Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 628 Subspace and the Power of Ancient Gods

The mechanic who knew the power of this psychic machine did not dare to be careless. He used his mechanical tool backpack and electronic eyes to conduct a comprehensive debugging of the equipment again, carefully inspected the main components, and then monitored the changes in psychic values ​​at all times. .

The psionic commander nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this. You must know that after connecting to the psionic tower, all their energy will be focused on releasing psionic energy. Once there is a problem with the psionic machinery, the psionic energy will be out of control at least, and the psionic energy will be out of control at worst. The backlash is that they die in different ways anyway, so their lives are in each other's hands.

Knowing that time was running out, the psionic commander sat on the slightly crude seat under the psionic tower, pulled down the cover that looked like a hair perm, and buckled it on his head, which would never grow hair again after applying a special potion.

Although bald, these inspirers with external psychic organs are indeed incredibly powerful.

With the strengthening of spiritual energy, not only can the physical body fight with giant beasts, but it can also release powerful spiritual spells. Together, they can directly communicate with the subspace, causing incredible phenomena.

When the psionic commander connected to the psionic tower, psionic energy more powerful than ordinary psykers spurted out, and was absorbed and stored by this professional psionic machine without missing a beat. At the same time, it also guided other psykers to be more powerful. In order to penetrate deeper into the Warp, more Chaos Psychic Energy is released, so the first peak is quickly reached.

Fifty percent of the psychic energy reserve allowed the psychic energy tower to release a powerful lightning cloud covering most of the battlefield. The fine network-like psychic lightning quickly spread out, as if an invisible barrier was cleaning something up, before completely dissipating. The power of the ancient gods that enveloped the battlefield was swept away.

If there were a legendary mage or god here, they would probably go crazy immediately, because in the material world, regardless of planes, kingdoms of gods, souls, magic, or life, they can be destroyed, but they will not disappear completely. It is transformed into another form.

Although the void corrodes all things, even gods cannot avoid it, but the void is also the cradle of nurturing planes and life. Those decomposed materials do not disappear, but gather in another place, and they will still give birth to planes and life.

This is also the reason why the power of the Ancient God is difficult to remove, because the Ancient God is a distortion of the origin of the material world, and the level is too high, so ordinary attacks and methods cannot break its attributes. The attributes have not changed, and naturally cannot be purified. After all, the essence has not changed.

But spiritual energy is different. First of all, the level is also extremely high, and the characteristics are very exaggerated. Especially the most primitive chaotic spiritual energy, which can no longer be described as twisted. Compared with the ancient gods, they are not even younger brothers. Therefore, facing the spiritual storm , even the power of the ancient gods was unable to resist, and was sucked into the subspace and swallowed up.

That's right, the way the psychic storm clears out the power of the ancient gods is not to cancel each other out, but to rob them.

As long as they reach the subspace, let alone the power of the ancient gods, even the ancient gods, as long as they are not the top ones, can be kneaded by Owen as much as he wants. When the subspace expands to include the material world, what? They are all eaten from his mouth, this is the horror of subspace.

But what Owen didn't expect was that because the ancient god's power was at a high level, the subspace that absorbed its essence could use it to complete itself, and at the same time, it could erode the material world more deeply.

In Owen's perception, as he absorbed the power of the ancient gods, the barrier between the material world and the subspace actually weakened, and he was suddenly startled into a cold sweat.

Although subspace is his home field, it does not mean that Owen can completely control subspace.

It's interesting to see the ant nest through a layer of glass. If the glass disappears, any movement will be an irresistible natural disaster. This cannot be controlled by wanting to control it.

Not to mention that for the Ant Nest, Owen is not considered a human being at all. If you really see his subspace nature, you may go crazy just by looking at him.

But he was reluctant to give up. As a last resort, Owen could only absorb the power of the ancient gods while building a barrier to separate the subspace from the material world, so as to protect himself.

In the command center, the general nodded with satisfaction when he saw the suddenly rising psychic indicators through the instruments.

Now that the psychic troops have completed their mission, the Astra Militarum cannot lag behind, and the general continues to issue orders to invest more troops in the front line, making the artillery fire more intense.

Although this made the casualties more heavy, this was exactly the purpose of the Astra Militarum's existence, to serve as bait to attract the power of the Old Gods.

It is cruel, but very efficient, and it is also the way to minimize casualties. Otherwise, once it falls into a protracted war, the whole process will often take more than a hundred years. During this period, not to mention how much manpower and material resources are consumed, the casualties alone will start at a million. I really think The power of the ancient gods is so easy to clean up.

Without targeted and efficient psychic powers, the Empire could only resort to this stupid method.

However, the psychic energy's plundering of the ancient god's power alarmed the ancient god's stumps left on the plane, attracting it with only its remaining instincts.

The stump of the ancient god left in this plane is a main root covered with fine whiskers. Driven by instinct, as a root, it keeps plundering flesh and blood, trying to create a moist, warm, tight and comfortable flowerpot for itself. For this reason, it has swallowed up cities one after another, and now it has turned into a moving mountain of meat hundreds of meters high.

The entire mountain of meat is composed of countless creatures, including humans, orcs, elves, beasts, and birds. All flesh-and-blood creatures are within the range of parasitism. The most terrifying thing is that with the blessing of the ancient gods, what should have been The mountain of meat that turned into a puddle of flesh due to its huge weight is still incredibly alive, which means that the parasitized creatures are still alive.

Under the control of the roots of the ancient god, countless limbs at the bottom support this huge mountain of meat, using the thick earth as the water surface, and the hands and feet are like the hairs of microscopic organisms, allowing the mountain of meat to move towards the stars at a steady speed. The location of the border army is moving.

The plant-parasitic organisms are gathering in the direction of Roshan. It seems to form a larger polymer. We can notify the Void Fleet. The general, who had not slept during this period, said to his officers as if he was relieved. arrive.

As you command, General. The officer immediately activated the void communication and sent a communication to the void fleet that had been waiting for a long time in the void.

At this time, there were only 60,000 Astra Militarum soldiers still alive in the position, and they were already exhausted. If they had not been accustomed to obeying orders and were led by veterans, they would not be able to survive now.

When seeing the zombies and parasitic plants moving in a certain direction, the disgraced Astra Militarum lying in the trench first felt confused, and then felt lucky.

Many soldiers involuntarily slid to the ground against the trenches, their eyes wide open and their minds empty, but soon they felt the passionate boots of the veterans.

The soldiers who stood up after being kicked by the veterans, in addition to strengthening the fortifications and transporting ammunition, burning the zombies, plants and dead comrades were the first things they had to do.

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