Without making another move to test, without even leaving a harsh word, the God of Wind turned around and planned to run away. Without such determination, he would not be able to hunt the gods, but two unicorns with wings appeared behind him at some point. Making his face darken.

Gods are not only in human form, so this does not delay Fengshen from recognizing that these are two gods, and they are quite powerful gods. Unless his body is here, otherwise.

These two gods, who look like Pegasus and Unicorns, radiate the radiance of the sun and the moon all over their bodies. From this, it can be seen that the priesthood is quite impressive, and the radiance also merges with each other to form a unique harmonious realm. Even the void can do nothing about this situation. Now, even the Wind God is not sure to escape, because he is the incarnation of divinity, and the opponent is the true body, and even if he drives the wind of the void, he cannot deflect it.

Maybe we can talk. Fengshen said elegantly while maintaining his grace. If he couldn't be beaten, he would use his mouth. Having come from hard times, he never felt ashamed. After all, he was still alive, and those who laughed at him were long gone.

The princess of the universe and the princess of the moon narrowed their big eyes, rarely showing hostility, and sneered at the words of the wind god.

The two sisters who were born in the world of fairy tales have many shortcomings, such as lack of fighting spirit, not being ruthless enough, and being easy to be soft-hearted. However, their abilities may be first-class. The most special thing is that their perception of malice is beyond the scope of magic, because they themselves It is too pure, no matter the spirit, soul or body, so it is very sensitive to even a little bit of pollution.

So no matter how well Fengshen disguises himself, he can't hide his malice and sin. In the eyes of the two sisters, he is like a cake made of shit, and they will be careless with just a few words.

At the same time, the species are all different. The wind god's charm that is nowhere to be found is of no use at all. He doesn't even have shiny hooves, and he dares to be called a handsome guy.

Seeing that the method was useless, the God of Wind glanced at the goddess of plump lips, and then his divine power fluctuated violently, causing the surrounding void to form a razor-like void wind that suddenly erupted. He wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but he didn't want the two sisters of the Universe Princess to just open up. The territory was suddenly calm and calm, causing Fengshen to let out a dumb bomb.

However, Fengshen didn't expect to escape with this move. In fact, after seeing the realm formed by the fusion of the two sisters of the Universe Princess, he knew that he was restrained to death, so what he did was just to cover up.

Under the cover of the violent fluctuations of the wind god's power, the inconspicuous sound of inhalation gradually increased, and the suction force increased from small to large at an extremely exaggerated speed. It was caused by the goddess of plump lips who opened her mouth to inhale.

The origin of the goddess with plump lips, known as the Kiss of the Void, is very mysterious, but her ability makes the wind gods who can move freely in the void very fearful. Although the upper limit is not known, ordinary gods are really not enough for her to breathe in one breath. Now he raised his head, opened his mouth, and straightened his neck. Looking from top to bottom, he could see the deep stomach, swallowing everything like an abyss. Even the realm held up by the two sisters of the Universe Princess was slightly rippled.

Unfortunately, the right time, place, and people were not available to them, so as soon as the goddess of plump lips started to inhale, a group of dark thorns exuding despair suddenly appeared in the void, and she inhaled it in one gulp.

The black thorns came out of nowhere and were endless. They choked the plump-lip goddess and rolled her eyes. It felt like taking a big mouthful of sticky asphalt with barbed wire inside. She couldn't stop and kept biting. I kept pouring it in until I was able to hold back my tears.

In fact, although this object comes from subspace, it is not Owen's thing, but the original power that suppresses the two witches in the Purgatory Kingdom.

The original power of the Witch of Despair and the Witch of Thorns contains original sin, and has been processed by the subspace. Even the plump-lipped goddess who can swallow the wind of the void cannot bear it. Her eyes suddenly turned white, her throat tightened, and her body trembled. He looks like he's been spoiled.

He tried his best to create opportunities, but his teammates failed to do anything. Knowing that there was no chance of a comeback, Fengshen had no choice but to surrender, but he had already begun to think about how to draw the opponent into the water.

Everyone wanted to beat the hunting gods, but the more they were beaten, the more they were beaten. Even the gods of the God of Order were engaging in this worthless business under the banner of justice. He did not believe that the other party was not interested.

Owen, who was unmoved, didn't know. He only knew that the giant god was sent to purgatory, the goddess with plump lips was dragged into the realm of death by Angel, and the wind god was the worst, nailed to the root of the world tree. Not to mention divine power, even divinity was lost. Under the influence of the Law of the World Tree, it solidified like a stone, and then was peeled off layer by layer like an onion, without a trace of waste. Divine power, divinity, gods, and even the encrypted memories of performing secret techniques were all stripped away. Project it for everyone to enjoy.

It is a pity that as the incarnation of divinity, the memory possessed by Fengshen is incomplete. After all, for gods, the incarnation is too closely related to the main body, but it is not strong enough. Once it falls into the hands of the enemy, it is afraid that the whole body will be touched from the inside out. It's clean, so memories are selective.

But it is precious enough for the empire, at least to make up for their lack of information in the central area of ​​the material world, not to mention the memory of the giant god and the goddess of plump lips to fill it.

From the memories of the three gods, we learned that the center of the material world is far more complicated than Owen and the Empire imagined. At the same time, there is a huge thing above all existence, and that is the Divine Net.

Although the Divine Net looks like a dead thing and has even suffered serious damage, in fact it always hangs high and covers the entire material world. That is to say, the Divine Net has no hands and feet and must rely on gods as its managers. Otherwise, it is a magical version of Skynet.

It is precisely for this reason that the God of Order dominates the material world. Whether it is Good, Neutral, or Evil, as long as it is related to Order, it is a good helper of the Divine Network. Even the God King of Order is selected by the Divine Network. Just a manager.

As for why the God of Order is so obedient, it is mainly because the Divine Network is the embodiment of the law of order. Helping the Divine Network maintain order is to maintain their priesthood and divinity. Therefore, no matter which god of order they are, they cannot resist the Divine Network. Recruitment, because rejecting the Divine Network is denying one's own foundation.

On weekdays, these gods of order sit at the important nodes of the Divine Network, spreading their authority through the Divine Network, setting order and maintaining stability in the material world. When something happens, they can quickly arrive with the help of the Divine Network, annex judgment, suppress and other tasks.

Although the God of Order acts a bit domineeringly, it has to be said that their existence has indeed allowed the material world to develop better, at least suppressing the frequency of chaos and destruction.

But where there is order, there is chaos. In addition to not having the blessing of the divine network, it is not weak, and there are more, so there are places outside the law, such as hunting gods.

After knowing this, Owen knew that in addition to his own divine system, he also needed to choose a camp to join, otherwise he might have to stay on the periphery of the material world.

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