Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 629 Golden Shield Battleship

There is an imperial fleet floating in the void of this plane. Shu Liya, who is riding a golden shield-type void battleship, comfortably crosses her legs on the large and comfortable captain's chair, covering her bulge by the way, leaning forward He propped his chin up with one hand and looked at the new psychic correspondent on the bridge, and couldn't help but lick his lips.

This is a demonized elf from the garden kingdom. He possesses the elegance of an elf and the charming physique of a succubus, as well as a flexible and powerful tail. Even Shu Liya can't help but feel a little moved.

Because of her extraordinary talent, Shu Liya has a wide range of interests. At least boring things like gender and race cannot stop her interest, so she has planned to invite her to the battleship tavern for a drink after this mission and to visit her captain's room. Luxuriously decorated and equipped with multifunctional bathtub.

But when the psychic communication sounded, Shu Liya's eyes instantly turned cold.

After receiving the communication from the Astra Militarum, they have completed their duties very well and attracted the remaining limbs of the ancient god. Now it is our turn for the Void Fleet to appear.

Now start the auxiliary engine. The Silver Shield warship is the first to slow down and enter. After the Golden Shield approaches the plane wall, it activates the psychic shield to prop up the barrier. It enters the plane and starts the recoil deceleration program to stabilize the warship. At the same time, all units are ready for battle, and the turrets are preparing for battle. Hot. Shu Liya ordered in an orderly manner.

Compared with the relatively compact Silver Shield-type void spaceship, the Golden Shield, designed as a battleship, overturned the original design. The length was increased from the initial 300 meters to 500 meters, and the height reached 80 meters. It is a veritable behemoth. Therefore, The influence is greater, and it is not that easy to enter and exit the plane, so it is necessary to use psychic barriers to weaken the resistance of the plane wall, so that you can enter smoothly, otherwise you will have to use force.

At the same time, in order to avoid causing unnecessary damage, the Golden Shield cannot make a hard landing directly after entering the plane. It needs to consider the influence of gravity and air inside the plane, and reduce the impact through complex recoil procedures. Otherwise, it will not enter, but hit. .

Although the whole process is complicated, the combat effectiveness of the Golden Shield battleship is worthy of these tedious operations.

The Golden Shield's huge and heavy hull, which is hundreds of meters long, is not only equipped with fifteen 800mm heavy guns on both sides like an ancient battleship, but also five twin 300mm cannons are installed on the top. One-hundred-and-fifty-millimeter heavy guns are spread all over the ship as close-defense secondary guns.

These are just conventional weapons. As the trump card, the super-heavy fish launcher can launch destructive torpedoes the size of a locomotive. There is also a cyclone rocket launcher installed on the top, which can release a fire storm array that is as powerful as a forbidden curse.

It can be said that the ammunition carried by the Golden Shield battleship is enough to completely destroy a kingdom and even change the terrain, which also changes the empire's war model.

Roshan, which had become more bloated and bulky after absorbing too many parasites, felt the threat coming from the sky and began to shrink and squirm, as if something was brewing.

After a while, dozens of holes appeared on the surface of the meat mountain, and a terrible stench suddenly spewed out, even forming a cloud-like thing that lingered for a long time.

I said before that the countless biological individuals that make up Roshan are alive, and they will have metabolism when they are alive. The surface of Roshan is not bad. Although it is exposed to wind and sun, it can at least dissipate the smell, but the individual organisms inside are like The Dog Days of Summer are like a hundred fat, greasy people who have never bathed in their lives wrestling in a septic tank using canned herring juice as lubricant. The scene and the smell cannot be described as horrific. The picture alone has a powerful effect. Mental pollution.

But this is just the beginning. When the human centipede-like whiplock is assembled and ejected from the hole by some high-pressure gas along with weird mucus and dirt, Splatoon can be like a breeze blowing on your face. Now this is physics. Plus physiological double critical hit.

The slender and twisted human centipede twists its body, with a dull wail and stench, and rises into the sky like an overturned nine-turn large intestine, trying to pull the things that bring danger to it from the sky into the cesspit, but it is better than the Golden Shield. The Silver Shield battleship that entered the plane first was more flexible and reacted faster. The artillery that had already completed preheating was fired immediately, but the effect was not very good. The heavy artillery was not a sniper rifle or a close-range anti-aircraft gun. The long and twisted human body chains naturally have a low hit rate.

At this time, a large number of anti-aircraft missile launch nests installed on the void battleship showed good results, successfully intercepting these human chains that exuded a terrifying rancid smell.

However, the human body chains that have long been penetrated by the power of the ancient gods are unexpectedly strong. The anti-aircraft missiles used to target lightly armored units show a problem of insufficient lethality, but the continuous explosions still have an effect. After all, too long means not strong enough. He was knocked down by the successive explosions and could not stand upright, so he could only swing from side to side.

However, the Roshan is too huge and is blessed by the power of the ancient gods. It is difficult for the Silver Shield's firepower alone to cause substantial damage to it. Even if the shell hits directly, the damage is about the same as squeezing an acne.

Fortunately, the Golden Shield battleship has successfully entered the plane, and the terrifying giant cannons on both sides are also ready to fire.

The main artillery fire of the Golden Shield is a total of thirty 800mm heavy guns installed on both sides. In order to ensure that these heavy guns can play their role, not only the middle layer of the battleship is specially reinforced as the gun bay, but also a semi-rigid and semi-flexible structure is used. To vent the powerful recoil and ensure that the reaction force caused by continuous shooting will not cause the battleship to roll in the sky like a drum washing machine.

Of course, in order to reduce the burden, the heavy artillery will fire in sequence rather than in volley, but the destructive power is still not reduced.

Even veterans cannot explain what the 800mm heavy artillery means. They can only describe it as destruction. And unless you see it with your own eyes, it is difficult to understand this seemingly simple description that actually contains horror.

In the Golden Shield battleship, thousands of gunners used the power of machinery to hoist artillery shells weighing several tons into the gun chamber, and loaded the charges according to the data obtained from ranging. After receiving the order, the superimposed The charge pack was instantly ignited, generating unimaginable pressure. Under the terrible chamber pressure, even the shells weighing several tons had no resistance. They quickly rotated along the barrel and flew out, successfully hitting the target with precise calculations. Roshan.

The heavy shell first sank deeply into the mountain of meat, and then exploded violently. Tons of high-explosives were loaded inside to let out its violent side. Even if it was blessed by the power of the ancient gods, the mountain of meat was still blown up one by one like a swimming pool. It was a huge pit, and the dirty flesh and blood was sprayed thousands of meters away by the force of the explosion, exuding an indescribable smell, and the mountain of meat was like a huge pile of cow dung that was blasted by a naughty child with a small explosive.

It's a pity that even after suffering such huge damage, all Roshan could do was twitch and swing his long whip in vain, unable to do anything to the Golden Shield battleship high above.

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