The zombie wave alone will not pose much of a threat to the Astra Militarum. With heavy artillery, machine guns, and gradually improving defenses, even if there are millions of zombies, it will only be a matter of time before they are solved, unless these zombies run away one by one. Like a champion.

Unfortunately, after being parasitized by plants, although the flesh and blood of the zombies are still alive, their bodies have become fragile after losing too much material. This is why the brainless zombies can only move slowly.

But the body of a brainless zombie is nothing more than a flowerpot. When it is broken, it allows parasitic plants to break free. Just the parasitic dandelions and fleshy roots cost the Astra Militarum a lot of money.

In the rear of the Astra Militarum, a steel fortress guarded by many machine gun bunkers was busy.

The command center with the highest technological content of the Astra Militarum is composed of multiple special vehicles that can be combined and deformed. It has its own independent energy source and intelligent system, which greatly improves the command efficiency. After the splicing is completed, it is still a war fortress with strong battlefield survivability. ability.

At the command center at this moment, casualty reports and ammunition consumption from the front line are constantly reported, but the general in charge is not even interested in taking a second look. His order to his officers is to report casualties exceeding 10,000 once, and he has not yet paid attention to the ammunition. Reserves are high.

Being cold-blooded is the best compliment for a general. Being kind and not commanding troops is not just a simple sentence. In fact, the real war is a math problem. The front line is subtraction and the rear is addition. When the addition cannot catch up with the subtraction, the war has stopped or When it fails.

All the general has to do is to control consumption within a certain range. Sacrifice can be made, but it must be of sufficient value, so being merciful is the biggest mistake.

And compared to others, this general understands the position of the Astra Militarum better. It doesn't matter how many people die. What matters is that the empire's orders must be carried out and the emperor's will be implemented. All sacrifices during this period are worth it.

Under the ruthless command of the general, teams of Astra Militarum soldiers armed with cheap weapons who had only been trained for a year were ruthlessly filled into the meat grinder of the battle line like industrial butter, constantly lubricating the gears of the war machine. Using flesh and blood as power and guns as spears, they constantly destroy those plant parasites.

But the general knew that this was only treating the symptoms, not the root cause. How could the power of the ancient gods be purified in such a ridiculous way? It would only release the power of the ancient gods until they were completely devoured.

The war continued. When the number of casualties on the first line of defense exceeded five levels, the trumpet to allow retreat sounded.

The soldiers who were still alive evacuated from the reserved passage to the rear of the position with joy, where they had to undergo strict inspections to see if they were parasitized, and then gained valuable rest time, and then ate, slept, replenished ammunition, and waited for a new round of reincarnation. .

When the soldiers retreated, the first direction was filled with brainless zombies in a short period of time. A large number of parasitic roots began to climb toward the back. Because there were too many, dense layers of parasitic roots were entangled with each other. Crawling together, one sight will be unforgettable and give rise to goosebumps all over the body.

However, the pre-planted bombs and incendiary bombs turned this place into an incinerator. The flesh of the zombies became brittle and cracked under the high temperature, and the fat also turned into grease and seeped out. The plants parasitic in the flesh twisted and twitched to break free, turning the corpses into Like a ripe rambutan.

The recruits who saw this scene vomited, but for the Astra Militarum who had just withdrawn from the front line and had gotten rid of the title of recruit, they were only happy. They could not wait to pour a bucket of oil on them themselves.

Because after inspection, many comrades were found to be parasitized, and those whose heads were parasitized could only be sent away with one bullet.

Those whose bodies are parasitized may have fine limbs and may survive amputation, but those whose trunks are parasitized can only survive.

Similar scenes are not uncommon, which makes the soldiers who have just stepped off the battlefield full of anger.

Some soldiers lost their courage, because only when they really faced these monsters could they understand how great the invisible pressure was.

It's a pity that they have no way out. They either die in battle and hope to enter the kingdom of God described in the holy scriptures, or they are shot by the military police for desertion. So they actually have no choice. From the moment they become the Astra Militarum, they His fate is sealed.

My lord general, through psychic sensing, the pollution of the power of the ancient gods is increasing. If no intervention is taken, the nearby plants will turn into new parasites within three to five days, and the mortal soldiers will become deformed within five to ten days. Do you want to activate the psychic storm to clear it? A psyker with a psychic external organ device stood in front of the general, looked at him with eyes that emitted psychic light and said calmly, his attitude was not like he was facing the general. Take charge of yourself.

Are the psychic troops ready? This is your first battle, and it carries the empire's trust and expectations for you. The general does not care about the other party's attitude. The psychic troops are extremely special, and every one of them has They are carefully selected possessors of psychic talents, and receive a lot of professional training and careful transformation. Their value is completely beyond the comparison of ordinary soldiers. Perhaps only super aces like the Thunder Guards can surpass it.

Only when you embrace psionic power can you understand how great it is. The psyker said to the general with deep meaning, because only they knew that psionic power is the embodiment of the emperor's will.

Returning to the psionic force with the order, a psionic tower produced by the Imperial Research Center has been erected here.

The psychic tower is not very high, only thirty meters, but the complex pipelines and structure make this machine look incomprehensible. At this moment, members of the psychic force are inserting the pipeline connected to the psychic tower into the back of their heads. On the socket of the external psychic organ.

There was a click, and as soon as the connection was completed, out-of-control psychic energy spurted out from the psyker's facial features. Fortunately, the continuously improved external psychic organ function was more advanced, inhibiting the activation of the program, and at the same time, the connected pipeline also Channel the psionic energy that has become violent into the Psychic Tower.

This is the role of the psychic tower. In addition to enhancing the psychic perception of the psychic, it can also store and channel violent psychic energy, convert it into a psychic storm, and clean up all alien energy within the range, including the power of the ancient gods.

However, this is an experimental type of psychic tower. No one can guarantee how effective it can be and whether it is dangerous. Therefore, it was equipped to the Astra Militarum for testing.

What is the psychic energy reserve value of the psychic energy tower? The psychic commander who returned from the general asked the psychic mechanic in charge of operating the machine in a slightly urgent tone.

It has reached 13%. As the number of linked psykers continues to increase, the psionic reserve will increase faster and faster. Because it is an experimental model, many functions are not perfect, so the mechanic must constantly make adjustments according to the situation. , I dare not rely on simple procedures, otherwise the explosion on the spot will be light.

The upper limit of the first test is adjusted to 50%, and then gradually increases, with the peak at 90%, leaving some room. The commander of the psychic force said to the mechanic cautiously.

Although some leeway has been reserved when setting the upper limit for the psychic tower, when it comes to psychic powers, one cannot be too careful.

If something went wrong, not only the psychic troops, but also the 100,000 Astra Militarum troops would probably not survive.

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