Everyone, be careful, no one knows what is hidden in the wormhole. The silver flashing horn released the silver divine lightning, breaking through the darkness of the void, and said to everyone cautiously.

Mira, who had no fighting ability, held the acorn and hid in the long mane behind the silver flash. The goddess of beauty released clear spring water with a little viscosity surrounding her. Owen took out an artifact bow and arrow, and used their own methods to deal with it. The coming crisis.

As the pioneer of the path, the silver flash released divine lightning to break through the fog that shrouded the wormhole. These are concentrated void materials that are in the process of transformation. When the transformation is completed, they will become part of the new plane. Therefore, the further in, the more material there is. It solidifies and gradually forms a semi-solid state, so opening a path is a technical job, and currently only silver flash can do it.

Unfortunately, a big hole has been eaten here, and a large number of void creatures have been attracted to nest here, which has caused the danger to rise sharply. Even if there is a silver flash, you must be careful and look for clues.

Oops, it's the Void Zerg! The silver flash recognized what it was through the remaining traces, and the horse's face suddenly stretched, which was very ugly.

There are thousands of creatures in the void, but the Zerg are the most difficult to deal with.

Void creatures were originally powerful creatures in the plane. During the decay and destruction of the plane, they finally adapted to the void environment and evolved into void creatures.

Generally speaking, it is not an overlord like a dragon who is born at the top of the biological chain, but a powerful monster, which is difficult to associate with a weak insect.

It’s a pity that there are countless planes, and there are countless biological races. No one knows which strange plane the original body of the Void Zerg was born. Anyway, by the time it was discovered, the Void Zerg had already spread and became the ancestor of all planes and gods. Nightmare.

Although the individuals of the Void Zerg are not very powerful, their short life cycle and terrifying reproduction speed allow them to quickly adapt to the Void environment, evolving into an almost brand-new Void race in a short period of time, and their adaptability to the Void They are top-notch in terms of material transformation and other aspects, which also makes void bugs extremely greedy for material.

The Order camp contacted other camps to launch an extermination campaign against the Void Zerg. The effect was remarkable at first. Later, as the number of the Void Zerg decreased, internal conflicts began to erupt. As a result, more gods died at the hands of other camps than at the mouths of the Void Zerg. There were even more gods, and in the end it was natural that nothing could be done about it, and the Void Zerg have since become a serious problem in the material world.

I hate bugs. Mira, who was holding an acorn, murmured to herself in her silver shining mane. Before she became a god, she was often bullied by those big bugs. After becoming a god, she knew that the Void Zerg were so outrageous. After the race, I feel even more uncomfortable. Now that I have to face them at close range, the whole goblin is not good.

Before Mira could continue to complain, the arrival of the gods was like bait used by fishermen to build their nests, and countless Void Zerg tribes were immediately attracted.

Gods are the most cost-effective food. The energy contained in a not-so-large god's body is comparable to that of a small plane. Not only is it easier to absorb, it can also allow the Void Zerg to evolve. Therefore, no Void Zerg can resist the temptation brought by gods. , even if it will cost huge casualties.

Facing the overwhelming Void Zerg flying in, Owen was not too panicked and was still in the mood to study these strange void creatures.

The Void Zerg are not too big, almost two to three meters tall. They look like a fusion of a locust and a mantis. Therefore, they look very ferocious and terrifying, full of predator style. But for gods, even Mira They can all go up and kill them randomly, the only problem is quantity.

The wormholes are surrounded by craters that have been chewed out. Many of the craters are filled with eggs of the void bugs. These white and tender eggs the size of footballs are pregnant with new void bugs. They only need to be hatched out and soon. You can obtain sufficient nutrients by chewing the outer wall of the wormhole, and turn into a group of adult void zerg in a short period of time.

This is the most terrifying thing about the Void Zerg. The astonishing reproductive capacity and terrifying material conversion rate allow the Void Zerg to reproduce indefinitely as long as there is matter. Theoretically, if it is not stopped, the Void Zerg can swallow up the entire material world, thus annihilating it. Worms are also one of the most important jobs of the God of Order.

To be honest, Irving didn't know if he was right to choose the order camp. He always felt that it was even more outrageous than 007, because no matter how social animals exploited, only one person could do the work of three people at most, but gods have clones, so in theory, he can Unlimited squeeze.

Not to mention these, Owen found that there are countless similar spawning caves here. You can imagine how many void zerg they have to face.

Facing the overwhelming Void Zerg, the silver flashing horse's face was solemn, and its front hooves flew into the air and fell hard, smashing out large swaths of silver lightning like water waves, turning thousands of Void Zerg into fly ash.

As the recipient of the task, the goddess of beauty naturally cannot sit idly by. Her white-walled arms are raised high, making her back even more beautiful. Especially without the cover of her arms, the plump semicircle and soft elasticity leaking from the side are eye-catching. His fingers moved wildly, but unfortunately the timing was not right. I could only watch the Goddess of Beauty twist her delicate body and stir up the viscous spring water around her. Whenever the viscosity reached a certain level, it would be sprayed out, turning into a spider web-like substance and destroying the Void Zerg. Trapped.

Owen, who witnessed this scene, was very curious about what the God of Beauty's vocation was. It was said that he was the god of spring water, but it didn't really look like it. Whose spring water was like glue and had stringy texture. Obviously, this spring water was a bit unfair.

Owen was thinking about things in his mind without delay, and he drew his bow, and the invisible arrows condensed and formed on the string. With a soft sound, the invisible arrows exploded like a tornado and almost penetrated the entire Void Zerg tribe.

But these are useless. The Void Zerg hidden in countless potholes are constantly devouring and multiplying, and the eggs they lay hatch out quickly. After devouring the egg shells to obtain preliminary nutrition, they rub the sharp mouth The weapon devoured the Void Fruit with its large mouth, making the wormhole larger and deeper, and at the same time, it also entered the maturity stage in a very short period of time.

Damn Void Zerg, it's so annoying! Silver Flash cursed. Due to excessive release of divine lightning, his horn was smoking hot, and at the same time, his divine power reserve was about to be reduced to a dangerous level.

The Void Zerg are least afraid of fighting a war of attrition. As long as there are not as many dead as there are lives, and the materials are not used up, the Void Zerg can fight until the end of time.

There is no morale problem. The Void Zerg, which does not even have much individual self-awareness, is just a part of the race. Lazyness and fear will not appear at all.

And until the materials and the corpses of the Void Zerg are used up, there is no problem of a protracted war.

This makes it impossible for Owen and the others to fill the wormhole and save the Void Fruit, unless they can destroy all the Void Zerg and insect eggs in one go. But the problem is that such a powerful attack, not to mention how much divine power is consumed, the unformed Void The fruit simply cannot withstand this level of damage.

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