Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 630 The Growth of the Empire

Order the Silver Shield battleship to look for opportunities to release void torpedoes, and pay attention to dodge. Faced with the advantages accumulated from continuously hitting the enemy, Shu Liya's heart did not fluctuate, and she calmly issued new combat orders. In fact, it was more to test different tactics. with weapons.

Compared to the Golden Shield, which uses its auxiliary engine at full speed to offset the recoil and build an aerial turret, the Silver Shield warship constantly uses its speed and flexibility to hover around, but the damage caused is really worth its cost.

It's not that the empire doesn't have heavy artillery, but because of its size, the Silver Shield battleship cannot install heavy artillery with too large a caliber. Otherwise, not to mention the damage caused to the hull when the heavy artillery fires, just maintaining stability in the air is enough to worry the designer. Cut off all the hair, so there is a void torpedo that does not need to consider the recoil issue as a heavy firepower supplement.

Although the void torpedo is slow, it can turn and is very powerful. It is a small and powerful weapon, which is suitable for dealing with clumsy targets like Roshan.

When Roshan was beaten dizzy by the Golden Shield, the Silver Shield battleship seized the opportunity and launched all six loaded torpedoes in one go. For a while, the sky was occupied by a huge, thick and hard columnar body that was emitting white smoke.

The ten Silver Shield warships were sixty void torpedoes, which were covered by cross-hits. The violent explosion that occurred in an instant completely tore apart the mountain of flesh, exposing the roots of the ancient gods hidden deep inside.

The ancient god's roots, which were left with only instinct, were very uncomfortable after losing their flesh and blood coverage. However, the remaining parasites had already died in the continuous bombing and completely lost their activity. In addition, the bombing continued, so they burrowed underground. Go and try to hide underground.

Activate the psychic net to capture! Shu Liya's eyes glowed with strong psychic light, communicating with all the psychics in the battleship, and directly ordered to

As the new order was issued, the silver shield warship, which was also equipped with psychic machinery, released thick psychic chains, tightly entangling the roots of the ancient god, but it was difficult to stop the roots of the ancient god from continuing to burrow into the ground.

But that was enough. Shu Liya sneered and issued the order to release the destructive torpedo through multiple verifications.

Although the Golden Shield battleship carries a super-heavy destructive torpedo, it is prepared to prevent the worst case scenario. Shu Liya will not destroy this plane if the purpose can be achieved.

Yes, destructive torpedoes have the power to destroy planes. According to their models, they are divided into destructive torpedoes, heavy destructive torpedoes, and super-heavy destructive torpedoes, targeting demiplanes, small planes, and medium planes respectively.

Theoretically, if a super-heavy torpedo goes down, although it will not directly destroy the entire medium-sized plane, the damage caused is irreversible and will cause the source of the plane to continue to drain and eventually be destroyed. Therefore, what Shu Liya signed and released was an ordinary torpedo. version of the destruction torpedo.

When this speedboat-sized torpedo appeared in the air, the ancient god's roots locked in spiritual energy struggled wildly, abandoned all parasites, and frantically extracted the released ancient god's power in order to resist the deadly threat.

The struggle of the ancient god's root caused some small pressure on the ship's psychic machinery, but unfortunately it was far from reaching the limit, so it could not break free at all. It was not until the destructive torpedo fell that the psychic chain disappeared.

The violent explosion that shook the entire earth destroyed everything. The roots of the ancient gods that had drilled the hole were forcibly swept into the center of the explosion. Only when it subsided did a strip of something like dried ginseng remain on the spot.

Until now, there is still some vitality left in the roots of the ancient gods. As long as the conditions are met, they can regain their vitality.

However, thanks to it, the power of the ancient gods in this plane became extremely thin, and the empire's goal was achieved, and all it cost was tens of thousands of Astra Militarum troops and tens of thousands of tons of ammunition.

The entire battle process was recorded in detail and divided into thousands of courses and distributed to various departments for learning. At the same time, this battle will also serve as a standard battle example for the Astra Militarum in the future.

From the improvement of the engineer shovel to the testing of destructive torpedoes, from the changes in combat regulations to the increase in soldiers' welfare, from the finalization of the void fleet to the evolution of the war situation, the entire empire draws nutrients from it and turns it into the driving force for growth.

Owen had many ways to solve this problem, but he did not intervene. Instead, he left it to the Empire in a rather cumbersome and sacrificial way.

This is not because Owen is not a good person, but because he understands that this is an experience that the empire must go through.

The material world is not peaceful. Even the God of Order only maintains superficial calm. Moreover, there are struggles between gods and gods, and wars between mortals. He cannot always act as the nanny of the empire, so he must be there while he is still alive. When you have the energy and mood, let the empire grow as soon as possible.

Fortunately, they succeeded, and the Empire also handed over answers that satisfied Owen. Without the intervention of gods, it has been able to solve most of the problems in the material world, including plane pollution.

After completing the precipitation, the empire will launch a new round of plane cleanup war, and this is no longer Owen's focus.

The contained roots of the ancient gods were not thrown into the subspace to be devoured, but were eaten by the demon Owen like a ginseng.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, after eating the roots of the ancient god, the incarnation of the devil Owen did undergo some changes.

This made Owen interested in the ancient god who was sealed again. This was a threat, and it was clearly a packaged food reserve.

However, with his current ability, it is difficult to break the seal of the ancient god without alerting the God of Order. However, he has subspace. As the backside of the material world, Owen can see everything from the subspace, including deep matter. An ancient god in the space between the Realm and the Warp.

It's very interesting, because the power of the ancient gods comes from the source of the material world. It is impossible to completely kill or seal it, even if it destroys the material world.

The material world is only destroyed, not disappeared, so the roots remain intact.

In this case, as a distortion born from the root, the ancient gods will not disappear.

So the so-called seal is just to isolate the ancient god from the material world as much as possible. Therefore, the more powerful the seal, the closer the ancient god is to the subspace.

I didn't know it before, because the subspace didn't cover this place. Now I know it, and it gave Owen a chance to sneak in.

The ancient god who is now sealed is like a box of jelly to Owen. When the front seal cannot be opened to alert others, it is a good way to dig a hole from the bottom and suck out the jelly.

This was not difficult for Owen, who had just obtained some of the origins of the ancient gods. After precise positioning, he drove the chaotic spiritual energy of the subspace to remove the obstacles between him and the ancient gods layer by layer, but he did not realize that This is an initiative to break the isolation between the physical world and subspace.

Maybe Owen realized it, but between giving up and taking risks, he chose to take risks, and had already built a barrier between subspace and the material world in advance as a means of coping.

Although the subspace barrier has not yet covered the entire subspace, there is still no problem in applying a patch.

Besides, he wasn't afraid of being discovered. As long as the ancient god didn't break free from the seal, no one would be stupid enough to take the initiative to open the seal to see if the ancient god was still inside.

By the time he was discovered, Owen had grown to the point where he was not afraid of anything.

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