In Owen's eyes, the Land of Order is a bit like a bird's nest. The thick and thin laws are intertwined to form a sphere whose structure can only be described as perfect. However, this sphere is a bit larger, larger than the main plane, and extends out with countless branches. It goes deep into the void and forms part of the divine network. From this point of view, it doesn't feel that big.

To enter, Owen needs to pass through the Laws of Order. As long as he successfully passes through the obstruction of the Laws of Order, he can become a member of the Order camp because he has been recognized by the Laws of Order.

Owen is no stranger to laws. The main job of the Elf Sage is to help Yggdrasil sort out the original laws and weave new laws. He has dealt with thousands of laws, and he is very familiar with this.

But now he doesn't need to do anything extra, because the test of the Law of Order is very simple.

At present, every step Irving takes will pass through a law of order, and the law of order will review him when passing through his body. If it meets the standards of the order camp, the law will leave a mark of qualification. If it does not meet the standards of the order camp, the law will leave a mark of qualification. The rules will turn into chains to slow down his speed. If he fails too many times, he will eventually be blocked by chains and unable to move.

Owen raised his head and looked around. There were so many densely packed gods imprisoned here forever by layers of chains of order. It was like a wax museum of gods. In some eras, even self-awareness had disappeared, leaving only empty bodies. , leaving precious artifacts and divinities scattered on the ground. Some may be powerful, or may have just arrived, and are still struggling. Facing Owen, they may ask for help or threaten him, but Owen knows that no matter what these gods do, they are In vain.

The chains of order are transformed by laws. Unless these imprisoned people can change their alignment to conform to the laws of order, or have the ability to break all the laws of order entangled in them, they cannot be freed at all.

The problem is that those who can do it have left long ago, and the only ones left here are the unlucky ones who are stuck in the quagmire and can't get out.

Fortunately, except for having more women, everything Irving did complied with the laws of order. After all, there were not so many rules and regulations in this world, so many legal provisions.

In fact, even if there were many women, it did not violate any law of order. Therefore, he was not hindered by any obstacles in the face of the test. He kicked away the artifacts blocking the way and the divinity scattered on the ground, safely passed through the obstacles of the laws of order, and truly entered the realm of order. land.

This process seems simple, but in fact it is not simple, because whenever he picks up an artifact with even a hint of divinity, it will lead to failure. Unfortunately, he looks down upon it, just like a billionaire who will not stop to pick up coins on the ground. He is so willful with the subspace, not to mention that although the artifacts and divinity are precious, compared with his purpose, they are not worth staying.

After actually setting foot in it, Owen realized that the place of order is just a name. In fact, there is no concept here except the law of order, because this is the birthplace of the law of order in the material world. Everything is assimilated by order, even if artifacts and Divinity will be distorted.

Standing in a pure white space, surrounded by pale golden laws of order, boundless, like raindrops, like waterfalls, spectacular and charming, but this is only for qualified visitors. If you do not meet the conditions, what will the consequences be? Owen doesn't even know.

Standing in a place of order without the concept of space and time, and comprehending countless laws of order, Owen wants to stay forever, because his understanding of the laws of order is constantly improving here every moment, and he is constantly moving towards order from body to heart. As the law approaches, it will eventually become part of the law of order, immortal and immortal.

In Eastern terms, it is the unity of nature and man, and the body is in harmony with the Tao. It is an irresistible temptation for those who seek the Tao, but it is no less than complete destruction for those who pursue themselves.

Fortunately, Owen's ambitions were more ambitious, and he did not indulge in everything that the Land of Order showed him. Instead, he regained his senses and began to choose suitable laws.

Next, Owen needs to burn his information into a law of order and use it as his main law. From then on, he will be registered in the land of order and become a true god of order. He will fight to maintain the law of order in the future. Even if you fall, you still have the possibility of being reborn from the laws of order, not to mention that you can use the laws of naming to understand the endless mysteries of the land of order at any time.

This is not much different from becoming a god. A true spirit on the list is immortal and can also gain priesthood and authority.

But if there are no such benefits, how can we attract those gods of order to work hard?

The laws of burning require the gods to carefully search for the one closest to them. If they don't understand enough, they have to find it with great effort. But for Owen, these laws of order are like the little girl who sees the rich and handsome man. It's almost sticking to my face, and I keep trying to stick it upside down.

But Irving is not a junior brother, so he naturally has to be patient and choose carefully.

Pushing aside the posted Law of Order, Owen finally saw the thickest one.

The most powerful law of order is absolute order, which is like a pillar of light that reaches the sky and supports the entire place of order. It is the sea-fixing needle here.

Unfortunately, if you want to leave your name on it, you must give up all emotions and desires and become the embodiment of absolute order. This is no different from being assimilated into a part of the law.

But even if you want to become a puppet, it is not that easy. Owen saw that although there were several names of gods on it, they flickered and gave people the feeling that they could be worn away at any time. Obviously, this was a mismatch between virtue and virtue.

Although he didn't know if he could write his name on it, Owen didn't have the idea of ​​reaching the sky in one step. He didn't even choose the laws of order that were second only to absolute order, such as order ruling. Instead, he chose the laws of order that were more neutral and natural.

This type of order law is not pure enough, but it is more free. Irving is quite satisfied with this. He does not want to tie himself to the order camp.

After successfully recording his information, the next step is to report and wait for assignments. Irving is still looking forward to this, just like when he joined his first job.

The Place of Order is the birthplace of the Law of Order rather than an office location, so after completing the registration, you must go to various important nodes of the Divine Network, where there are organizations established by the God of Order to facilitate the maintenance of the operation of the Law of Order in the surrounding area.

This is mainly because of the existence of the chaotic evil camp. If they are spread out, they can be easily defeated individually, and it is more efficient to form an organization.

Owen chose to stay close to an important node near the Northern Stars. When he arrived, he found that his choice was right.

There are large and small nodes in the Divine Network. The small one cannot accommodate a hand, and the large one can accommodate a seat.

Although the node Owen chose is not that big, it is enough to accommodate a demiplane, which is pretty good. At this time, a green demiplane was stuffed into the node to serve as an office for a group of order gods. .

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