Owen, who was full of motivation, dug a hole in the back of the material world. The moment he came into contact with the ancient god, the demon Owen on the side thrust his thick and hard root into it, and absorbed the immobile ancient god as nourishment. Standing, regardless of the other party's resistance and life and death.

To the material world, the power of the ancient gods is like nuclear pollution. To the demon Owen, it is the ladder and nutrition for advancement, swallowing it until there is nothing left.

After obtaining the complete power of the ancient gods, Owen understood the essence of the ancient gods, which were cancer cells in the material world.

The ancient gods are the guards spawned by the material world to resist the invasion of the outside world. They are white blood cells. At the same time, the essence derived from the root allows the ancient gods to fail countless times and be resurrected until they win.

However, during the long battle, the immortal ancient god was also contaminated by hard-to-remove pollution, until he became cancerous and eventually became a cancer cell in the material world.

No wonder the ancient gods cannot be eliminated and can only be sealed, because the ancient gods are part of the source of the material world, and destroying the ancient gods is equivalent to self-mutilation in the material world.

A small number of ancient gods are fine, but if there are too many, they will commit suicide instead of self-mutilation.

Owen, who possesses the essence of subspace, cannot be polluted. It is better to say that he polluted the ancient god. Therefore, after devouring the ancient god, he obtained a small amount of root power in the material world, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of the material world. With their understanding and limited authority, they are even qualified to have access to part of the essence of the inner network of the Divine Network. After all, the inner network of the Divine Network is the embodiment of the laws that manifest the roots of the material world.

Owen, who almost made it in one step, has since developed a heartfelt love for the ancient gods. As long as he devours enough ancient gods, not to mention how powerful he will become, the mere authority to control the intranet is an irresistible temptation. .

However, the seal location of the Ancient God is a secret, because there are many lunatics who want to release the Ancient God for fun, so unless Owen uses subspace to find it bit by bit, the best way is to get some inside information from the Order camp. Then he went to steal some food. At this time, he immediately thought of a certain horse in spring condition.

Silver Flash, who became more and more courageous with frustrations, has become immune to being kicked, and has a tendency to fight to death as long as she can't be kicked. This makes the Moon Princess very annoyed and her temper becomes more and more irritable, but her kind nature prevents her from being cruel. hand, so his temper became even worse.

Owen watched with his own eyes as the Moon Princess turned from kicking away to a tap dance with fierce drumbeats. The Universe Princess on the side had to stop her, and sometimes even went up to mend her hooves. He shook his head immediately, but the silver flash was painful but not happy. Judging from the expression on his face, he had a bigger problem.

Are you okay? After Moon Princess left angrily, Owen came to Silver Flash, who was still lying there reminiscing, and asked pretending to be worried. In fact, the other person's rippling expression said everything.

It's good. My legs don't hurt when I run recently, and my waist is no longer sore. I can run fifteen planes in one breath without stopping. Silver Flash proudly raised his head and shook his still brilliant silver mane, his face Bu Hong said breathlessly.

Well, then you should get up first. It's hard to lower my head to talk to you. Owen said speechlessly, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether to enchant the horseshoes of the two sisters of the Universe Princess and inlay them with diamonds or something. It always feels like a kick. Lighter.

Silver Flash stood up and stretched his muscles. In fact, this was completely unnecessary. Let alone a god, there was no place for him to stand in this vast void. However, he seemed to be infected by the animation attributes of the Moon Princess and had no idea about it. After realizing it, Owen didn't mean to meddle in other people's business. After all, who doesn't want his friends to be simple enough?

As a patrolman of the Order Green Space, Silver Flash can no longer be described as well-informed. With such a vision, it is not without reason that he is obsessed with the Moon Princess.

You can laugh at children for being childish in animation, but you cannot deny that being friends with them is the most reassuring and purest thing.

Unicorns originally yearned for pure, beautiful and kind-hearted existences. This characteristic became more serious after becoming gods. Even the gods of beauty among the gods of order could not bring him more feelings. Only the Moon Princess sisters made Silver The flashing consciousness that the polluted heart became pure again.

This wonderful transformation made Silver Flash want to stop. Even if he was trampled on in public, he didn't feel insulted and even found it quite interesting.

Although he didn't know what the unicorn was thinking, Owen felt that he must be seriously ill.

However, since the other party enjoys it and it is beneficial to him, Owen has no intention of interfering. What's more, love is a matter of mutual consent. Even licking a dog has its own happiness.

Have you already cleaned up the pollution on a plane? Your efficiency is really high, and the abilities of the believers are also good. I'm really envious. Silver Flash must have been a god for longer than Owen, so he is more aware of the difficulty, so he was a little surprised.

Owen just smiled and did not show his intentions as a believer, and Silver Flash did not ask questions. As a god, he understood the importance of secrets better.

I thought this gathering would delay your time to clean up the pollution, but I didn't expect you to be so capable in this area. Silver Flash sighed a little. Although the Order Greenland is an Order camp that is good at cleaning up and repairing, there is really no one with such high efficiency. Several of them became more and more excited and wanted to bring Owen into their small team.

Party? Owen was stunned for a moment, not thinking that Silver Flash would come to invite him personally at a normal party.

I, Mira, Shulao, Beauty God, and now I'm adding You.

Owen understood what the silver flash said. To put it bluntly, it was just a group of gods, and now they wanted him to join. This made him guess that the interior of the Order camp was not as peaceful as he imagined, otherwise there would be no such situation. .

In any case, these gods of order have been around longer than him, and perhaps we can learn more about the ancient gods from them. Therefore, Owen did not refuse and readily agreed, but refused the silver flash to bring the cosmic princess sisters. He was afraid that the party would turn into a tap dance and a perverted unicorn would become the stage and move like a screaming chicken.

You will definitely not regret joining our party. I can introduce you to the Goddess of Beauty. She is the most beautiful goddess in the Order Greenland. It is not easy for many gods to meet her. Silver Flash lowered his voice and said to Owen. , it seems that in order to please his brother-in-law, he has begun to do whatever it takes.

Owen was speechless about this. He was lustful, but he was not blind to sex. Besides, with the abilities he had mastered now, the changes were indescribable. He no longer had to worry about ponies and carts, durability and wear and tear, or even gender. It has nothing to do with race. The only thing that can limit him is imagination, so two women are enough. Any more will just be for the sake of sex.

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