Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 647 Horses and fairies joining the divine system

Now that the Divine Network has been destroyed, it is estimated that the Magic Network will not last long. In order to prevent someone from causing trouble through the Divine Network and the Magic Network, I have isolated it. Owen explained to Silver Flash and Mira, don't let them mistakenly Thinking that he is up to no good.

This is also true. The two networks as a whole cannot be seized, but if they are divided, even the divine network can be seized of regional authority unless it is connected to the intranet.

Indeed, the Divine Network has been destroyed once. It caused a lot of trouble at that time. The goddess of magic is also the third generation. It is estimated that she will fall again this time. Mira, who has stayed in the Order Greenland all year round, knows a lot of things. Shi nodded and said in agreement.

In addition, she was also frightened, so the safer the environment, the better. As for whether Owen would take the opportunity to catch her and play with her, it no longer mattered.

Although Silver Flash felt that Owen was hiding something, it didn't matter to the current bad situation, so he had no intention of asking.

But this was the first time Owen knew that in addition to the destruction of the Divine Network, the goddess of magic had not escaped and had fallen more than once.

In fact, it is not surprising. The Divine Network can be destroyed, but the Inner Network, which is rooted in the basic laws of the material world, cannot, let alone seize its core authority. If you really have this ability, you have already entered the realm of the Creator.

The Magic Network is different. To put it bluntly, it is a special network of divine power and laws built on the Divine Network. Not only is it not tough enough, it is also not safe enough. It is not impossible to hit people along the network cable. At least the magic goddess hiding behind has been caught. He has been beaten more than once, and he probably won't be able to escape this time. He will be caught sooner or later. Who makes the authority of the magic network too tempting.

Don't worry, it's relatively safe here. Owen smiled and comforted Mira. He was quite confident about this. At worst, he could just open an eye of fear in the material world and let the gods of the material world see what was happening. What is called pollution, what is called fear, what is called despair, I really think subspace is something fun.

There are very few restrictions on gods here. Is it because of spiritual power? Silver Flash shook his neck, his long mane shining like silver waves. He was very curious about the Northern Stars because he had never seen such a strange position. Faced with this, even the urge to see the Moon Princess was suppressed.

Well, psychic energy is everywhere here, and psychic energy is very adaptable to divine power, so there are not many restrictions on gods, not to mention that I have given you permission. Owen said and led the two of them into the mountain palace. Semi-isolated from the outside world, there are almost no restrictions on gods, allowing them to relax more.

These are the Golden Apple Tree and Moon Spring, which can replenish your consumption. Owen pointed to the small garden in front of him and said to the two of them.

The gods have long been freed from the restrictions of mortal things, which also makes it difficult for them to replenish their consumption, at least not by eating ordinary things.

Faith is good, but only by believing in their faith can they be absorbed and transformed. Otherwise, why would the gods bother to preach?

In addition, you can also directly absorb the divine power given by other gods, but generally no gods will do this, because the divine power has already been transformed and imprinted by absorption, so absorbing the divine power given by other gods feels like absorbing the other party's body fluids. As for Whether it's milk or saliva, that's a matter of opinion. It's not a good experience anyway.

The quality of the golden apples and moon springs was very high, and they were good nourishing even for gods. Therefore, Silver Flash began to drink, while Mira held the golden apples and gnawed them hard. Judging from their posture, these two people could not reach the point where the lamp died. Even when the oil is exhausted, it consumes a lot.

Gods are not perpetual motion machines. Normal consumption is fine, but once divine power is used, it will really use less.

Unfortunately, their plane of faith and the Kingdom of God were destroyed. The former was a place that provided faith, and the latter was a place that stored faith. If they were all gone, they could only rely on their own reserves. How long could they last?

It's so chaotic outside now, do you want to join my divine system? Owen ate the golden apple, thought for a while and then said to Silver Flash and Mira.

For these two people, Owen's senses are quite good, and they each have their own strengths. In addition, this is the situation outside now, so he can try to win over each other, so he said.

I have no problem. The Green Land of Order is gone, my Kingdom of God and the plane of faith are also destroyed, and now I have nowhere to go. Silver Flash said to Owen after getting drunk.

I'm also willing to join. Mira said as she hurriedly climbed up from the golden apple, holding her bulging belly.

She is even more pitiful than Silver Flash. Not only has she been a pendant all the way, but she can't play any role now. She is really afraid of being abandoned. She won't even have the chance to be a handler by then.

Okay, now I will take you to the kingdom of God. With the addition of two divine talents, the divine system became stronger and stronger. Owen smiled and nodded, and then opened the door of the kingdom of God. Suddenly, the breath of faith and nature emerged, making the silver shine. He cheered up with Mira.

Irving brought them to the Kingdom of Light, which also fits their attributes.

Nowadays, the Kingdom of God has become extremely vast. Even the Kingdom of Light, which is only a part of the Kingdom of God, has an area comparable to that of a large plane and is full of natural and peaceful atmosphere.

Is there a unicorn here? Silver Flash said in surprise as if he sensed something.

There are not just unicorns. Owen smiled and led them deep into the forest.

Because the situation in the material world was so bad, Owen felt it and moved Ponyville to the light plane, and incorporated more fairy tale and animation elements to create a perfect and harmonious paradise, and the space princess sisters are here. Asylum.

Speaking of fairy tales, unicorns and fairies are indispensable, and there are many types.

Silver Flash was dumbfounded by the unicorns from different worlds, especially the existence of Ponyville, which made him wonder if he was a fake unicorn god.

But everything disappeared after seeing the Moon Princess. Silver Flash rushed forward without any trace of fatigue, and was kicked away by the Moon Princess with a roar.

Although Princess Moon has a loud voice and always maintains the appearance of a princess, she is shy and introverted at heart. She can't control her temper only when facing the silver flash, and she always wants to kick something, such as a certain horse. Unicorn face.

When Owen turned around, Mira was already playing with the goblins here, playing hide and seek in the flowers, going to the beehive to steal honey, and being chased by the bees. That heartless look was the only spirit of this goblin. true temperament.

The goblin itself is innocent and lively, but Mira, who became a god by chance, has to bear a weight that she should not bear, so although she became a god, she has never been happy.

Now that she has lost everything in the past, it may not be a relief for her.

So it doesn't matter whether she is a god or not, and whether she can develop faith or not. If Mira were given the choice, she would rather be an ordinary goblin who would dissipate like dewdrops in the first ray of sunshine one morning, ending her happy and simple life. lifetime.

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