The gathering place was not in the Greenbelt of Order, but in a demi-plane with beautiful scenery. It was obvious that the people at the gathering did not want others to know their shared little secret.

After Shu Lao's transformation, this demiplane full of forests, waterfalls and streams no longer rejects the entry of gods. Of course, even the demiplane has no ability to reject gods. If you really do this, you will only fall into destruction. .

Just like a security door can block the intrusion of a strong man, if it is replaced by a Japanese paper door, it may break with a little force.

At this time, under a huge oak tree, Mira, the demon spirit, was flapping her wings and humming a tune, happily preparing the wine she had carefully brewed.

It seems that your wine-making technology has improved again. The huge oak tree is Shu Lao's clone. Because the main body needs to sit in the green space of order, only one clone can be planted here. It is Shu Lao's clone that controls the plane. Long-term transformation is required to accommodate gatherings of people. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to accommodate several gods in one and a half planes.

At this time, Shu Lao produced delicious fruits from his body, picked them and put them on the table, and then said to Mira.

There's nothing to do in the Order Green, so we can only make wine to pass the time. Mira looked at the dozen kinds of wine she had prepared and nodded with satisfaction.

Thank you for your hard work. You stay with me at Order Greenland on weekdays. Shu Lao said in his unique slow tone.

Hehe, I'm so weak anyway, and it's easy to run into danger when I go out. I might as well stay with you in the Order Green. Anyway, if you drink too much and sleep, time will pass quickly. Mira didn't care, after all, she was an adult. The process of becoming a god is full of luck and luck, which leads to the fact that there are too many gods with different strengths than normal. Apart from serving as auxiliaries, they really don’t have much frontal combat effectiveness.

When Owen and Silver Flash arrived, a clear spring gushes out of thin air and transforms into a beautiful goddess wearing a snow-white off-shoulder dress. She is the God of Beauty.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a being who takes beauty as his name. There is really nothing that is not beautiful. Both his appearance and figure are perfect. It makes people feel that the other person’s farts are all fruity and their daddy’s are all rainbow ice cream. I want to drink it. Bath water and stuff are perfectly normal.

Unfortunately, for Owen, who has the essence of subspace, the beauty of this kind of priesthood and divine blessing is like a mobile phone filter. You can appreciate it, but you won't take it seriously.

What's more, the one who can become a god will be true, kind and beautiful, even if Mira has a thin chain of order on her body, so if you take it seriously, you will lose.

The party has started! Mira, who was flying around with a huge wine glass, looked very excited. Unexpectedly, the little goblin was actually a party creature, which surprised Owen.

However, thanks to Mira's excitement and joy, the party scene quickly became lively, and Owen successfully joined in.

Compared to mead and spirits, Shu Lao prefers bubbly ale. He slowly pours the wine over the roots, watching the bubbles melt away, and quietly enjoying the aroma produced by the mixture of earth and wine. But I'm afraid only plants can do this. Enjoy it, Irving would only feel a little bloated in his lower abdomen.

The silver flash was also very active. The magic beam released by the horn lifted the wine glass filled with strong liquor, and he drank it in one painful gulp. He drank very happily. Maybe it was because he had found love, and he didn't even mind drinking too much. Mira held his unicorn and turned it around like a steel pipe, making the unicorn shiny.

The Beauty God was gentle and quiet, sipping the wine, and occasionally picking up a berry and stuffing it into her mouth. Maybe because her mouth was too small, she deliberately pushed it in with her fingers. Every time, a trace of saliva would stick to it, but she didn't care. , his eyes stayed on Owen, making him feel a little uncomfortable and at the same time wary, because this beauty didn't seem that simple.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone here started talking, but most of them complained about the large number of tasks, the high intensity, and the occasional accidents. Even if you have the authority of the divine network and the magic network, you will often encounter fatal dangers.

But there is no way, who makes them the gods of order, unless they betray the camp, otherwise they have to do these jobs.

This is also the reason why some gods of order choose to form a group. The efficiency is different between going to support because of work and going to support because of friendship. A quick step can save lives.

What's more, some tasks cannot be solved by one god alone and must work together. For example, when the God of Beauty accepts a task, he plans to ask everyone to complete it together.

It's a wormhole. It's such a troublesome task. Fairy Mira said with disgust, because she hated things in wormholes.

Wormholes are holes that appear when the Void Fruit is eaten, and the Void Fruit is a highly concentrated collection of void matter. When it reaches a certain level, a plane will be born.

However, the emergence of wormholes will lead to a reduction in the quality of the plane, or even failure of incubation. Therefore, the current task is to clean up the causes of the wormholes, fill the wormholes, and allow the plane to be successfully gestated.

The problem is that there are various causes of wormholes. Some are gaps that appear when void matter gathers, some become nests for void creatures, and some are plundered by evil gods. Except for the first type, the rest are extremely dangerous.

Because of the danger and trouble, the rewards for wormhole missions are also quite generous. Some powerful gods like this kind of missions very much, so they complained, but Mira did not refuse. After all, everyone was going there this time.

Without further ado, except for the old man who stayed behind and only one acorn being held by Mira, everyone followed the God of Beauty to the wormhole. Unexpectedly, they went further and further away, and they stopped when they were about to reach the boundary of the divine network.

Silver Flash felt something was wrong, but couldn't tell what was wrong. He shook his head, glanced at Owen but said nothing.

At this time, Owen didn't expect to meet acquaintances here. Several plane fragments that escaped from the main world stayed here. They repaired the damaged places with the help of the rich materials around them. If everything went well, he might not be able to become a high-level master. Quality small and medium-sized planes.

Silver Flash and others did not stop this kind of taking advantage, because the Divine Network did not prohibit this kind of behavior. As long as it did not destroy the birthing plane, it didn't matter if they took advantage.

However, Owen did not see the plane where the four evil gods were, and he did not think that those evil gods would die on the way.

Owen looked at the wormhole thoughtfully, the answer must be there.

This is the first time Owen has seen the Void Fruit. Although he has long known that although the void dissolves matter, it will not make the matter disappear. On the contrary, at certain times, the matter in the void will suddenly come together, and when the time is right, there will be new ones. The plane was born, but he had never seen it.

But this is both a miracle and a crisis of life.

The void is not empty. Many void creatures like to eat unformed planes and even build nests.

There are also evil gods who plunder the source to create artifacts or strengthen themselves.

So someone needs to maintain it. For example, the god of order is the gardener of the orchard in the material world.

Owen guessed that the Four Evil Gods might be eyeing the unformed plane here and have already begun to take action.

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