At first Owen thought that the World Tree was the upper limit of the Golden Tree, but later he discovered that the upper limit of the World Tree depended entirely on the law of absorption.

Although in theory there are limits to how many laws can be piled up, after all, even if all the laws of an ordinary world are harvested, the World Tree cannot break through the highest limit that these laws can reach, just like you can't build a skyscraper with only cement bricks. Because this requires more laws to be used as steel pillars.

And Owen, who owns the system, sits on countless worlds. He has the resources and capital to let the World Tree continue to break through the upper limit. He can make the World Tree finally reach the theoretical limit, and he may not be able to swallow the Divine Network by then.

This is also the reason why Irving wants to prevent the Divine Network from going deep into the Northern Stars. First, he does not want the Divine Network to have sex for free, and second, he is afraid of arousing the Divine Network's alert. After all, with so many unfamiliar laws appearing at once, everyone knows there is a problem.

At the same time, in addition to absorbing, the World Tree can also transform laws and origins into corresponding divinities and priesthoods at will, which is an irresistible temptation for gods.

Divinity and priesthood are the foundation of gods, but it is not that easy to improve.

Regardless of the hunting gods plundering everywhere, the plundered divinity cannot be used immediately, because the higher the level, the higher the requirements for the divinity's properties. Simply piling up divinity is meaningless.

For example, the lower gods can be pieced together and become gods as long as they don't go too far. The middle gods are more particular. They must use the same divinity to lay the foundation for becoming a god before accumulating a small number of divinities that are not highly compatible. Otherwise, it will be too late. The higher you go, the more likely things are to happen.

The upper gods and god kings are even more demanding. If it were so easy to improve, the four hunting gods would have piled themselves up to the level of god kings through plunder.

Therefore, the World Tree, which can directly transform the laws and origins, and bestow divinity and priesthood, is simply the treasure that all gods dream of.

If the World Tree is exposed, Owen shudders just thinking about the consequences.

Of course Owen will not expose the World Tree, but transforming some divinities in a targeted manner, and taking it out at some point is a temptation that no god can refuse. At that time, he will not be able to do whatever he wants.

Moreover, he is about to join the order camp, which is equivalent to having an establishment. How can the mixed establishment make progress without giving gifts? Owen understands this very well.

In order to leave a good impression on his future boss and colleagues, Owen is going to submit his resume as an elf sage, because the demon Owen holding the soup pot probably can't even get in.

In addition, the choice of Elf Sage is also related to race, because elves naturally prefer the camp of order, neutrality, and good, so their influence in the order camp is not small, so Owen chose to go as an Elf Sage, which is to play the fellow card.

But before that, you have to fill in the setting of this image more perfectly. You must know that the elves are not only the Yan party, but also the tsundere party. If they don't show enough value, don't expect them to look down on you.

Becoming a newcomer in the workplace is not that simple. In order to easily integrate into the group, the Elf Sage cannot be too radical or show too much ambition. This is just the basics.

Then there is the competition for positions. The higher you go up, the fewer the positions. Therefore, even within the Order God System, there is probably full of competition. Therefore, you should avoid management positions, but you should not choose too biased.

It's understandable not to compete for the position of administrative director, but you can't just become a security guard.

After thinking about it for a long time, Owen realized that he had already made his choice. After all, how much of a threat could a sage be?

Elf sage/median god, divinity 15 (knowledge 5, arcana 5, nature 5).

Looking at the new attributes, Owen entered the Shenwang with confidence and embarked on the road to job hunting.

In fact, joining the Order camp is very simple. All you need to do is successfully reach the Land of Order. Many people know this and have it in the memories of the four hunting gods. However, not many have successfully arrived, and they don't know what they encountered in the process.

There are many gods who are curious about this, but no one dares to take a look.

First of all, the Land of Order is the headquarters of the God of Order, and secondly, it is located at an important node within the Divine Network. Anyone who is not a God of Order dares to approach it.

After submitting his resume to the Divine Network, Owen began to rise automatically. He was very curious about this, because he knew that the Divine Network was layered, and the bottom network that was open to the outside world was densely connected to countless planes and deeply rooted in matter. The world is just the fibrous roots of the divine network, which is not important in fact. A void storm will break it to no extent, but as long as the main root system is not damaged, recovery is only a matter of time, not to mention the help of a group of hard-working order gods. repair.

The higher up the divine network, the fewer the number of channels, and only gods can enter. The more powerful the gods are, the higher the level of the network they can reach, which is called love fart for short.

After rising to a considerable height, Owen was already in a special divine network pipe like a glazed pipe. There were flashes of light from similar pipes around him from time to time. This was a phenomenon caused by fast traffic, which showed how fast the speed was.

These special pipelines are constructed by laws and divine power and are hidden in the cracks of the material world. Therefore, they are not restricted by the basic laws of the material world. That is to say, as long as the supplied divine power is sufficient, gods can move inside at nearly the speed of light. .

It was Owen's first time to try this method of movement, so he didn't invest too much power. He just felt like his body turned into some kind of fluid and was ejected under high pressure. However, there was zero resistance in the pipe, so as the pressure increased, As the speed increases, his speed becomes faster and faster, almost unlimited.

As he continued to accelerate, Owen felt that he was getting closer and closer to his destination. When he stopped, he immediately understood what he was going to do next.

The Land of Order is located in an important node on the edge of the inner network of the Divine Network. Through this node, coupled with the higher authority of the outer network of the Divine Network, the God of Order can rush to any location in the material world as quickly as possible, and has Mobilizing the power of the surrounding divine nets and magic nets to prevent the other party from escaping through the divine nets, and also prohibiting the surrounding magical elements, shows how powerful the power is.

But it is surprisingly easy to become one of them, just enter the place of order.

Owen was standing on the outskirts of the Land of Order. It wasn't that he couldn't get in, but he was marveling at the spectacular scene in front of him.

The inner network of the Divine Network is composed of the most basic laws for building the material world, but don’t underestimate it because of the foundation. You must know that the more basic it is, the more powerful it is, the more stable and indestructible it is, because most of the laws are born based on the basic laws. Just like any building cannot be built in the air, it must be located on the earth.

At present, countless laws of order are born from the basic laws, intertwined and fused with each other to form more complex laws of order, and then become part of the divine network, planning everything in the material world, and the birthplace of all these laws of order is the place of order.

But what Owen is curious about is, since there is a place of order, will there be a place of chaos and evil?

There should be, because these are also an extension of the basic laws. Once lost, the Divine Network will no longer be complete.

There are some things that you can know in your heart, but you can't say them out, at least not in front of the headquarters of the Order camp. Owen still knows this.

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