powerful.

The orc gods finally couldn't bear it anymore, and a piece of divine consciousness forcefully inserted into the war chief's mind, replacing his thinking, and the orc gods descended.

The Orcs are meant to cut down the biggest, toughest, and strongest enemies! The War Chief, possessed by the Orc gods, abandoned the imaginative Silver Shield heavy cruiser, and with one jump slash, he was about to kill the War Titan, enjoying the moment. Can opener's fun.

Even though the War Titan has thick armor and an energy shield, it is positioned as a war machine, not a one-on-one duel king. Therefore, once the war chief tears open the hole and gets in, he will be like Sun Monkey in the iron fan. There is no difference in the princess' belly, it must be gone, that's why Owen asked Ciel to follow.

As soon as Ciel appeared in specially-made power armor, the war chief gave up everything, holding two battle axes condensed with divine power, and stared at her eagerly.

Before he became a god, Ciel had received the most advanced biochemical transformation from the Imperial Scientific Research Center, and had refined various martial arts. His body shape was already different from that of ordinary people, standing three meters tall. He was not much shorter when facing the bloated War Chief.

It's just that the War Chief's body is thicker and thicker, like a metal pillar nailed into the earth, giving people an unshakable feeling.

But it's useless, any god is equal in front of Charles's double blades of chaos.

The first collision between the two sides almost tore the war land apart. Even the cornerstone of the plane could not be held back by the wanton divine power. For this reason, the imperial fleet had to evacuate urgently, leaving the battlefield to the two gods.

The strength of the orc gods is of course higher than that of Char, but at this moment, it is in the state of divine descent. Even if the war chief is a demigod, there is an upper limit to his endurance, so he cannot exert his full strength and cannot overwhelm Char, who has many blessings. , coupled with the weapons condensed with divine power, they couldn't compete with the double blades of chaos that could kill gods. They eventually fell into a disadvantage and were knocked out of the war land by a critical strike from Charles and floated into the void.

The void did not affect the battle between the two sides. The fierce collision continued. The burst of divine power fluctuations became more and more violent. Countless fragments floating in the void were shaken into powder and quickly dissolved into the void, forcing Silver Flash and Mira to face each other. Escape into the distance, and here they meet Owen.

Why did you come here? Owen waved his hand, the shadow spread out to cover their figures, and then asked.

Silver Flash gave a wry smile, and Mira even started crying before telling her what happened to them.

Because they were victims, Silver Flash and Mira were not scrutinized for too long, so they did not fall together with the Green Land of Order.

But they were not much better off. Silver Flash was targeted by his former enemies, the plane that believed in him was slaughtered, and the Kingdom of God was also shattered by the other party. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been split up long ago.

Mira was about the same, or worse. As a demon spirit, there were not many believers in her. The kingdom of God was even smaller and was directly smashed into pieces by the orcs' war land. She ran away crying all the way.

It's so miserable. Owen shook his head and expressed sympathy, but what sympathized with them even more was that they didn't even run to the right place, so he told them about his situation.

Being surrounded by orcs and being targeted by the orc gods, that's fine, but why are there Void Fruit Forests around the Kingdom of God, and countless Void Zerg are on the way, this is going to be fatal.

After listening, Silver Flash and Mira understood why Owen looked at them with such strange and sympathetic eyes.

Is it too late to leave now? Mira asked tremblingly.

If the orc gods don't descend, you still have a chance. But now, let alone the gods who are chasing you, the explosive density of orcs and void zerg alone will block your last chance of survival. Owen shook his head. He shook his head and said.

Forget it, since you can't run away, then fight with them. No one wants to die, and Silver Flash is no exception, but if there is no way to survive, he doesn't mind fighting, and besides, he can die with the Moon Princess , he is not at a loss either.

Me too. Mira took out her treasured mead, took a big sip, and said decisively. Anyway, she had nothing to lose.

Don't be so pessimistic. It will be difficult to win, but if you can hold on, I'm still a little bit sure. Owen is very calm. He is the master of the subspace. Unless the subspace is destroyed, he will never die. He is still busy now. He was busy coming and going, mainly because he was reluctant to destroy the empire he had built with his own hands, and at the same time, he also wanted to see where the limits of the empire were.

So as long as the empire doesn't give up, Owen will still try to help as much as possible, such as cheating, and he is an expert in this area.

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