Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 634 The Betrayal of the Beauty God

The beauty who raised her arms and kept twisting her delicate body to release the spray waves of the spring water also felt the pressure. She shook more and more violently, causing the waves to surge. If Mira accidentally approached, she would be blown away by the waves swaying from the beauty's broad mind.

However, I don’t know if it was repeated too many times or the spring water was too slippery. The God of Beauty suddenly lost his grip. The thick spring water that was originally stirred suddenly flew behind the gods and exploded. Not only did they get confused, but they were also washed away. Go deeper into the wormhole.

Silver Flash, who had encountered the most accidents as an inspector, instinctively raised his hind hoof and kicked Meishen on the chest. There was only a pop sound. At the cost of one side of the airbag collapsing, Meishen lost an airbag with resentment. With a look in his eyes, he separated from everyone in embarrassment and was about to hide in the void insect swarm.

But Owen's reaction was not slow. In fact, he reacted faster than Silver Flash, but he was not sure whether he should take action. After all, Meishen was a member of Silver Flash's small group. He had just arrived and it was not convenient for him to take action first.

It would be no problem for Silver Flash to strike first, and the vicious look in Mei Shen's eyes had already shown that she was an enemy rather than a friend, and it could be seen from the fact that the Void Zerg did not attack her that the two sides were working together, so the problem became much more serious now.

Owen quickly replaced the bow string with the golden rope on his wrist, and pulled out an arrow and put it on it. Immediately, a powerful wave of divine power spread, making Silver Flash, who had just been shocked by the beauty god's betrayal, turn his head.

The three things in Owen's hands are the Wood Elf Bow, the Mane of the Divine Beast, and the Sky Feather Arrow. When combined together, they become the semi-artifact Phantom Bow.

But after strengthening, the quality of the three treasures has reached the level of primary artifacts. Even if they are not merged into the Phantom Divine Bow, but simply combined together, their power is higher than that of the intermediate artifacts. Not to mention the silver flash, even the ones that have run away The beautiful goddess had a look of horror in her eyes, deeply regretting that she had not endured any more, and had found out the new situation clearly to be on guard. This was going to be fatal.

Facing the arrow aimed at his heart, the God of Beauty, who was desperately trying to escape, lowered her body and placed her hands behind her back, palms facing each other, like a wave, spewing out a massive amount of spring water in an attempt to block the arrow.

It's hard to say what the effect is, it looks really ugly, and the gushing spring water seems to be thinning, pushing the beauty to escape farther away.

But the beauty god still cares about this at the moment. She really can't stop it. Let alone survive, she can't even be a complete beauty corpse. Naturally, she uses all her strength and almost holds her farts out to increase the thrust.

Owen doesn't care how embarrassed the beauty is, there is a price to pay for betrayal.

After seeing that the silver flash had no intention of stopping it, Owen let go of his hand, and the Tianyu arrow came out from the string. The released wave of divine power turned the Void Zerg blocking the front into flying ash, and he just created a straight arrow path. At the same time, the gushing spring water broke through and went upstream, finally hitting the middle and lower part of the beauty goddess. There was only a pop sound, and the remaining half of the beauty goddess howled miserably and disappeared.

The God of Beauty has betrayed, this is a trap! Mira, who was hiding in the silver shining mane, screamed and said, the whole fairy almost collapsed. If it was not small, the silver shining mane would be dripping water.

In fact, the silver shining horse's face was not good-looking either, not because he felt the moisture on the back of his neck, but because this was not the first betrayal of the God of Order.

The key is that every time a betrayal occurs, the chance that the god who falls into the trap can come back alive is less than 1%. Because all the information has been found out by the other party, the preparations are naturally foolproof. To escape, it is not just about strength. No wonder Mira is so desperate.

Clean up. Owen released the divine version of spiritual magic and cleaned up the slightly sweet but viscous spring water on his body. He acted very calmly and was in the mood to observe the surrounding situation.

This seems to be a maze. Owen looked around and said to Silver Flash.

Affected by Owen's calm performance, Silver Flash calmed down and looked around, his face wrinkled.

They seemed to have fallen into the depths of the wormhole, where the material had condensed into the building blocks of the plane.

The cornerstone is the most important and strongest component of the plane. It protects the original power of the plane, but it also attracts a large number of Void Zerg, which gnaws at the place in all directions. There are criss-crossing pits of all sizes everywhere.

The bad thing is that there is no distinction between up, down, left and right here, because the foundation stone is constantly rotating, just like stirring marshmallows. The void matter that is constantly entangled with the outside world is transformed into a part of the foundation stone. When the foundation stone expands to the limit, the deep original power will It penetrates out to form a plane barrier. After isolating the influence of the void, new life will be born in the new plane.

It's a pity that this fruit that could have given birth to new life has been almost eaten away by insects, and it has even become their nest and a trap to trap them.

It seems like there's trouble, but I'm not familiar with Beauty God, so do you know why she betrayed her? Owen could tell from the silver flash's horse face that their current situation was not good, but he was more curious about Beauty God's betrayal. .

From the beginning, he felt a little strange from the other party, but he did not think about betrayal, because betrayal is not an easy thing, especially the betrayal of the God of Order. Not only will he be chased by all the Gods of Order, If you kill someone, you will also be targeted by the Divine Network and the Magic Network. Once you enter the network, an alarm will sound, waiting for the Internet police to knock on the door.

But betrayal has never been eliminated, just because betrayal can gain more.

The question now is, what can the God of Beauty gain from this betrayal?

The Goddess of Beauty is the god of love and spring water. She is enthusiastic and cheerful. She is very popular in the Order Greenland and has many suitors. However, she does not like to be the focus of everyone's attention. She rarely comes to the Greenland and only participates in our small gatherings, so I really don’t know why she betrayed and why she chose us as the price of betrayal. Silver Flash said with some confusion. After all, there is only one chance to betray the order camp. The more benefits you can get from it, the better, but do they have this value?

No, this proves that the beauty god has greater ambitions. The one who spoke was the acorn held by Mira. At this moment, facial features grew on the acorn, and she said in a slightly childish voice.

Mira is a guide for newcomers. Her bronze book records most of the information about the gods of the Green Land of Order. As the guardian of the Green Land of Order, this acorn is the key. The silver flash is the patroller of the Green Land of Order. I know the secrets of the Green Land of Order. Based on the scope and situation, it can be said that as long as we are caught, the Order Greenland will open the door to those intruders. Even if they are not caught all, their vitality will be severely damaged. Shu Lao is indeed the oldest being in the Order Greenland, maybe he is scheming. There is no talent in this aspect, but it has lived long enough and has experienced too much, so it can grasp the key points of things.

If the situation reaches the most critical moment, I will burn the life of this fruit and turn into a tree to buy you time to escape. After saying this, Acorn, who had the consciousness of the tree elder, fell into a deep sleep again. Silently accumulating strength.

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