Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 616 The divine net equals the way of heaven

In any case, after the Northern Stars officially entered the central area of ​​​​the material world, they were inevitably enveloped by the divine network and the magic network.

Even though Irving had made a lot of preparations for this, he was still a little nervous.

There is no way, ordinary people don't know the existence of the Divine Network at all, and it has no impact on their lives. Even if they become gods, they still have little knowledge of the Divine Network, because the level of the Divine Network is too high.

But Owen is different. The subspace is his body. Even if it is difficult to control it all, he can still sense the material world. That's why he understands what the divine net is, an invisible net and a ubiquitous net of laws.

In Owen's perception, the material world is the soil, and the Divine Net is deeply rooted in it like roots. While keeping the water and soil from being lost, it is also absorbing the nutrients in it. It is a win-win relationship.

But for Irving, it must be avoided at all costs.

But the fact is unavoidable and irresistible, because the divine net is everywhere in the central area of ​​the material world and cannot be avoided at all.

At this time, in Owen's perception, the net formed by countless laws is winding along the threads of the divine web that he pulled before, staining the plane wall of the Northern Stars like a spider web, stacking up layer by layer, and constantly looking for gaps to insert.

This is not a problem that can be solved by unplugging the network cable, because it is everywhere.

Fortunately, the Magic Network is trying to infect the magic-related laws of the Northern Stars. Once it is successfully taken over and online, all spellcasters in the Northern Stars will become users of the Magic Network, which is much more powerful than rogue office software.

However, it was because of this consideration that the empire promoted psionic energy before, and it indeed avoided the trap. Because magic does not exist in the Northern Stars, there is no way to start with the magic network. It can only fumble around on the surface, but it never works. Enter through the door.

In this case, either the magic network should be given up, or the original resources should be used to compile a new magic network to cover the northern stars. Either way, it will buy more time for Owen.

If the Magic Network can still be avoided, it will be difficult for the Divine Network, because the Divine Network does not target individual laws, but everything.

From the most basic basic laws of the earth, sky, ocean, etc., to entertainment laws such as travel, food, singing, etc., they are all within the scope of the Divine Net, and it will fill in the missing laws appropriately to make it healthier and more perfect.

This kind of invasion cannot be stopped at all, and no one will stop it.

The reason why it cannot be stopped is that the core origins of all planes born in the material world have already been marked by the divine network.

It's like although you are the boss, you still have to look at the landlord's face.

The reason why it won't be stopped is that any existence is eager to complete itself, even in the plane. The fewer flaws in its own laws, the more perfect it is, the stronger the resistance to the void, and the higher the upper limit, so the consciousness of the plane will instinctively cater to God. Network intrusion.

If your landlord pays you to update network pipes and add air conditioning, the boss will refuse.

Even the rebellious gods will not refuse the arrival of the Divine Net, because the Divine Net is the embodiment of countless laws, and the rich laws represent more and more comprehensive clergy and authority.

If the Northern Stars were not self-contained, with the Seed of the World Tree as the core, and filled with spiritual energy, they would have no ability to resist the all-pervasive invasion of the Divine Net, and would have long since transformed into the shape of the Divine Net.

You must know that once the Divine Network controls all the laws of the Northern Stars, it means that except for the house you live in, other property rights, properties, water and electricity, everything belongs to others, and the residents can be purified and leave the house at any time, which is very terrifying. thing.

At this moment, Owen has fully understood that the Divine Network is the way of heaven in the material world. No wonder the gods of order work for it, not only for prospects, future, and reality, but also for its establishment.

As long as there is a establishment, the harvest will be guaranteed regardless of drought or flood, and you can use your power to do things that you couldn't do originally, and it will open the door to convenience. Who wouldn't want it?

It's a pity that Irving already has his own foundation and will not choose to follow the path of the Divine Network for the sake of mere establishment, because the deeper he goes, the greater the impact and the more restrictions he will receive, and he will eventually become a tool of the Divine Network. Just like following the list of gods, I can't help myself.

Fortunately, he was well prepared and had already given up everything about the gods. Even the Kingdom of God had been drawn into the subspace, so he did not have to worry about his assets being controlled by the Divine Network. Now he only needed to consider reducing the impact on the Northern Stars.

It can only be lowered, not forced. Being forced is no different from blatantly rebelling. Therefore, the best way is to be at odds with one another, say one thing and do another, and don't directly engage in confrontation.

Thinking of this, Owen's incarnation Elf Sage united with World Tree to reprogram the shallow laws of the Northern Stars. At the same time, a group of goddesses were busy dividing the plane wall, intending to separate it into two layers, inside and outside.

Joan waved her scepter and gave way to split the wall. Charles held the double blades of chaos to expand the layering. The princesses and sisters of the universe supported the harmonious realm and stabilized the layering. The other goddesses were responsible for injecting the rules of re-weaving the world tree into it and dividing the layering. Thoroughly braced and will not bridge.

Although doing so weakens the original plane wall and increases the burden on the origin of the Northern Stars, it is equivalent to building a firewall so that the tentacles of the Divine Network cannot penetrate deep into the interior of the Northern Stars and will only stay in the mezzanine, because there is a A complete set of rules, no need to go any further.

Irving spent such a high price just because he didn't want to expose the real Northern Stars.

There is no way, the laws of the Northern Stars have been rewoven and filled by the World Tree. They are completely different from the laws of today's material world. They are more perfect and have greater value.

Compared to the Divine Network, which can only harvest the material world repeatedly, Owen with his system is like owning countless worlds. It may not be able to compare with the Divine Network in terms of the scale and quantity of laws, but it is comparable in terms of detail and perfection, and is even more powerful. Advantages, so the Shenwang cannot be copied away in vain, so it is put into a shell to confuse the opponent.

This is not enough, Owen also plans to break into the order camp, and while using the order camp to hide his true purpose, he is also preparing to quietly strengthen himself, and then overthrow Tiangang when the time is right.

He is no better than the Snake and Shield Bureau, he is familiar with this.

Moreover, he had a big tree at his back so he could enjoy the shade. Owen never minded joining other forces and becoming a wage earner in troubled waters. Otherwise, who else would be a time traveler and would honestly serve as a border lord for a feudal empire until the empire itself collapsed? , has long since rebelled and become emperor.

This is also related to Owen's age in his previous life, coupled with slight social fear and lack of self-motivation, which resulted in him having little motivation even if he had a golden finger. The results he achieved today were mostly due to being pushed.

If nothing happens, who knows how many years he will stay in the castle in the north, maybe until he builds all the underground cities into the imperial capital, and then becomes an unknown underground emperor.

However, the Divine Network is not an empire, and the gods of the order camp are not those corrupt nobles. The danger of Owen doing this is definitely not small.

But Owen also has his own huge advantage, which is subspace.

As long as the subspace still exists, Owen will be invincible, just like the Styx ancestor in the sea of ​​blood.

Secondly, the importance of the World Tree is far more important than Owen imagined. It will become an important means for him to fight against the God Network, the incarnation of the rules. It will also be an important bargaining chip to bribe his peers, increasing his chances of winning by at least 50%.

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