What is sealed in this void area is an ancient god of the plant system. Its pollution has created a variety of strange plants that can parasitize living organisms. This brain-eating dandelion is just one of them. Because it spreads most easily and quickly, the number The most massive.

However, the brain-eating dandelion's parasitism is conditional, that is, it can only parasitize on the head of an organism. In theory, it will not be parasitized if it has no head or is wearing a helmet.

Although it was difficult to understand this parasitic condition, it qualified ordinary people to participate in the war, so the Empire sent the Astra Militarum to perform cleanup tasks.

As the tide of brainless zombies continues to approach, the artillery positions that are waiting for the battle are filled with dull gunfire. The large-caliber shells are like water droplets falling on the dust. Each shot can cause a circle of obvious traces of destruction. The zombie's empty head was torn into pieces, but more and more dandelions floated into the air, and fell towards the Astra Militarum position as if they were self-aware.

Everyone check your helmets again. Be sure not to take off your helmets, even if you die, otherwise your comrades will shoot your head off again with bullets! The officer's stern scolding made all the soldiers couldn't help but touch their helmets again. , even though their jaws were a little painful from being strangled, looking at the brainless zombies with grass growing on their heads in the distance, they felt that it would be better to tie them up tighter. It would be better if they were given some glue. They would rather stick the helmets on their heads. superior.

When the wave of brainless zombies broke through the blockade of artillery fire, the minefield became a roadblock, knocking these zombies off their feet. However, more and more dandelion seeds floated towards the Astra Militarum in the air waves caused by the explosion. It has begun to block the view.

Firotroopers clear the field of view! The frontline officers keenly discovered that these dandelion seeds could not fly high at all and could only float at a height of two or three meters, so they immediately issued the order.

As the order was given, the flamethrowers carrying fuel tanks and gas masks rushed to the front and pulled the trigger. Under the huge reaction force, the huge tongue of flames licked the white catkins floating in the air. The effect was very significant. A large number of The white catkins turned into fly ash, freeing the frontline soldiers from worries.

Shoot immediately, don't let these monsters get close! Because of limited intelligence, officers will not let the enemy get too close, not to mention that the greatest advantage of the imperial army is long-range firepower.

For a moment, there was a loud sound of gunfire on the battlefield, and countless bullets were shot from the muzzle, beating the brainless zombies to pieces. Apparently, the parasitism of the strange plants squeezed a lot of substances from the living body, causing the body's strength to be greatly weakened, becoming very... Fragile, only to be crushed.

This is a good thing, but it also releases some weirder parasitic plants, because no one stipulates that a human body can only be parasitic on one kind of plant.

From the scattered remains, slender special plants like blood vessels and nerves pulled out dense roots from the decaying flesh and blood, and then moved towards the position in a crawling manner. Although the speed was slow, it was difficult to be The mine was not triggered until it was near the trench, where it was discovered by an alert veteran.

There are things crawling over the ground, and there are a lot of them! The veteran who issued the warning picked up the grenade placed in front of him, pulled the fuse and immediately threw it out.

The imperial army is equipped with long-handled grenades with a larger charge. Apart from being a little heavier and putting a lot of pressure on logistics, they have no shortcomings. Just one grenade can blow up strange roots several meters in radius.

But this also stimulated these weird roots to no longer crawl slowly on the ground, but to support the body and crawl quickly in a way that is similar to a multi-legged centipede that makes people feel disgusting and terrifying.

Humans are born to feel disgusted and afraid of things with long and thin legs, because generally those with this characteristic are either bugs or snakes, and these two are often poisonous, so this instinctive reaction occurs after long years of evolution. .

Now, it's because the bullets are useless.

It is obviously not easy to destroy a group of roots with bullets, even if you use machine gun fire, especially when you don't even know where the opponent's vital points are, so you can only rely on grenades and flamethrowers.

Smoking grenades were continuously thrown out, but although the explosion tore up many strange roots, it blew up the floating parasitic dandelions, causing the originally gathered dandelions to spread everywhere, making the fire-breathing soldiers unable to attack at all. Can't take care of it.

Just encountering two parasitic plants caused the position to fall into a passive state. This was when the Astra Militarum had built a position and had a large number of guns. If it were a cold weapon army, it would have become a waste.

The parasitic dandelions falling from the sky made the soldiers feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They kept waving their hands to try to drive away the falling parasitic dandelions, but it had no effect. They also ignored the parasitic roots crawling on the ground.

A panicked recruit was the first victim. He hugged his helmet tightly, but ignored his feet. As he rubbed against the trench, a network of plant roots silently wrapped around his calf. , because the weight was too light, the recruit did not notice it at all. Even if the fine roots penetrated the trouser legs and pierced the skin, he did not notice it because the certain juice secreted had a paralyzing effect.

This special kind of parasitic root is very aggressive. After taking root in the flesh and blood, it quickly searches for blood vessels and nerves, then extracts nutrients from the blood vessels, wraps around the nerves and controls the human body, making the recruits who were just scurrying around causing dissatisfaction among the veterans in the blink of an eye. He fell to the ground convulsing like an epileptic fit.

The scary thing about parasitic plants is that most medical treatments are ineffective.

No matter how powerful the surgeon is, he cannot completely peel off the fine roots that are tightly entwined with blood vessels and nerves, let alone that these roots are still alive.

Before the parasitized soldier could get up and cause more chaos, the Imperial veteran decisively gave the other party merciful relief, aimed at the head and pulled the trigger.

The large-caliber rifle bullet directly destroyed the brain and cerebellum, causing the opponent to lose his life before he could feel the pain, and was freed from the parasitic torture.

With the sound of a gunshot, the soldier whose head was shot was unable to stand up no matter how much his body twitched. After losing his brain, parasitic roots alone were completely unable to make up for it.

However, the behavior of the imperial veterans who decisively shot and killed their comrades was unacceptable to the new recruits.

If I am parasitized, shoot me in the head. Be decisive, don't shake your hands, and aim here. The veteran pulled the bolt of the gun, pointed to the center of his eyebrows, and said calmly to the recruits around him.

This look of indifference to life and death made the recruits admire him. At the same time, they no longer felt sad about the death of a rabbit or a fox, because it was fair and no one was special. This was enough on the battlefield.

Now the recruits have understood that they have no way out and they have no choice but to fight to the death.

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